陆生植物,Terrestrial plant
1)Terrestrial plant陆生植物
1.Terrestrial plant stable carbon isotope composition and global change.;陆生植物稳定碳同位素组成与全球变化
2.The study on the effect of terrestrial plants(Canna generalis and Rhoeo discolor)in different planting patterns repairing entropic water showed that the removal rates of TN,NO-3-N and NH+4-N in both Canna generalis and Rhoeo discolor\'s double biomass groups are significantly higher than the ones in their single biomass groups.研究了陆生植物美人蕉(Canna generalis)与紫背万年青(Rhoeo discolor)不同种植方式对净化富营养化水体中氮的影响。

1.A Study on the Biomass and Productivity of Main Terrestrial Community at the Jiuzhaigou Valley;九寨沟陆生植物群落的生物量和生产力研究
2.Morphological and Reproductive Adaptation of Arundinella Hirta and Salix Variegata to Flooding;两种陆生植物对水淹的形态和生殖响应
3.Effect of terrestrial plants with different planting patterns on phosphorus removal in eutrophic water不同种植方式对陆生植物去除富营养化水体中磷的影响
4.The Effects of Summer and Winter Long-term Submergence on Survival, Underwater Growth and Recovery Growth of Several Terrestrial Plants;不同季节长期水淹对几种陆生植物的存活、生长和恢复生长的影响
5.any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Cheilanthes; cosmopolitan in arid and semi-arid temperate or tropical regions.碎米蕨属的陆生植物;生长于全球干旱和半干旱温带或热带地区。
6.perennial of the genus Phytolacca.商陆属多年生草本植物。
7.epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial ferns of tropical Old World.热带旧大陆的附生、岩生或陆生蕨类植物。
8.A land plant that grows in an environment having a moderate amount of moisture中生植物指在中等湿度环境中生长的陆地植物
9.Old World perennial bulbous herbs.旧大陆一个多年生球根草本植物的属。
10.often epiphytic tropical Old World ferns.通常为附生的热带旧大陆蕨类植物。
11.small genus of Old World weedy prostrate annuals: knawel.旧大陆一个一年生植物小属,杂草状,匍匐;线球草。
12.mostly perennial Old World herbs.主要为旧大陆多年生草本植物的一个属。
13.terrestrial or less than normally scandent ferns of tropical regions of northern hemisphere.北半球热带地区的陆生而非攀缘蕨类植物。
14.Transplan technology and biology characers of landlocked atlantic salmon陆封型大西洋鲑生物学特性与移植驯化技术
15.A review on the functions of nitrogen-fixers in terrestrial ecosystems固氮类植物在陆地生态系统中的作用研究进展
16.land plant growing in surroundings having an average supply of water; compare xerophyte and hydrophyte.生长在中等水源环境下的陆地植物;与旱生植物和水生植物构成对比。
17.Investigations on Bioactive Constituents from Three Marine Organisms and One Terrestrial Higher Plant;三种海洋生物和一种陆地植物化学成分及其生物活性研究
18.Old World annual having fragrant purple to deep crimson flower heads; naturalized in United States.旧大陆的一年生植物,花有香味、紫色至深红色;被移植到美国。

terrestrial plants陆生植物
1.As terrestrial plants is slightly influenced by season changing and managed easily,while hyperaccumulators and transgenic plants have stronger functions of richment and absor.由于陆生植物受季节影响小且易于管理,超富集植物和转基因植物具有较高的吸收、吸附和富集的作用的特点相继成为湿地系统中植物研究的热点。
3)Land plant陆生植物
1.The origin and evolution of land plants was an important event in the history of earth life and has affected all other lives on the earth and global environment.陆生植物的起源和演化是地球生命中的重大事件 ,它影响到地球上所有的其他生命和全球环境。
4)organisms of land陆生动植物
5)terrestrial vegetation theory陆生植物说
6)land-plant source rock陆生植物生油岩
