建昌县,Jianchang country
1)Jianchang country建昌县
2)Changle County昌乐县
1.Calculation and Analysis for the Ecological Footprint of Changle County,Shandong Province;山东省昌乐县生态足迹研究
2.Study on water resources carrying capacity in Changle County;山东省昌乐县水资源承载力研究
3.Based on the study in the water head area in Changle County,the paper emphasize the significance of protecting the water head area.在实地考察昌乐县水源地现状的基础上,提出该县水源地保护的意义。

1.Probe of Correlation among Economic,Social and Environmental Benefits in Process of Rural Urbanization──Taking Changle County in Shandong Province as An Example;城镇化进程中经济、社会和环境效益相关性探析──以山东省昌乐县为例
2.High-tech Agricultural Development in Changjiang, Dongfang and Ledong, Hainan海南昌江、东方、乐东三县市高新农业调查报告
3.Research to Wuwang City and Wuchang Palace吴王城与武昌宫考——兼正清光绪《武昌县志》之误
4.the "Gaochang Yue"was from the Turpan of Xinjiang.《高昌乐》是今新疆吐鲁番一带的乐舞。
5.Xinchang of Zhejiang east wind of county bearing factory lie in southern districts that county of Xinchang speciality produce thrust bearing, producer of the ball bearing city Xinchang.浙江新昌县东风轴承厂位于新昌城南区是新昌县专业生产推力轴承、滚珠轴承的厂家。
6.Xinchang Siqiang Life Nutrition Products Co., Ltd.新昌县思强生命营养品有限公司
7.Outpatient Service Analysis at Tongling and Fanchang Counties in Anhui Province安徽省繁昌、铜陵两县门诊服务分析
8.Inpatient Service Analysis at Fanchang and Tongling Counties in Anhui Province安徽省繁昌、铜陵两县住院服务分析
9.Survey of prevalence of decayed teeth in 1186 children in Changjiang County昌江县1186例儿童龋齿调查情况分析
10.Investigation on the Eyesight Status among Students from Elementary Schools and Middle Schools in Shunchang County in 2005;顺昌县2005年中小学生视力状况调查
11.The Land Suitableness Evaluation by Application of SuperMap in Guangchang County;SuperMap支持下的广昌县土地适宜性评价
12.Study on Rural Collective Land Conversion in Rongchang Conuty of Chongqing;重庆市荣昌县农村集体土地流转研究
13.Analyse About Speeding up the Development of the Ecosystem Construction of Marsh Gas in Guangchang;加快发展广昌县沼气生态建设之浅见
14.Preliminary Report of "3414" Peanut Field Test in Changtu City昌图县花生“3414”田间试验结果初报
15.Development Status and Countermeasure of Vegetable Industry in Changdu in Tibet西藏昌都县蔬菜产业发展现状及对策
16.Ecological High-tech Agricultural Development in Dunchang, Hainan海南屯昌县生态型高新农业调查报告
18.Profound Revelation Remarkable Achievement--Reflection of Changhuajiao Ecology Evolution in Changjiang County深刻的启示 可喜的成绩——关于昌江县昌化角生态演变的思考

Changle County昌乐县
1.Calculation and Analysis for the Ecological Footprint of Changle County,Shandong Province;山东省昌乐县生态足迹研究
2.Study on water resources carrying capacity in Changle County;山东省昌乐县水资源承载力研究
3.Based on the study in the water head area in Changle County,the paper emphasize the significance of protecting the water head area.在实地考察昌乐县水源地现状的基础上,提出该县水源地保护的意义。
3)Changtu County昌图县
1.Analysis on Metallogenic Conditions and Prospecting Potential of Xishan Ag-Au Ore Occurrences,Changtu County;昌图县西山银金矿点成矿条件及找矿前景分析
2.Analysis of Soil Fertility and Fertilization Recommendation for Corn Field in Changtu County;昌图县玉米田土壤肥力分析及配肥建议
3.Content Evaluation on the Available Microelements in Typical Cultivated Brown Soil of Changtu County in Liaoning Province辽宁省昌图县典型耕地棕壤有效态微量元素含量评价
4)Duchang County都昌县
1.Research on Species Diversity on Duobao Sandy Hill in Duchang County and Elementary Discussion on Its Protection;都昌县多宝砂山物种多样性研究及保护初探
2.Based on a description of the physical features and environmental geology of Duchang County,this paper deals with the characteristics and formation mechanism of flood hazard in Duchang County,and dis-cusses finally the ideas and measures of bringing the flood hazard under control.本文在介绍都昌县域自然地理特征及环境地质背景的基础上,归类描述了县域水患灾害的特点,并就水患灾害的成灾机制进行了分析,最后就根治水患灾害的思路与措施进行了讨论。
5)Nanchang county南昌县
1.Investigation of the freshwater fish infected with Clonorchis sinensis in Nanchang County南昌县淡水鱼华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染情况调查
2.Based on the existing problems of the electromechanical equipment of the pumping stations in Nanchang county of Jiangxi province,some key is discussed.根据江西省南昌县泵站机电设备存在的问题,探讨泵站机电设备更新改造的几个重点环节,并提出了泵站机电设备更新改造工作的建议。
1.The Current Situation, Achievements and Development Countermeasures of Rural Energy Construction in Dechang;德昌县农村能源建设的现状成效及对策

长乐县  福建省福州市辖县,省商品粮基地县。位于省境东部沿海,闽江口南岸。面积656平方公里,人口64.19万。县府驻吴航镇。唐置县。县境地势西南高,东北低。平原面积大,龙腰山以西为冲积平原,属福州平原的一部分;以东为海积平原,海岸较平直,有风沙地貌发育。闽江从县境东北入海,西部有营前溪注入闽江,东部多人工河港和湖泊,较大的有莲柄港和西湖。莲柄港水利工程是福建省著名的引淡灌溉工程,在营前溪筑坝建闸,引海潮顶托的闽江水穿过东阳山遂道,灌溉东部平原。气候属南亚热带,台风影响较为频繁,全年8级以上大风达30天。    长乐素有"鱼米之乡"之称,粮食生产以稻谷为主。渔业较发达,盛产大黄鱼、带鱼、鳗鱼、马鲛鱼和黄虾等,漳港海蚌尤为著名。主要港口在梅花、潭头和营前。工业以食品为主,生产糖、酒等产品。工艺美术品黄石嵌花陶器淳朴优美。水陆交通方便,与福州有定期汽轮来往。    多名胜古迹。城内有郑和碑和宋建三峰寺塔,雕刻精美,均列为福建省第一批文物保护单位。文武砂一带风景秀丽,在福州港的建设规划中,已列为旅游点之一。