1.An Analysis of Hamlet’s Images and the Reason for His Revenge Delay;哈姆莱特的形象及其复仇行动延宕的原因分析

1.Hamlet she played last night.昨晚她演的是哈姆莱特
2.Hamlet s Sword Directs Against Who?;哈姆莱特的剑刺向了谁?——试评哈姆莱特的命运观
3.The Comparison of the Artistic Characteristics between Hamlet and the Fly;《哈姆莱特》与《苍蝇》的艺术特点之比较
4.-- Wait till you hear him on Hamlet, Haines.“海恩斯,你等着听他议论哈姆莱特吧。”
5.A side-eye at my Hamlet hat.他们朝我这顶哈姆莱特帽斜瞟了一眼。
6.Hamlet: It will not speak; then I will follow it.哈姆莱特:它不肯说话,我还是跟它去。
7.Hamlet had gone too far to leave off here.哈姆莱特说得太露骨,收不住了。
8.Hamlet was a fictitious character.哈姆莱特是一个虚构的人物。
9.Eternal " Phallus "--On Hamlet s Death;永远的“菲勒斯”——论哈姆莱特之死
10.Falsehood and Truth:On Binary Opposition in Hamlet;假与真:《哈姆莱特》的二元对立结构
11.Comparing "Hamlet" and "Orphan Zhao";《哈姆莱特》和《赵氏孤儿》之比较
12.Voice from the Verge--The Clowns in Hamlet;来自边缘的声音——论《哈姆莱特》中的小丑
13.A Commentary On Ghost Revenge In Hamlet And Dower s Grudge;论《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》中的复仇鬼魂
14.Hamlet in 1601: Plot and Hero;1601年的《哈姆莱特》:结构与人物
15.Death-Worship --Discourse on the Art Image of Hamlet;死亡的崇拜——哈姆莱特艺术形象再论
16.Wild Ambition and lust for Power --On the tragedy of Hamlet and the king;野心和权欲——评哈姆莱特和国王的悲剧
17.Context and discourse: New explication of "To be, or not to be...;从语境与语篇谈哈姆莱特独白“To be,or not to be”的理解
18.The Love of Space and Distance:Hamlet in the Eyes of Play-goers时空之恋:观众眼里的《哈姆莱特

1.Falsehood and Truth:On Binary Opposition in Hamlet;假与真:《哈姆莱特》的二元对立结构
2.Dissimilation of Hamlet in Chinese Film The Banquet;从电影《夜宴》看《哈姆莱特》剧本在中国影视解读中的异化
3)the study of Hamlet哈姆莱特研究
4)Shakespeare's Hamlet莎剧《哈姆莱特》
5)appear as Hamlet扮演哈姆莱特
1.The Study of Harlem Renaissance;“哈莱姆文艺复兴”研究
2.Langston Hughes, a remarkable American black poet, was one of the most important writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance.兰斯顿·休斯是杰出的美国黑人诗人,“哈莱姆文艺复兴”的重要人物。
