前湖湾相变,facies change at Qianhu Bay
1)facies change at Qianhu Bay前湖湾相变
2)Qianhu bay前湖湾
1.Grain characteristic and sedimentary environment of QHP section in Qianhu Bay of Zhanpu in Fujian;福建漳浦前湖湾QHP剖面粒度特征
2.Foraminifera assemblages and it s sediment environment in Qianhu Bay of Zhangpu,Fujian;福建漳浦前湖湾有孔虫群落及其沉积环境
3.We fetched 28 diatom Samples totally from the QHP section and QHZ core1 on the Qianhu bay in Zhangpu,Fujian.在福建漳浦前湖湾QHP剖面和QHZ钻孔1共取28个硅藻样品,依据硅藻种类的含量变化和硅藻组合特征,自下而上划分为4个硅藻带,其中B带划分出4个亚带,B4亚带进一步划分为2个小亚带。

1.The Environmental Significance of Submerged Forest Remains on Qianhu Bay in Fujian Province and That of the Micropalaeontology in Its Sediment;福建前湖湾海底古森林遗迹及其沉积物中微体古生物的环境意义
2.Analysis of sensitive grain size of marine sediments near the bay of qianhu in Fujian since late quaternary福建漳浦前湖湾晚第四纪滨海沉积物敏感粒级组分的提取及意义
3."cove:a small sheltered bay in the shoreline of a sea, river, or lake."小湾、小海湾:海、河或湖边的遮蔽小湾.
4.A small sheltered bay in the shoreline of a sea, river, or lake.小湾、小海湾海、河或湖边的遮蔽小湾
5.They stretch''d in never-ending line它们沿着湖湾的边缘
6.In geographical and geological terms, West Lake is a lagoon that has formed out of a shallow bay.西湖,是由浅海湾演变而来的泻湖。
7.It made landfall at Plover Cove reservoir at 3pm.(颱风)于下午三时在船湾淡水湖登陆。
8.On Xinyan Nan Wanhu culture tourism industry s development;试析信阳南湾湖文化旅游产业的发展
9.Study on touring function area of Nanwan Lake Scenic Area in Xinyang;信阳南湾湖风景区旅游功能分区初探
10.A Study on Water Environment Surveillance and Early Warning System of Taihu Lake太湖梅梁湾水环境监控预警体系研究
11.Lakes have a general character, as I say, being pretty much water and land, and points and bays.依我说,但凡湖都差不离,都有很多的湖水呀,陆地呀,岬角呀,湖湾呀。
12.This white line is Qian River in front, the left river bend(west) is Horse Pond Bay,the right river bend(east)is White Water Bay.前面的白线是潜水,左边(西)的河湾是马潭湾;右边(东)的河湾是白水湾。
13.No,because hunting is now prohibited in Taiwan.不, 因为台湾目前禁猎。
14.The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.台湾前途系于祖国统一。
15.From "Lake" to the "River"--The Relationship between Lida School,Kaiming Bookstore and the Group of the White Horse Lake Writers;从“湖畔”到“江湾”——立达学园、开明书店与白马湖作家群的关系
16.Thinking About Change of Peasant s Income in Hubei Province--Taking the Example of Huangjiawan of Jiayu County in Hubei Province;关于湖北农民收入变化的思考——以湖北省嘉鱼县黄家湾镇为例
17.Thoughts About the change of Peasants Income in Hubei Province--Taking the Town of Panjiawan in Jiayu County for Instance;关于湖北农民收入变化的思考——以湖北省嘉鱼县潘家湾镇为例
18.Conservation Planning of the Old Base Area of Chinese Revolution at Honghu,Hubei Province湖北省洪湖瞿家湾湘鄂西革命根据地旧址保护规划

Qianhu bay前湖湾
1.Grain characteristic and sedimentary environment of QHP section in Qianhu Bay of Zhanpu in Fujian;福建漳浦前湖湾QHP剖面粒度特征
2.Foraminifera assemblages and it s sediment environment in Qianhu Bay of Zhangpu,Fujian;福建漳浦前湖湾有孔虫群落及其沉积环境
3.We fetched 28 diatom Samples totally from the QHP section and QHZ core1 on the Qianhu bay in Zhangpu,Fujian.在福建漳浦前湖湾QHP剖面和QHZ钻孔1共取28个硅藻样品,依据硅藻种类的含量变化和硅藻组合特征,自下而上划分为4个硅藻带,其中B带划分出4个亚带,B4亚带进一步划分为2个小亚带。
3)bay of qianhu前湖湾粒
4)Zhangpu Qianhu bay漳浦前湖湾
6)arm of lake湖湾
