版纳鱼螈,Ichthyophis bannanica
1)Ichthyophis bannanica版纳鱼螈
1.A Study on Reproductive System of the Yunnan Caecilian Ichthyophis bannanica;版纳鱼螈的生殖系统解剖
2.Peripheral Hematocytes in Caecilian Ichthyophis bannanica版纳鱼螈外周血细胞观察

1.Anatomical and Histological Observation of Digestive Tract in the Ichthyophis bannanicus版纳鱼螈消化道解剖学和组织学观察
2.An Investigation On The Quantity And Distribution Of Ichthyophis Bannanicus In The Town Of Liuma In Beiliu City;北流市六麻镇版纳鱼螈数量和分布初步调查
3.Composition and Status of Fishes of Nanla River in Xishuangbanna,Yunnan,China云南西双版纳罗梭江的鱼类物种组成及现状
4.Composition and Status of Fishes of Nanla River in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China云南省西双版纳州南拉河鱼类组成及其现状
5.It is impossible to say with certainty what Ichthyostega was doing ashore.但我们没办法笃定说鱼石螈在岸上做些什麽事。
6.Studies on the Skeleton System of Genus Echinotriton and Tylototriton (Caudata: Salamandridae);棘螈属和疣螈属(有尾目:蝾螈科)骨骼系统的研究
7.Hsishuangbanna Nature Reserve西双版纳自然保护区
8.The Chinese name Xi'Shuang'Ban'Na is a transliteration of the original Dai name which means twelve thousand fields.西双版纳,是傣语译音,意为“十二(西双)千(版)田(纳)”。
9.The game introduce:New version the big fish eat fingerling, the direction key control marches forward a direction.游戏介绍:新版大鱼吃小鱼,方向键控制行进方向。
10.ovoviviparous amphibian of the Alps.阿尔卑斯山卵生的蝾螈。
11.newt that is similar to Taricha granulosa in characteristics and habitat.在特征和习性方面类似粗皮蝾螈的蝾螈。
12.Comparative Studies on the Skeletal Systems of Paramesotriton fuzhongensis and P. guangxiensis富钟瘰螈和广西瘰螈骨骼系统的比较研究
13.On the Protection of Dai Ganlan Style Architecture--the Case of Dai Garden,Xishuangbanna,Yunnan Province;小议西双版纳傣族干栏式建筑的保护——以西双版纳傣族园为例
14.Effects of Nano-Copper and Other Nano-particles on the Development of Zebrafish Embryos纳米铜等纳米材料对斑马鱼胚胎发育的影响
16.Rainforest of xishuangbanna,OASIS on the TROPIC回归带上的绿洲西双版纳的热带雨林
17.XishuangBanna is a paradise in which all living Beings thrive and flourish.西双版纳是一个繁茂的生物世界。
18.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the region was instituted as the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.解放后,成立了西双版纳傣族自治州。

Ichthyophis bannanicus版纳鱼螈
1.Ichthyophis bannanicus is an endangered amphibian in China,The population of the species is small,and their distribution is narrow,An investigation on the quantity and distribution of the Ichthyophis Bannanicus in the town of Liuma in Beiliu city was taken.版纳鱼螈是我国濒危的两栖类动物,分布区域狭窄,数量极少。
1.Assessment of Ecosystem Services Benefit for Mengla Nature Reserve in Xishuangbanna;云南典型自然保护区生态系统服务效益计量——以西双版纳勐腊自然保护区为例
2.Ecological Environment Impact from Large-scale Rubber Planting in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳大面积橡胶种植与生态环境影响
3.A preliminary study on species diversity,usage and ecological impact of alien plants in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳外来植物的物种多样性、用途和生态危害的初步研究

鱼石螈  已知最早的两栖动物。化石发现于格陵兰泥盆纪晚期地层中。它身长约 1米,适应于水边生活。鱼石螈的骨骼构造,既有总鳍鱼类(Crossopterygii)的特征,又有原始两栖类的特征,是脊椎动物从水到陆过渡阶段的代表。它的头盖构造虽已与早期迷齿类的相近,但其吻部结构还不及大多两栖类那样完善。例如外鼻孔位于头骨前端的边缘上,且只有一块纤薄的骨片与内鼻孔隔开;而后期两栖类动物的外鼻孔位于头骨背面,内鼻孔位于腭的前部,两者之间以宽大的骨头完全隔开。它的鳃盖骨已退化,但仍有前鳃盖骨的残留。腭部构造也较原始,只有一个小小的翼间孔。尤其是鱼石螈还有一个小的背尾鳍,且还保留着鱼类的尾鳍条。脊椎构造虽比总鳍鱼类的有所进步,但未能很好的适应陆地生活的要求。肢带和四肢已是早期两栖类的模式,虽还较弱、较短,却已能初步支撑身体,在陆地上活动。    虽然,鱼石螈是刚刚从其鱼类祖先,进化到登上陆地的两栖动物,其结构特征还未完全适应陆地生活的要求,但基本上已解决了脊椎动物从水到陆所面临的主要问题,在脊椎动物的进化史中,有着重要的作用。