英雄岛,Ramree Island
1)Ramree Island英雄岛
1.The Ramree Island is located in the Indian Ocean and on the west coast of Burma.英雄岛位于印度洋缅甸西海岸,前人在该区所做的工作较少,生物地层研究程度较低。

2.Central Zone of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores亚速尔群岛英雄港中心区域
3.Flags of Our Fathers is not only a collection of23) biographies.硫磺岛的英雄们》不只是一大批的传记,它还探索一些主题:何谓英雄气概?
4.The book, Flags of Our Fathers, was an American16) bestseller for46 weeks.原著《硫磺岛的英雄们》高居美国畅销书排行榜46周。
5.I have a shrewd guess that John-a-Fenne is on the island.我有一种敏锐的预感,觉得沼泽英雄约翰还会在岛上呢。
6.The Creation of Heroic Figure in the Revolutional Hero Legend;革命英雄传奇:英雄话语与英雄形象塑造
7.Good wits jump.[谚]英雄所见略同。
8.a mythical Greek hero (Roman name Ulysses); his return to Ithaca after the siege of Troy was described in Homer's Odyssey.神话中的希腊英雄(罗马名尤利西斯);在荷马的奥德赛中,特洛伊被攻破后返回伊萨卡岛。
9.The`` Magnificent Five`` heroes must sort our their own differences while risking through own lives in a wild land in order to help free the children from slavery.“5豪杰”英雄必须求同存异,在荒芜的岛上置生死于度外,解救被奴役的孩子。
10.Influence of Astragalus Polysaccharides Plus Diane-35 on Insulin Resistance and Androgen Levels and Lipid Metabolism of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome黄芪多糖联合达英-35对多囊卵巢综合征患者胰岛素抵抗、雄激素及脂代谢的影响
11.We should not call one a hero that is none.本来不是英雄的,就不应当说成是英雄。
12.I am not a hero, but I served with heroes.我不是英雄,但我和英雄一起并肩作战。
13.New Offsping Hero Legendary and Contemporary Hreo Legendary Novel;《新儿女英雄传》与现代“英雄传奇”小说
14.Tragic Hero--An Analysis of the Heroic Images in the Poems of Mu Dan;悲剧英雄——论穆旦诗歌中的英雄形象
15.On the Mock-Heroic Style in Absalom, Absalom!;戏谑英雄萨德本:南方英雄主义的祭杀
16.Hero and Anti-hero--The Old Man and Sea and Living;英雄与反英雄——《老人与海》与《活着》
17.The Hero Orientation of Han Dynasty Telophase Heroical Biography by New Sentence;《汉末英雄记》:新语境下的英雄定位
18.Worship of the Hero and the "Hero Affections" in Film Narratives;英雄崇拜与电影叙事中的“英雄情结”

1.The Comparative Research on the Motif of the Hero and the Courser Born at the Same Time in the Mongolian-Turki Epics;蒙古——突厥史诗英雄与骏马同时诞生母题的比较研究
2.The reform of a hero,from collectivism to Individualism:On the image of Li Zicheng in Chexiang Gorge;英雄的改造:从集体到个人——谈《车厢峡》中的李自成形象
3.A View of the Integrant Parts in Domestic Blockbusters’ core competitiveness——As Hero for Example;国产大片核心竞争力构成要素样本分析——以《英雄》为例
1.Research on the Motif of the Legend of Mongolian Toponym——Heroes Come from the Good Landscape Geomancy;科尔沁地名传说中的英雄与故乡——“风水宝地出英雄”母题探讨
2.On the System Factors of the Tragedy of Heroes Taking up the Cudgels for Justice;对“英雄流血又流泪”现象的体制性反思
1.Heroes: Metaphor of Power in Reconstruction of Qin s Assassination;《英雄》:“刺秦”重构的权力隐喻
2.The Heterodox Heroes in the Movie Heroes;影像里传达出的另类——对电影《英雄》的解读
1.Art Thinking about Chivalous Film Hero;对武侠电影《英雄》的艺术反思
2.Subtitles Translation of Film Hero: A Perspective of Context Adaptation Theory;从语境顺应论视角看影片《英雄》的字幕翻译
3.An Analysis of the Subtitle Translation of Hero from the Perspective of Skopostheorie;从目的论角度看电影《英雄》的字幕翻译
6)Like knows like英雄识英雄
