头后骨骼,Postcranial Skeleton
1)Postcranial Skeleton头后骨骼
1.Morphology of Dentition and Postcranial Skeleton of Akidolestes;尖吻兽(Akidolestes)的齿列和头后骨骼

2.a surgical instrument used to remove sections of bone from the skull.从头骨中切除部分骨骼的外科器具。
3.It looks like six skeletons in front of that stone door!在这石头门前看上去就象有六副骨骼!
4.HSP60 Relationship Between Serum and Skeletal Muscle Post-Exercise and Its Protecting Role on Skeletal Cells;运动后血清和骨骼肌HSP60的关系及对骨骼肌的保护作用
5.Expression of sTnI mRNA in Rat Skeletal Muscle after Contusion大鼠骨骼肌挫伤后骨骼肌肌钙蛋白I mRNA的表达变化
6.Advance in Study on Mechanics of Materials After Acute Sprain of Skeletal Muscle;骨骼肌急性拉伤后材料力学研究进展
7.of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton.骨骼的,关于骨骼的,形成骨骼的,或依附于骨骼的。
8.The hardness prevents bones from breaking later in life.加强骨骼硬度可以防止老年后发生骨折。
9.A functionally similar bone in the leg or hind limb of a vertebrate animal.大腿骨脊椎动物腿上或后肢功能相近的骨骼
10.Clinical Evaluation of PerioGlas for the Treatment of Jawbone Defects倍骼生治疗颌骨囊肿术后骨缺损的临床研究
11.Comparison of Skeleton Muscle Proteome between Jinhua and Duroc两头乌与杜长大骨骼肌差异的蛋白质组学研究
12.Preliminary Study on the Skulls of Platichthys stellatus Pallas and Paralichhys dentatus Linnaeus星斑川鲽和大西洋牙鲆头颅骨骼的初步研究
13." Skeleton: Bony framework of the Body. It includes the skull, vertebral column, collarbone, shoulder Blades, rib cage, pelvic girdle and the Bones of the hands, arms, feet, and legs."骨骼:人体的骨质支架。包括头颅、脊柱、锁骨、肩胛骨、胸廓、骨盆和手、臂、脚、腿的骨。
14.The creature could, for example, disintegrate only a target's skeleton, leaving its skull untouched.举例来说,它可以只解离掉目标身躯的骨骼而保留头骨不受损。
15.The Influence of Nitric Oxide Metabolism by Endurance Training in Rats Heart,Brain and Muscle;跑台耐力训练后大鼠心、脑和骨骼肌NO的代谢
16.A study on antmortem and postmortem changes of sarcomere length of skeletal muscle in death from electrocution in rabbits;生前电击与死后电击骨骼肌肌小节的长度变化
17.Examination of Rat s Skeletal Muscle Degradation with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to Estimate Postmortem Interval;大鼠死后骨骼肌FTIR光谱变化与死亡时间的关系
18.The Study on Mechanism of Exercise-Indused Muscle Micro-Injury After High Intensity Eccentric Exercise in Rats;大鼠离心运动后骨骼肌微细损伤机制的研究

hindlimb segment后肢骨骼
1.Analysis on the Skeleton's X - ray Change of Workersin Fluoride Work;氟作业工人骨骼X线改变的分析
2.Morphological observation on cadmium-induced dysplasia of skeleton in rat embryos;镉致胎鼠骨骼发育异常的形态学观察
1.The method of detect rat s nerve-skeletal muscle contractility in vivo;在体大鼠神经-骨骼肌标本制作及收缩能力的测定
2.Effects of radiation with red light on ATP contents in rabbits liver,skeletal muscle and blood;红光照射对动物肝脏、骨骼肌和血液中ATP含量变化的影响
3.Clinical observation of impaired renal function in patients with acute trauma and skeletal muscle injuries;急性创伤严重骨骼肌损伤后肾功能损害的护理观察
1.Concentrations of Ca,P and Sr and characteristics of Ca/P and Ca/Sr in the bones of typical seabirds in the Antarctic;南极典型鸟类骨骼中的Ca、P、Sr的含量及Ca/P和Ca/Sr特征
2.Influences of bovine colostrum extract(BCE) onproliferation of osteoblasts and bonedevelopment of fetal rats;牛初乳提取物(BCE)对成骨细胞增殖及胎鼠骨骼发育的影响
3.Effects of soybean isoflavones on bone metabolism;大豆异黄酮对骨骼代谢的影响
1.Ultrasonic image reconstruction with feature extraction of bones and skin of residual limb;残肢超声图像重建及骨骼与皮肤特征提取
2.Human Bones Image Segmentation Algorithms for X-CT Volumetric Data;X-CT体数据的人体骨骼分割算法
3.Through these four steps, the loads acting on the bones are transduced into biochemical signals, and then change the function of bone cells, finally induce the changes of bone structures to adapt the mechanical environment.综述了近年来骨骼功能适应性机制的研究进展。

CT导向肌肉骨骼活检CT导向肌肉骨骼活检 介入放射学技术。在CT引导下对肌肉骨胳系统病变进行活检获得细胞学和组织学检查的方法。常规CT扫描后,选择穿刺层面和穿刺点,避开局部神经结构和确定穿刺针经皮肤到穿刺靶点的最短距离,用光标测出皮肤进针点与靶点之间的距离和角度,小心进针,其行径随时作CT核实,再次CT扫描确定针尖位于靶点内,作切割或抽吸获取标本,将抽吸出的一部分标本涂片,其余的作细胞学和组织学检查。