维管植物,vascular plant
1)vascular plant维管植物
1.Effects of vascular plants on methane emissions from natural wetlands;维管植物对自然湿地甲烷排放的影响
2.Investigation on medicinal vascular plants in Funiu mountain;伏牛山药用维管植物调查
3.Investigation and analysis of wetland vascular plants in Guangzhou area;广州地区湿地维管植物资源调查与分析

1.Any of various vascular plants, including seed plants and ferns, having a conducting system of xylem and phloem.导(维)管植物任何种类的维管植物,包括种子植物和蕨类植物,具有木质部和韧皮部导管系统
2.A cell in the xylem of vascular plants.管胞在维管植物的木质部中的细胞
3.Studied on the Flora of Vascular Plant and Wild Plant Resources of South Dahong Mountain;湖北大洪山南麓维管植物区系和植物资源研究
4.The vascular plants may be grouped into a single division, the Tracheophyta.具维管组织的植物在分类学上都归属为一个单独的维管植物门。
5.One of the tubular conductive vessels in the xylem of vascular plants.导管维管植物的木质部中的管状引导管之一
6.Anthocerophyta (hornworts) The small phylum of nonvascular plants.角苔:非维管植物中的一个小门。
7.The Floristic Geography of Vascular Plant in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi Province;陕北黄土高原维管植物区系地理研究
8.Sustainable Utilization of Aquatic Vascular Plants Resources in Huangshan Region;黄山市水生维管植物资源的永续利用
9.Investigation Ascular Plant Resources in the Wetland of the Old Yellow River of East Henan;豫东黄河故道湿地维管植物资源调查
10.The vascular plant biodiversity in the hydro-fluctuation belt of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡库区消落带维管植物多样性研究
11.My botanical interest is largely confined to the reproductive processes in vascular plants.我对植物学的兴趣主要限于维管植物的生殖过程。
12.Correlations of elements for bryophytes and vascular plants from Getang carlin gold deposit戈塘卡林型金矿区苔藓植物与维管植物元素相关性研究
13.Vascular plants Plants containing differentiated cells forming conducting tissue (vascular tissue, also known as fascicular tissue), which comprises the xylem and phloem.维管植物:具有能够形成体内运输组织(维管组织:包括木质部和韧皮部)的分化细胞的植物。
14.They have thus been able to colonize the drier habitats that are inaccessible to the nonvascular bryophytes.因此,比起不具维管的苔藓类植物,维管植物可以在较干旱的陆地上栖居。
15.lower tracheophytes in existence since the Devonian.自从泥盆纪以来就生存的低等维管植物
16.Study on the Flora of the Vascular Plants in the Dalinor National Nature Reserve;达里诺尔自然保护区维管植物区系研究
17.The Diversity Study of Vascular Plants in Yaoluoping Nature Reserve from Anhui Province;安徽鹞落坪自然保护区维管植物多样性研究
18.A Floristic Study of the Vascular Plants on Jingshan Mountain Extension in Jingmen City, Hubei Province;湖北省荆门市荆山余脉维管植物区系研究

vascular plants维管植物
1.Analysis on the flora of the vascular plants from Labagoumen forest region in Beijing.;北京喇叭沟门林区维管植物区系分析
2.Characteristics of vascular plants flora and vegetation types in Chaocha Nature Reserve;潮查自然保护区维管植物区系及植被类型特征
3.The floristic analysis of vascular plants in Yaoluoping nature reserve from Anhui province;安徽鹞落坪自然保护区维管植物区系分析
1.The present paper deals with the species diversity,the diversity of life forms,the patterns of spatial distribution,ecological and geographical characteristics of the Chinese endemic species of the tracheophyta in Shandong provinceSome pratical counter measures for conservation and sustained development of the biodiversity of the endemic species are presente论述了维管植物特有种的物种组成多样性、生活型多样性和空间分布格局多样性及其生态地理特征和区系特征 ,并对特有种的生物多样性保护与持续发展提出了切实可行的对
2.The present paper deals with the species diversity,the diversity of life forms,the patterns of spatial distribution,and the ecological and geographical characteristics of the Chinese endemic species of the tracheophyta in Shandong province.论述了山东维管植物特有种的物种组成多样性、生活型多样性和空间分布格局多样性及其生态地理特征和区系特征 。
4)vascular plant具维管束植物;维管植物
5)vascular plants维管束植物
1.New distribution records of eight vascular plants in Fujian Province;福建8种维管束植物分布新记录
2.Flora characteristics of vascular plants of coastal wetlands of southern Laizhou Bay and its protection;莱州湾南岸滨海湿地维管束植物的区系特征及保护
3.Flora characteristics of vascular plants in wetland nature reserves in Beijing.;北京湿地自然保护区维管束植物区系特征分析
6)nonvascular Plants非维管植物
