木本植物,woody plants
1)woody plants木本植物
1.Species diversity and floristic characteristics of woody plants in the dry valley of the Bailong River,China;白龙江干旱河谷木本植物多样性及其区系地理特征
2.Discussion on the embolism repairing in xylem of woody plants;木本植物木质部栓塞修复机制的探讨
3.Progress of organogenesis and plant regeneration in woody plants in China;木本植物组织培养器官发生植株再生研究进展

1.dyewood extract木本植物染料萃取物,植物染料提取物
2.The botanical study of trees and other woody plants.树木学研究树木和其他木本植物的植物学
3.a disease of tropical woody plants(cocoa or tea or citrus).热带木本植物的一种疾
4.Relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant.草本的与木本植物不同的,关于草本植物的或有草本植物特征的
5.The planting and care of woody plants, especially trees.树木栽培木本植物的种植与护理,尤指树
6.Response of woody plant phenophases to climate change for recent 30 years in Guiyang贵阳木本植物物候对气候变化的响应
7.Several Supplementary on the Embolism Forming and Repairing in Xylem of Woody Plants木本植物木质部栓塞的形成和修复的几点补充
8.The roots of woody plants grow deep.木本植物的根茎长得很深。
9.shears with strong blades used for light pruning of woody plants.有硬刃片用来剪木本植物的剪子。
10.Any small, leafless branch of a woody plant.细枝,嫩枝木本植物的小的无叶的枝条
11.herbaceous or woody climbers.草本或木本攀缘植物。
12.shrubs and small trees and woody vines.灌木和小型乔木和木本攀缘植物。
13.tropical woody tendril-climbing vines.热带木本卷须攀缘植物。
14.Old World woody vines.旧大陆木质草本植物。
15.A plant having no permanent woody stem;an herb.草本植物,花草没有永久木茎的植物;草本植物
16.(botany) characteristic of a nonwoody herb or plant part.(植物学)草或植物部分没有木本特性的。
17.herbs and shrubs and small trees: cotton.草本植物灌木和小乔木植物的一个属;棉花。
18.decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines.装饰性木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。

woody plant木本植物
1.Heavy metal toxicity and resistant mechanisms in woody plants;木本植物重金属毒害及抗性机理
2.Combustibility ordering and sorting of 35 woody plant species in Kunming area;昆明地区35种森林木本植物的燃烧性排序与分类
3.Florstic analysis of the woody plant in Jinggangshan Mountain National Nature Reserve;井冈山自然保护区木本植物区系分析
3)Wood plant木本植物
1.New records of the wood plant from Guizhou;贵州木本植物分布新记录
2.Research on Wood Plant Flora of Evergreen Broadleaf Forest on the Western Edge of the Sichuan Basin;四川盆地西缘湿性常绿阔叶林区木本植物区系研究
3.This paper first deals with local distribution of the major wood plant in Tsuga longibracteata communities distributed in Fujian,Guandong,Guanxi,Guizhou and Hunan provinces.对福建、广东、广西、贵州和湖南分布的长苞铁杉 ( Tsuga longibracteata)群落主要木本植物种类的局域分布进行研究 。
1.Study on Holotype Xylophyta of as Producing Place of Hubei Province;以湖北为模式标本产地的木本植物的研究
2.In order to research into the mechanism of resisting salt in five kinds of xylophyta under salt resistance, the relevant experiment was set about in terms of halo-tolerant anatomical structure.为了探究五种木本植物颉颃盐逆境的抗盐机理,本实验从抗盐解剖结构的角度着手,对采自不同生态环境的小青杨Populus pseudo-simonii Kitag、银白杨Populus alba L。
5)non-wood plant非木本植物
6)ligneous plant木化植物,木本植物
