朝阳市,Chaoyang City
1)Chaoyang City朝阳市
1.Present Situation and dynamic changes of Land Desertification in Chaoyang City;朝阳市土地荒漠化现状及动态变化分析

1.The Niuheliang Site辽宁朝阳市:牛河梁遗址
2.Investigation and thought on the current development of inland fisheriesin Chaoyang City,Liaoning Province;辽宁省朝阳市渔业发展现状的调查与思考
3.An Analysis on the Landscape Planning and Design of Chaoyang Urban Area Alongside the Daling River;大凌河朝阳市区段滨水景观带规划设计探析
4.The Analysis of 241 Health Claims in Chaoyang City from 2003 to 2005;2003~2005年朝阳市241起卫生投诉举报案件情况分析
5.Emergy analysis of agricultural eco-economic system in Chaoyang City,Liaoning Province.;辽宁省朝阳市农业生态经济系统能值分析
6.A Preliminary Excavation on the Renji Medical Building Site,Chaoyang朝阳市开发区仁济药材工地元代墓群发掘简报
7.Anding Road Chaoyang District Beijing P.R. China中国北京市朝阳区安定路3号
8.A Study of Urban-suburban Social Relief System, Chaoyang District, Beijing;北京市朝阳区城乡社会救助体系研究
9.Analysis on concentration of nitrite in salt vegetables长春市朝阳区市售腌制菜中亚硝酸盐含量分析
10.Distribution characters of municipal solid waste in Chaoyang District of Beijing北京市朝阳区城市生活垃圾组分分布特性研究
11.Status of wearing myopia glasses of students in primary and secondary schools of Chaoyang District in Beijing;北京市朝阳区中小学生近视镜配戴情况调查
12.Analysis on eyesight of middle school students in Chaoyang District of Beijing City: 2001~2006;2002~2006年北京市朝阳区初中毕业生视力状况分析
13.An Analysis of the Status of the Students Constitution in the Primary and Secondary Schools in Chaoyang District in Beijing;北京市朝阳区中小学学生体质状况分析
14.Analysis of Modern Manufactures Conformation in Chaoyang Borough of Beijing;北京市朝阳区现代制造业发展构架探讨
15.Status of opening health education course in middle and primary schools of Chaoyang District,Beijing City;北京市朝阳区中小学健康教育课现状调查
16.Analysis and Countermeasures of Food Safety Problems in Catering Industry in Chaoyang District of Changchun City长春市朝阳区餐饮业食品安全问题分析与对策
17.Research of Marketing Strategy of China Mobile in Chaoyang Rural Area中国移动在朝阳农村通信市场营销策略研究
18.Survey of HIV infection in STD outpatients in Chaoyang District,Beijing in 2005~2008北京市朝阳区2005~2008年性病门诊HIV感染状况调查

1.Study on City Eco-environmental Quality and Effect Evaluation Based on Mapinfo——A Case of Chaoyang;基于Mapinfo的城市生态环境质量与影响评价研究——以朝阳市为例
2.Tracing back to Time Immemorial:Chaoyang Ancient Extinct Life Fossils Museum in Liaoning;记忆远古——辽宁省朝阳市古生物化石博物馆设计
3.A new mammalian fauna was uncovered at Mashandong,Chaoyang Municipality,Liaoning Province.系统记述了在2007年从辽宁省朝阳市龙城区马山洞出土的奇蹄目和偶蹄目化石:普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)、马鹿(Cervus(E。
3)Chaoyang district of Changchun city长春市朝阳区
1.The factors of affecting the spatial distribution of terminal markets were analyzed and studied through the on-the-spot investigation on the terminal markets in Chaoyang district of Changchun city.通过对长春市朝阳区集贸市场的实地调研,分析研究影响集贸市场空间分布的因素,主要包括:人口分布因素、空间的接近性、竞争因素、经营者的素质和政策因素。
4)Beijing Chaoyang District北京市朝阳区
1.According to the statistic analysis of the cases which were prosecuted by Beijing Chaoyang District People s Prosecutors Office,and in which conviction were rendered by Chaoyang District People s Court, pecuniary penalty has generally been imposed concurrently, while the application of punishment against freedom has not been reduced.据北京市朝阳区检察院提起公诉、朝阳区法院作有罪判决的案件统计分析 ,罚金刑基本上是并科适用 ,并未减少自由刑的适用。
5)Chaoyang City of Liaoning辽宁省朝阳市
1.Basic Properties and Genetic Characteristic Research of Quaternary Paleosolin Chaoyang City of Liaoning辽宁省朝阳市第四纪古红土基本性状与发生学特征研究
1.Sdudy on Resources Condition and Exploitation of Bentonite Deposit in Chaoyang;朝阳某膨润土矿资源状况及开发利用研究
2.Study on the Collective-owned Forestry Property Reform in Chaoyang;朝阳集体林产权制度改革的研究
3.Study on Eco-economic Benefits of Tree Species of Road Greening in Chaoyang;朝阳地区公路绿化树种生态经济效益研究
