1.Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the early Cretaceous shoshonite of Siziwangqi area,Inner Mongolia;内蒙古四子王旗早白垩世钾玄岩的地球化学特征及其形成构造环境
2.Analysis on Biologic Climate Resources and its Changes in Siziwangqi;四子王旗生物气候资源及其变异分析
3.As a representative intrusion,the Damiao granitoids mainly consisted of mid-course grained granodiorite with abundant mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs)in the north of Siziwangqi area and the MMEs provided important information for the genesis and evolvement of the granite.四子王旗北大庙岩体作为一个典型代表,以花岗闪长岩为主,其内部普遍发育镁铁质微粒包体,对理解花岗岩石成因和演化有重要意义。

1.Research on the Grass-measurement Formulation Technology of Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia内蒙古四子王旗“测草配方”技术研究
2.Research on the Weijingsumu Tourmaline Deposit in Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia;内蒙古四子王旗卫境苏木电气石矿床研究
3.Study Plant Benefit on Comparating Clover with Other Crops in Siziwangqi四子王旗苜蓿与其它作物种植效益对比研究
4.Study on the Limiting Mineral Nutrition Factors of the Grazing Sheep in the Siziwangqi Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古四子王旗地区放牧绵羊矿物质营养限制因子的研究
5.The Feature of Tectonic-Magna Belt of Datan-Siziwangqi-Zhaohe Temple in Middle Area, Inner Mongolia;内蒙古中部大滩—四子王旗—召河庙构造岩浆岩带特征及意义
6.Analysis about Ecological Security System of Region Tourism Development--Taking "Gegentala Grassland Tourist Center of Siziwang Banner of Inner Mongolia" as an Example;区域旅游发展的生态安全系统分析——以内蒙古自治区四子王旗为例
7.An Evaluation of Prairie Ecosystem s Tourism Value--A Case Study on Siziwang Banner of Inner Mongolia;草原生态系统旅游价值的评估——以内蒙古自治区四子王旗为例
8.Experimental analysis on soil wind-erosion amount in Siziwang Banner North Yinshan Mountain,Inner Mongolia;内蒙古阴山北部四子王旗土壤风蚀量的测试分析
9.Study of the Soil Erosions Hazard in Agro-pastoral Zigzag Zone and Its Cause --A Case Study on Siziwangqi of Inner Mongolia;农牧交错带水土流失的危害及其成因——以内蒙古四子王旗为例
11.Spatial Distribution Characterstics of Root Volume of Caragana spp. and Grass Compound Model at Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia内蒙古四子王旗带状柠条林根系体积空间分布特征
12.The study on sustainable development after the grain for green project in the agricultural and pasturing interlaced zone--A case of Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia退耕后农牧交错带农业可持续发展研究——以内蒙古四子王旗为例
13.Research on the Road Erosion of the Rural Area in the Semi-arid Hill Region--Taking the Southern Region of Siziwang County as An Example半干旱丘陵地区乡村道路侵蚀研究——以内蒙古四子王旗南部为例
14.Thoughts and Suggestions on Developing the Animal Husbandry Economy of Siziwang Banner of Inner Mongolia对内蒙古四子王旗发展畜牧业经济的几点思考及建议
15.Study on the Change of Land Use in Pastoral Area of Farming-Pastoral Transitional Zone-A Case of Siziwangqi;农牧交错带牧区土地利用方式变化过程研究——以内蒙古自治区四子王旗为例
16.Soil erosions and the ecological environment depravation in agro-pastoral zigzag zone and its cause--A case study on the Siziwang Qi Southeast of Inner Mongolia;农牧交错带水土流失与生态环境恶化及成因——以内蒙古四子王旗东南部为例
17.The influence of climatic variation and human activity on sand-storm happening days--Taking Siziwang County Inner Mongolia as an example气候变化和人类活动对沙尘暴发生日数的影响——以内蒙古四子王旗为例
18.Effect of Warming and Fertilization on Soil Organic Matter--With Research Base of Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Located in Siziwangqi as Example增温和施肥对土壤有机质的影响——以内蒙古农牧业科学院四子王旗基地为例

Siziwang Banner四子王旗
1.Spatial Distribution Characterstics of Root Volume of Caragana spp. and Grass Compound Model at Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia内蒙古四子王旗带状柠条林根系体积空间分布特征
2.The paper analyzes the correlation among grazing pressure,present productivity and animal carrying capacity of the grasslands in Siziwang Banner,Proposes some suggestions for grassland management.文章对四子王旗草场牧草生产量与载畜量现状相关性和草场牧草生产潜力与载畜量相关性进行分析、计算的基础上,提出了全旗草场载畜量调控建议。
3.The annual yield of dry grass in the natural pasture of Chaganbuligesumu of Siziwang banner in Inner Mongolia was 450 kg/ hm2 and the quality of forage grass and feed supplied by this natural pasture was evaluated to be 1st grade comprehensively.内蒙古四子王旗查干布力格苏木的天然草场,每年产干草450kg/hm2,提供的饲草料质量的综合评定结果为1等。
3)Siziwangqi area四子王旗
1.A suit of highly potassic basalt bearing deep-source xenoliths has been discovered recently in the Siziwangqi area, Inner Mongolia.内蒙古四子王旗地区发现含有深源捕虏体的富钾玄武岩。
2.There is a suite of mantle xenoliths bearing olivine basalt discovered recently in the south of Siziwangqi area, Inner Mongolia.内蒙古四子王旗东八号地区最近发现含有深源捕虏体的富钾橄榄玄武岩。
1.Pollution of NO_3~- in groundwater in Wuchuan-Siziwangqi area,Inner Mongolia;内蒙古武川-四子王旗地区地下水中的NO_3~-污染
5)Siziwangqi shoshonite四子王旗钾玄岩
6)Sizhiwangqi Banner of Inner Mongolia内蒙古四子王旗

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