1.Based on contrastive experiment and analysis of these aspects such as attention,individual conflicts,feeble-mindedness,self-expression,rebellious psychology and so on in students from different grades of universities,high schools,and junior schools,the writer has found out how to identify the reasons caused by unfavorable factors by means of outer manifestation.学生在体育学习过程中,会受到外部和内部多种因素的影响,通过对大学、高中、初中不同年级学生在注意力、个体冲突、意志力、自我表现力、逆反心理等方面进行对比试验和分析,得出如何通过外部表现来判断不利因素产生的原因,达到最终找出解决问题的方法的目的。
2.By analyzing the three aspects: the change of the painting breadth,the pursuance of the pen-and-ink in paintings and the self-expression in painting theories,this paper probes into the consciousness of self-expression in the paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.以明代美学中的人性重建和自由意识为切入点,通过对绘画幅式的变化,绘画中笔墨的追求和画论中自我表现的阐释等三个方面的分析,探讨明清绘画中的自我表现意识。
3.The research on self-expression provides us a good angle to discover the charming world of human contact.自我表现的研究,为我们探讨人类的交往世界提供了很好的角度。

1.self presentation theory自我表现理论 自我表现理论
2.Children are natural exhibitionists.儿童天生喜欢自我表现.
3.The manner in which one expresses oneself, especially in speaking, depicting, or performing.自我表现自己表现自己的方式,尤其用语言、描绘或表演
4.On Guo Moruo s Modern Poetics;“自我表现”说与“自然流露”说──郭沫若的现代诗论
5.Self expression and subjective sensation --On the difference between self expression novel and neo sensation group novel;表现自我与主观感受——浅谈自我表现小说与新感觉派小说的不同
6.Desire for recognition and self-expression对受到尊重和自我表现的渴望
7.An Experimental Research on the Effect of Self-Esteem and Self-presentation on Memory;自尊与自我表现对记忆影响的实验研究
8.Social Performance and Self-Expression--A Comparison of the Principal Writing Ideas between Modern Lampoons and Essays;社会表现与自我表现——现代杂文与小品文创作主体文学观念之比较
9.Philosophy of Western Modernist Paintings:Subjectivity and Self-Expression of Humans西方现代画派的哲学:人的主体性与自我表现
10."They are not self-assertive, either individually or nationally; their pride is too profound for self-assertion"无论是作为个人还是整个民族,中国人从不自我表现,因为他们自尊心太强,不屑于自我表现
11.Flag State Performance Self-Assessment Form船期国表现自我评估表
12.I will tell apart just the truth.我会尽力表现给你看只有真实的自我.
13.The Performance of General Self-Efficacy and Self-Monitoring in Cooperative Learning;合作学习中一般自我效能感与自我监控的表现
14.The Passive Performance of Self-awareness and Self-education Methods for College Students大学生自我意识的消极表现及自我教育措施
15.Foreigner: Now you are laughing at me for trying to show off .外:你在笑话我想表现自己。
16.She wants to dress up and displays herself她想打扮得漂漂亮亮来表现自我。
17.The Scarab represented - Self-Generation, Resurrection and Renewal.圣甲虫表现了-自我-产生-复活和更新。
18.Then his self-discipline reasserted itself.后来他的自我约束力再度表现出来。

1.In 1959, Eving Goffman, a famous sociologist, developed the conception of self-presentation.人们把自觉的印象控制过程称作自我表现,它是人与人之间相互作用的一个方面。
2.About 30 years ago, the term self-presentation did not appear in the index of major social psychology texts.自我表现曾经是个大多数心理学家不愿涉足的专题,不过近30年来,自我表现专题已经进入了主流心理学的范围,并且越来越受到重视,事实上它已经成为自我心理学的一个重要组成部分。
3)self expression自我表现
1.The "self" in their "self expression" approaches the "objective" or "consciousness of object" in Critique of Pure Reason.创造社“自我表现”中的“自我”趋近于《纯粹理性批判》中的经验表象经悟性统一的“客观”或“对象意识” ,包含有主客体双项内涵 ;文学“无用而有大用”源自《判断力批判》中“美的理想”的二律背反的正反命题 ,两者虽是矛盾 ,却可合题。
1.Zhu Ziqing s way of self-expression is the result of time development and literature reform.朱自清"表现自我"的文艺思想,虽然接受了古代和外国的影响,但却不是盲目照搬,而是结合创作实践做出了自己的理论阐释。
2.As to the self-expression function of literature and art,Zhou Zuo-ren had turned his focus from social problems to himself,but Cheng Fang-wu had turned from human nature to soci.在文学的内容与形式表达上,周作人由人生关注转向艺术园地,成仿吾则由艺术之"美"走向人生之"善"之"真";在文艺的表现自我上,周作人由社会大我而一己小我,成仿吾则由小我而转向大我:两人相背而走,殊途亦不同归。
5)the view of self-expression自我表现观
6)" self-expression" theory"自我表现"说
1.The principal part of Guo Moruo s poetics is" self-expression" theory and" natural revelation" theory.郭沫若的现代诗论主体是“自我表现”说和“自然流露”说──前者认为诗歌是“自我”情感和人格的表现,后者认为“自我”的情感和人格在诗歌中又应该是以“自然流露”形式表现出来的。
