1.Disillusion, Waiting, Hope——An Interpretation of Beckett s "Waiting for Godot";幻灭·等待·希望——解读贝克特的《等待戈多》
2.The Construction of Historical Setting in Ha Jin s Novel Waiting;哈金小说《等待》中历史背景的建构
3.Waiting-A Necessary Tactic in Chinese-English Simultaneous Interpretation;汉英同声传译中的等待技巧

1.To wait for a short period of time.稍待等待一会儿时间
2.To wait for further developments.等待时机,耐心等待等待更进一步的发展
3.Waiting in Pain, Struggling in Waiting: Analysis of Becketts Waiting for Godot;在痛苦中等待等待中抗争——《等待戈多》浅析
4.treat sb. as equals平等待人,平等相处
5.The reason the thread is waiting, if it is waiting.如果线程正在等待,则说明等待的原因。
6.Waiting and Hoping--An Interpretation of Beckett s Waiting For Godot;等待与希望——解读贝克特的《等待戈多》
7.Disillusion, Waiting, Hope--An Interpretation of Beckett s "Waiting for Godot";幻灭·等待·希望——解读贝克特的《等待戈多》
8.The Consciousness Of Waiting In DUINESER ELEGIEN And WAITING FOR GODOT;《杜伊诺哀歌》与《等待戈多》中的等待意识
9.He awaited her answer with impatience.他迫不及待地等待着她的回音。
10.So we wait for the storm to pass, hoping for the best.我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。
11.The expectant crowd in the street waited patiently for the queen街上期待的人群耐心地等待著女皇
12.The expectant crowd in the street wait patiently for the queen.街上期待的人群耐心地等待著女皇。
13.The jobless man did nothing but wait for his chance.那个失业者守株待兔等待机会。
14.The expectant crowds in the streets waited patiently for the queen.街上期待的人群耐心地等待着女皇。
15.I look forward to mealtime with anticipation.我以期待的心情等待用饭的时间到来。
16.holding station (to await collection)车辆停留站(等待取走)
17.They lay in ambush for us.他们埋伏等待我们。
18.they usually raise a hand and wait to be called on.学生应举手等待老师叫。

1.This paper made a case study of the short story Fathers Visit by WEI Wei,analyzing the estranged relationship between "the Seventies" and their elders as well as the embarrassing condition they are in trapped between "escape" and "wait".本文以魏微的短篇小说《父亲来访》做个案研究,分析了上世纪"七十年代以后"与父辈间的隔膜关系以及他们在"逃离"与"等待"的夹缝中的尴尬处境。
2.The Author provides a new pseudo task concept to fit the concrete fact,designs and implements a non preemptive cycle schedule algorithm based on time slice,by the way of building a task control table and pseudo task“trap”and“wait”.提出了一种新颖的伪任务概念 ,通过构造任务控制表及和任务自陷及等待的方法 ,设计与实现了一种非剥夺按时间片循环调度算法。
3.From the proposition that the human beings just look for the evidence and meaning of life through the painful waiting, this paper discusses how an individual, faced with the dying belief and the absurd society, lives on level-headedly and toughly.作为荒诞派戏剧的代表作之一,塞缪尔·贝克特的《等待戈多》被赋予了多种解读可能。
3)wait for等待
1.Helpless waiting;等待无奈——读哈金《等待
5)To await; wait for.等待;等候…
6)waiting time等待时间
1.Numerical approximation of waiting time distribution in a GI/G/1 system;GI/G/1系统等待时间分布的数值近似法
2.Analysis of effects of queuing model on ship s waiting time;排队模型对船舶等待时间的影响分析
3.The waiting time of M/M/C/N queuing system with balking,reneging and multiple synchronous vacations of partial servers;带有止步和中途退出的M/M/C/N部分服务员同步多重休假排队系统的等待时间

等待1.不采取行动﹐直到期望或意料中的人﹑事物或情况出现。 2.犹等到。