沉溺古树林,submerged forests
1)submerged forests沉溺古树林
1.Causes of submerged forests at Qianhu Bay,Zhangpu County,Fujian Province福建漳浦前湖湾沉溺古树林成因

1.He immersed himself in pleasure.他沉溺于快乐之中。
2.I was beneath the water, suffocating and drowning.我闷在水里,沉溺着。
3.restrain, esp. from indulging in some pleasure.克制不沉溺于某种快乐。
4.A beach bum.沉溺于海滩运动的人
5.But recently he's got crazy about the Internet.可最近他沉溺于互联网。
6.He's obsessed by football.他沉溺于足球运动。
7.Free from narcotics addiction.没有沉溺于麻醉品的.
8.He give himself over to wine and women( He is given over to wine and women)他沉溺于酒色之中。
9.He wallows in luxury.他沉溺于奢侈生活中。
10.He indulge his passion for climbing.他沉溺于登山的热忱中。
11.I fell to dwelling upon the romance of the fog.我沉溺在浓雾的幻想里。
12.She abandoned herself to a life of pleasure.她沉溺于享乐的生活。
13.be deep, sunk, lost in reverie沉浸在、 沉溺于、 陷入幻想中
14.George was a wicked king who rioted in evil living.乔治是一个沉溺于酒色的坏国王。
15.It is wrong to devote yourself only to amusement一味沉溺于娱乐是不对的。
16.His life was the life of an Internet Café addict.他的生活就是沉溺于网吧的生活。
17.If it weren't for him, I would probably still be addicted to weight lifting.要不是他,我很可能仍沉溺于练举重中。
18.Since his marriage he has given himself over completely to family life.自他结婚以后,就完全沉溺于家庭生活。

1.The title of the second chapter is the present situation and reasons of teenager network addiction.第2章,青少年网络沉溺的现状和原因。
2.With an analysis of the nature of computer games and the causes of students addiction to these games, this paper proposes some strategies for solving this problem.本文从探讨电脑游戏的本质和特点出发 ,系统地研究了大学生沉溺于电脑游戏的原因 ,并提出了相应的教育管理对
4)indulgence in the internet网络沉溺
1.Analysing college students indulgence in the internet and its social solutions;浅析当代大学生的网络沉溺现象及社会对策
5)Addiction module沉溺模元
6)drowned river沉溺河
