河姆渡文化,Hemudu culture
1)Hemudu culture河姆渡文化
1.Paleosalinity in Tianluoshan Site and the Relation between Hemudu Culture and Its Environmental Background浙江田螺山遗址古盐度及其环境背景同河姆渡文化演化的关系
2.the bone spade,is the key factor to determine the developing stage of rice planting of Hemudu culture.骨耜的真正用途是认定河姆渡文化稻作农业发展阶段的关键,考古发掘新证据说明骨耜用来深掘灰坑和柱洞,它与干栏式建筑密不可分。
3.High values of micro-charcoal and increasing of Gamineae (≥35 μm) pollen during this period may suggest human activity before the Hemudu Culture.全新世早中期,海侵发生,植被由亚热带针阔叶混交林发展为常绿落叶阔叶混交林,碳屑和禾本科(≥35μm)花粉的增高说明,可能在河姆渡文化之前,研究区已经有人类活动。

1.Paleosalinity in Tianluoshan Site and the Relation between Hemudu Culture and Its Environmental Background浙江田螺山遗址古盐度及其环境背景同河姆渡文化演化的关系
2.Some small hand-moulded pottery animal figures of the Qujialing culture in Hubei Province and the Hemudu culture in Zhejiang Province have been unearthed.在湖北屈家岭文化、浙江河姆渡文化中,出土了一些手捏的只有数厘米大小的动物雕塑。
3.In 1978, red lacquer bowls and tubes of the Hemudu Culture were found in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province.根据是1978年在浙江余姚河姆渡文化遗址中发现了朱漆木碗和朱漆筒,
4."The discoveries of the Hemudu ruins, Yuyao city, Zhejiang province, proved that both the Yangtze and Yellow rivers nourished Chinese civilization. "在浙江余姚河姆渡发现的古代文物表明,是黄河和长江共同哺育了中国文化。
5.Fifthly, with the Siduhe Village being the center, excavate the“ blue” Huaijiuhe and build the ecological sightseeing base.五是以四渡河村为主,挖掘“蓝色”怀九河文化,打造生态观光游览基地。
6.Research on Virtual Exhibition System for Hemudu Site Museum河姆渡遗址博物馆虚拟展示系统的研究
7.Pubugou Hydropower Project and Dadu River in Development瀑布沟水电项目和大渡河开发(英文)
8.A Comparison of Morphological Characters of Plant Opals of Rice between Hemudu and Luojiajiao Sites;河姆渡、罗家角两遗址水稻硅酸体形状特征之比较
9.A Comparative Study on the Difference in the Choice of Dwellin g Places Between the Hemudu People and the Banpo People;新石器时代河姆渡人与半坡人居址选择比较研究
10.An Analysis of the Sneak Activities in the Illegal-immigration Culture--Taking the coastal area in Fujian for example偷渡文化下的偷渡活动探析——以福建沿海偷渡多发区为例
11.The Red Army then made a forced crossing of the Dadu River.这时红军强渡了大渡河。
12.Eroding Calculation and Hydrologic Analysis of Xincheng Yellow River Bridge in Lanzhou City兰州市新城黄河大桥桥渡冲刷计算与水文分析
13.Rearch on the Hydrological Information Extraction ofPuDu River Basin Besed on DEM基于DEM的普渡河流域水文特征提取方法研究
14.Volga-Kama Culture伏尔加河-卡马河文化
15.Bug-Dniester Culture布格河-德涅斯特河文化
16.Dnieper-Donets Culture第聂伯河-顿涅茨河文化
17.Meme: Watcher of Culture--A Cognitive Approach to Meme;幂姆:文化的守望者——幂姆的认知研究
18.An quantitive assessment on regional crustal stability of the Jinchuan hydropower station region on the Dadu river大渡河金川水电站区域地壳稳定性定量化评价

Hemudu Archaeological Site河姆渡文化遗址
1.The Study on the Bi-Peak-Tubercle on Lemma of Hemudu and Luojia-jiao Ancient Excavated Rice Grains with Electric Scanning Microscope;河姆渡·罗家角出土稻谷外稃双峰乳突的扫描电镜观察研究
2.The Paleoclimate in Hemudu Site:the Empirical Model for Warming of the Middle and Loweer Reaches of the Yangtze River in the Next Century;河姆渡古气候可作为预测长江中下游未来气候变暖的经验模式
4)the Hemudu people河姆渡人
5)Hemudu site河姆渡遗址
1.The results showed that the plant opals from Hemudu site were larger and thicker than those from Luojiajiao site.对长江下游迄今为止发现的最古老的新石器时代遗址———河姆渡遗址、罗家角遗址进行了植物硅酸体分析 ,结果在两遗址出土的陶器碎片中发现了起源于水稻叶片运动细胞硅酸体。
6)Hemudu ancients河姆渡古人类
