霸王龙类牙齿,Tyrannosaurid tooth
1)Tyrannosaurid tooth霸王龙类牙齿

1.New discovery of Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurid tooth from the Heyuan basin,Guangdong Province,Southern China广东河源盆地晚白垩世霸王龙类牙齿化石的发现及其意义
2.T-Rex was a meat eater. Another Tyrannosaurus Rex could kill and eat a T-Rex.霸王龙是肉食动物,它们会捕食同类。
3.Late Pleistocene Human Teeth Found in the Huanglong Cave,Yunxi of Hubei Province湖北郧西黄龙洞更新世晚期人类牙齿
4.First large tyrannosauroid theropod from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota in northeastern China中国早白垩世热河生物群中大型霸王龙类化石的发现(英文)
5.small light-boned toothless dinosaur resembling an ostrich in size and proportions.骨质轻而无牙齿的小恐龙,身体的大小和比例与鸵鸟类似。
6.Tiny the T-Rex: I have a big head, and little arms.霸王龙:因为我的脑袋太大,胳膊太短。
7.Habitat- When and where Tyrannosaurus Rex lived.霸王龙生活在什么时候?住哪儿?
8.having teeth that resemble sabers.有类似军刀形牙齿的。
9.The "Haidenghui"(Sea Lamp Fair) (July 22 to 23) sets the Dragon King lamp, play the Bawangbian, and stage the dragon and lion dances."海灯会"(七月二十二至二十三日):点龙王灯、打霸王鞭、耍龙、耍狮。
10.To gnaw with the teeth in the manner of a rodent.嚼咬象啮齿类动物那样用牙齿啮蚀
11.The others present more complex problems.对付其他类型的霸王会比较复杂。
12.The debate over the parental instincts of the T. Rex is now academic.关于霸王龙父性的论点现在有学术依据了。
13.The Tyrannosaurus in the movies is a terrible combination of speed and power.影片中的霸王龙是可怕的速度与力量的化身。
14.The type, number, and arrangement of a set of teeth.牙列,齿系牙床的类型、数目和安排
15.Presently, Wang Ho-fu muttered through clenched teeth:后来王和甫从牙齿缝里迸出一句话来:
16.A large carnivorous dinosaur of the Upper Cretaceous Period of North America, characterized by small forelimbs and a large head.霸王龙上白垩纪北美洲的一种大型食肉恐龙,前肢小且头大
17.A similar substance forming the tusks or teeth of certain other mammals, such as the walrus.牙齿成分形成象牙或某些哺乳动物牙齿的类似物质,如海象
18.It had a small brain, apparently walked upright, and had teeth more like those of a human than an ape.它的脑子小,显然直立行走,牙齿与猿类比较更象人类的牙齿。

3)Human teeth人类牙齿
6)Zygophyllum xanthoxylum霸王
1.Response of physiology of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum seedlings under drought stress;干旱胁迫下幼苗期霸王的生理响应
2.Effect of soil water stress on leaf water potential and biomass of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum during seedling stage;水分胁迫对霸王苗期叶水势和生物量的影响
