三趾跳鼠,Dipus sagitta
1)Dipus sagitta三趾跳鼠
1.Primary Study on the Diet and Reproductive Characteristics of Dipus sagitta in Hunshandake Sandy Land;浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖特征的初步分析
2.Food habits were studied for four dominant rodents ( Phodopus roborovskii, Dipus sagitta, Meriones meridianus and Cricetulus barabensis ) inhabiting in Ordos sandland, NeiMongol in 1997.采用笼养饲喂法、野外个体颊囊内含物统计法和胃内含物分析法 3种方法 ,于 1 997年对内蒙古鄂尔多斯沙地中的 4种主要啮齿动物 (小毛足鼠 Phodopus roborovskii、三趾跳鼠Dipus sagitta、子午沙鼠 Meriones meridianus和黑线仓鼠 Cricetulus barabensis)的食性进行了研究 。

2.type genus of the Dipodidae; typical jerboas having three toes on each hind food.跳鼠科的模式属;典型的跳鼠,后足有三个脚趾。
3.Stance Stability of a Hopping Robot Considering the Role of Toes考虑脚趾的仿袋鼠跳跃机器人落地稳定性研究
4.David Trench Home for the Aged [Tung Wah Group of Hospitals]戴麟趾安老院〔东华三院〕
5.A hen's claw has three toes.母鸡的脚爪有三个脚趾。
6.a deformity in which the space between the third and fourth toes extends up into the foot.第三第四脚趾裂缝畸形。
7.The ladies again skipped and danced and bounced on their toes.女士们再度以她们的趾尖轻跳、舞蹈、弹跳。
8.They walked and skipped and danced on their toes.她们蹑着脚趾尖走路,轻跳,及舞蹈。
9.From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.在三趾蟾蜍女郎的卧室,三趾蟾蜍女郎用牠的三趾能力将二趾蟾蜍的念头打消了。
10.Either of two cliff-nesting gulls(Rissa tridactyla or R. brevirostris) of northern regions, having a rudimentary hind toe.三趾鸥后趾已退化的在悬崖筑巢的鸥(三趾鸥或红脚三趾鸥),居住在北部地区
11.Catches when the mouse cannot startled run themouse, the foot end lives has the sharp fingernail.捕鼠时不会惊跑鼠,趾端生有锐利的爪。
12.He was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she.牠是一只二趾的蟾蜍,而蟾蜍女郎是三趾的。
13.Having three toes, claws, or similar parts on each limb.三趾的在每个肢体上有三个手指、足趾或类似的结构的
14.Characters of Echolocation Calls in Myotis macrodactylus大趾鼠耳蝠回声定位声波特征与分析
15.Any of various small, quaillike Old World birds of the family Turnicidae that lack a hind toe and are related to the crane and the bustard.三趾鹑一种象鹌鹑的无后脚趾的三趾鹑科小体型东半球鸟类,与鹤和大鸨有一定的亲缘关系
16.Jumping events include the high jump, long jump, triple jump and pole vault.跳跃项目包括跳高、跳远、三级跳远和撑竿跳高。
17.a variety of button quail having stripes.三趾鹑的变种,身上有条纹。
18."I brushed the first three toes with my hand.“我把前三个脚趾头擦干净。

Allactaga sibirica五趾跳鼠
1.The Influence of Different Grazing Systems on the Diet Habit of Allactaga sibirica放牧制度对五趾跳鼠食性的影响
2.Objective The regularity of population dynamics of mongolia five toed jerboa (Allactaga sibirica) were studies in the central and western region of Inner Mongolia to provide the basis of prediction and control.目的观察内蒙古中西部地区五趾跳鼠数量变动规律,为预测预报和防制提供依据。
3.Objective To investigate the species and composing of parasitical fleas of Allactaga sibirica in plague natural foci of Hebei Province.目的 了解河北省鼠疫自然疫源地内五趾跳鼠寄生蚤的种类和构成。
3)Allactaga elater dzungariae小五趾跳鼠
1.Allactaga elater dzungariae:2n=48,N.小五趾跳鼠2n=48,N。
4)Bullae inlarged jeboa (Allactaga bullata)巨泡五趾跳鼠(或戈壁五趾跳鼠)(AllactagabullataAllen)
6)ctenodactyloid rodents梳趾鼠类
1.The group represents a local radiation of ctenodactyloid rodents closely related to, but not a member of Hystricognathi.该类群代表了一个从梳趾鼠类分化出的区域性支系,虽与豪猪次目相近,但并不是它的成员。
