晚出异名,Junior synonym
1)Junior synonym晚出异名
2)junior homonyms晚出同名
1.zdikmen (2006) from the Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey has recently found 14 junior homonyms of trilobite genera, which include two Chinese generic names, i.我国寒武纪崮山期两个德氏虫科三叶虫属Drepanura和Pionaspis的名称已分别被先于它们命名的其他动物所占用,成为晚出同名,应予废弃。
3)born lately晚出
1.This view regarded it was Confucianism that made the Chinese drama born lately .传统观点认为,以理性见称的儒家思想破坏了中国古代神话的系统性,从而导致了中国戏剧的晚出。

1.The fire brigade was called out three times last night.消防队昨晚出动了三次。
2.Her father won't let her go out this evening.她父亲不许她今晚出门。
3.These rules must be followed by the book, no going out late at night!这些规定必须严格执行,晚上不许太晚出去。
4.I'd like to take you out to dinner this evening.今晚我带你出去吃晚饭。
5.Who's emceeing (the show) tonight?今晚谁主持(演出)?
6.This evening she had promised to go to two parties.她答应今晚去出席两个晚会。
7.Of, relating to, or occurring in the evening.黄昏的,傍晚的傍晚的,与傍晚有关的,出现在傍晚的
8.You'd better not go out at night.你最好别在晚上出去。
9.Bats come out only at night.蝙蝠只在晚上出来活动。
10.He used to go out at night.他以前常在晚上出去。
11.a night out with the girls与女朋友外出的夜晚.
12.The film will be shown in the open air tonight.今晚电影在露天演出。
13.Then she went out every night.之后,伊莉莎每晚都外出。
14.Let's go out for dinner together."同出去吃晚饭,好不好
15.It is too late now to make any dissent.现在提出异议太晚了。
16.Attendance at tonight's meeting is obligatory.今晚的会必须出席。
17.He had stayed at home that evening.这天晚上他没有出门。
18.There is a show in the Music Hall,今晚音乐厅有场演出,

junior homonyms晚出同名
1.zdikmen (2006) from the Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey has recently found 14 junior homonyms of trilobite genera, which include two Chinese generic names, i.我国寒武纪崮山期两个德氏虫科三叶虫属Drepanura和Pionaspis的名称已分别被先于它们命名的其他动物所占用,成为晚出同名,应予废弃。
3)born lately晚出
1.This view regarded it was Confucianism that made the Chinese drama born lately .传统观点认为,以理性见称的儒家思想破坏了中国古代神话的系统性,从而导致了中国戏剧的晚出。
4)famous prostitutes in late Ming dynasty晚明名妓
1.Macromidia hangzhouensis Zhou et Wei is synonymised with Macromidia kelloggi Asahina.沙天马大伪蜻(Macromia septima Martin)为中国新记录种,弯钩大伪蜻(Macromia unca Wilson)、黄斑大伪蜻(Macromia flavocolorata Fraser)为福建新记录种,杭州山蜻蜓(Macromidia hangzhouensis Zhou et Wei)为克氏中伪蜻(Macromidia kelloggi Asahina)的异名。
2.Results show that the former is the synonym of the later.著者详细研究荻粉长角象PhloeobiustriarrhenusZhang,Wang&Shuai1994和泥色长角象Phloeobiuslu-tosusJordan1913后认为,荻粉长角象是泥色长角象的异名。
6)different names异名
1.But Kong Ying-da,for various reasons,used many different names of Standard Interpretation of Shangshu,which to a certain degree has caused much confusion and misunderstanding.《尚书大传》是孔颖达《毛诗正义》中征引较多的一种文献,但是因为种种原因,孔氏对此书的征引使用了很多异名,引起诸多混乱,很大程度上妨碍了后人对《毛诗正义》的正确阅读和理解。
2.Located in the heartland of the ancient Wu district, the Great Lake (Tai Hu) has many different names.太湖为吴中胜地,历来即有许多异名,或谓之震泽、具区,或谓之五湖、洞庭,也有三山湖、湖亭、姑蔑。
