1.The development of geobiology is emphasized on geomicrobiology.当前地球生物学发展的重点是地球微生物学
2)microbial geochemistry微生物地球化学
1.The history and advances of microbial geochemistry are elucidated in this article.本文阐述了微生物地球化学的发展历程及微生物地球化学近期的研究进展。

1.The Distribution and Micro-biogeochemistry Behavior of Sulfur Speciation in Sediment from the Plateau Lake;高原湖泊沉积物中硫形态分布与微生物地球化学行为
2.biogeochemical ecology生物地球化学生态学
3.The Study on the Characters of Geochemistry on Crude Oil after Microbe Degradation;微生物作用下原油的地球化学特征研究
4.The Effects of Aboveground Plants, Geochemical Elements and Battery Contamination on Characteristics of Soil Microbial Communities;地上植物、地球化学元素及电池污染对土壤微生物群落特征的影响
5.biogeochemistry of estuaries河口港湾生物地球化学
6.biogeochemical dispersion halo生物地球化学分散晕
7.Geochemical Significance of the Microbial Function of Saturation Hydrocarbon of Calcilutites from the Sebei Well 1 of Qaidam Basin柴达木盆地涩北1井钙质泥岩饱和烃微生物作用的地球化学意义
8.Determination of Micro Amount Pb in Geochemical Samples by Hydride Generation Nondisoersive AFS氢化物发生—无色散原子荧光光谱法测定地球化学样品中微量铅
9.Studies on Biogeochemistry of DMS and DMSP in the Microlayer and Subsurface Water;海水微表层与次表层中DMS和DMSP的生物地球化学研究
10.Geochemical Characteristics of Organic Matter in Low-mature Source Rocks with Microorganisms低熟烃源岩有机质在微生物作用下的地球化学特征
11.plant microbial biochemistry植物微生物生物化学
12.invertebrate paleobiogeochemistry无脊椎动物古生物地球化学
13.biogeochemical cycle of pollutants污染物的生物地球化学循环
14.Biogeochemistry of Organochlorine Pollutants in Hongfeng Reservoir;红枫湖有机氯污染物的生物地球化学
15.microbial physiobiochemistry微生物生理生物化学
16.Environmental Geochemistry of Trace Elements ?微量元素环境地球化学
17.biochemistry of microbial toxin微生物毒素生物化学
18.Relationships between Soil Microbial Diversity and Geochemical Elements in Typical Agricultural Products Bases in Shandong Province, China;山东省典型农产品基地土壤微生物多样性与地球化学元素关系研究

microbial geochemistry微生物地球化学
1.The history and advances of microbial geochemistry are elucidated in this article.本文阐述了微生物地球化学的发展历程及微生物地球化学近期的研究进展。
4)microbial geochemical processes微生物地球化学作用
1.Geomicrobial geochemical processes:Significance and prospects.;地质微生物地球化学作用的意义与展望
5)microalgal biogeochemistry微藻生物地球化学
6)environmental geomicrobiology环境地球微生物学

海洋生物地球化学  见海洋地球化学。