1.Poetic Prose in the Style of Li Sao:a Literary Style of Lyric during the Han Dynasty——A concurrent discussion of the limitation of poems as lyric and subjective literature;骚体赋:汉代的一种抒情文体——兼议以诗歌为抒情文学和自觉文学的局限性
2.The two lyric poetries truly present the course of the complicated spirit which the lyricist experienced in the stage of socialist revolution.郭小川的抒情诗《致大海》和《望星空》都非常真实地展示了诗人在社会主义革命阶段所经历的复杂精神历程:由最初的困惑、苦闷、失落发展到后来的清醒、乐观、坚定。
3.WANG Zeng-qi carryed out "a Chinese style of lyric humanitarian".汪曾祺的文学叙事实践着"一个中国式的抒情的人道主义者"的创作理想。

1.emotional music, language抒情的乐曲、 语言.
2.Of or relating to a writer of poems in this category.抒情诗人抒情诗人或与其有关的
3.A poet, especially a lyric poet.诗人,尤指抒情诗人
4.a spinto soprano.抒情兼戏剧性的女高音
5.Popular Chinese Songs中国当代抒情歌曲选
6.Lyrics of Frarsois Villon弗郎索瓦·维永的抒情
7."Lyrics and Idylls, with Other Poems"抒情诗和田园诗及其他
8.Lyric Variation: The Arts Development of Lyric Fairy Tale in the 20~(th) Century of China;抒情的变奏:论20世纪中国抒情童话的艺术发展
9.Expressing Emotion With Novel SU Man s Way of Expressing Emotion With Novel;以小说抒情——评苏曼殊小说的抒情化追求
10.Cold Narration and Hot Expression-Lyricism of Modern Poetry;冷叙述与热抒情——现代诗歌抒情格调琐谈
11.Hans was reading the lyric poem with heart and soul.汉斯带着强烈的感情读这首抒情诗。
12.A Deep Feeling Comes From Heart--The art of prose sentiment;一泓真情心底来——论散文的抒情艺术
13.On Luji s Lyric Poems;“缘情”的追求与困境:论陆机的抒情
14.On Lyric Subject in The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》抒情主体析论
15.Therefore the author believes that it is not correct to blame parallel prose on the pretext that it regards form as superior to content.这种抒情其实也是一种抒情,说骈文只重形式忽略内容是不准确的。
16.A lyric poem characterized by couplets formed by a long line followed by a shorter one.长短句相间的抒情诗体一种抒情诗体,其特征为长短相间的对偶句
17.Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode.写抒情诗的关于或构成这种抒情诗的,如十四行诗或赋的
18.A Talk on the Prose of the "17-year Period;抒情机制的确立与抒情散文的兴盛——“十七年时期”散文现象浅论

1.The author of the article investigates and analyzes several key elements that lyricism of modern prose relies on,that is,subjective factor,material factor and linguistic factor.抒情性,是现代散文非常突出、不可或缺的基本特征,也是现代散文获得长足发展和长久生命力的基本保证。
2.In this period, the Shih Ching study paid more attention to lyricism than moralism of Qin and Han Dynasty.魏晋南北朝时期是《诗经》研究史上一个成果繁夥的时期 ,不仅在经学方面有所进展 ,更为重要的是在文学方面的审视已进入了一个自觉阶段 ,特别注重其文学上的抒情特点 ,而不再过分地强调秦汉时的“诗言志”,从而揭开《诗经》研究的新的一页。
3.Inquiring into the poetic ideality of modern Taiwan poetry, this paper proposes that it is the specific linguistic barkground and the intel1ect spirit of Taiwan that contributes to the unique "poetic lyricism in modern Taiwan poetry and the new 1yrica1 characters, 1yrical shategy and styles which distinguish themselves from those of talitional Chinese lyrics.认为台湾独特的时空语境、诗人“知性”精神的自觉,创造了台湾现代诗独特的“抒情”诗学,产生出区别于中国传统抒情诗的新人文抒情形象与抒情策略、方式。
1.It changes the quality and function of the narration,alters the plots and characters to characterization,uses the limited point of view to make a complex relationship among the implied author,the characters and the images,and forms a lyrical distinction between those masterpiece in modern Chinese local literature.泛指叙事是中国现代乡土抒情小说中特有的叙事模式之一,其特征是在叙事中有意取消具体的叙事时间,也不针对特定的人物个体,以此造成叙事的话语跨界和功能变异,叙事抒情化,情节和人物意象化,参与文本中风俗意象的建构;而限制性视角的使用和视角越界现象的发生,在叙述者、小说人物和风俗意象之间进一步造成了复杂的情感关系,在不同文本中营造出了不同的抒情效果。
2.excellent works to reflect the typical life of society and the typical emotional,Mao Zedong used in poetry has a special brilliance and appeal language created transcend time and space lyrical realm.优秀的作品要反映典型的社会生活和典型的情感,毛泽东诗词有着特殊光彩与感染力,创造了超越时空的抒情境界。
3.This paper aims at an exploration of his unique lyrical style in novel writing and learning to appreciate his superb skills in expressing sensual experience.他以情感旋律作为小说的内在结构,继承了以惠特曼、爱默生和马克·吐温为代表的一代美国文化名流所创立的以边疆生活为核心的,切近生活,即兴博发、朴实奔放的文学传统,文风豪放,抒情色彩浓郁。
1.The thirty years of modern new verse are an age of lyrics on liberation brimming over with the echo of liberation of individuals,of nation and of the state.现代新诗三十年,那是一个关于解放的抒情时代,个人的解放与民族、国家解放的声音贯穿始终。
2.Liu Zongyuan s poetry is marked by the distinctive constrast in his lyrics and his convey of emotions.柳宗元诗歌在抒情方式和情感表现上具有鲜明的对比性特点。
5)expressing emotions抒情
1.It not only inherits the characteristics of the prose in the Wei-jin Period that emphasizes on expressing emotions and simple and unsophisticated feature,but also embodies the improvement of parallelism,rules governing rhythm of words.刘宋散文是魏晋散文到南朝散文的过渡,它既继承了魏晋散文重视抒情、古朴清竣的特征,又体现了散文骈对艺术、声律艺术的进步,在艺术特征上具有了古朴尚质与华丽整饬并存的特征。
1.Taking Cao Zhi as the subject, this paper analyzed his works----58 pieces of Fu and lyric quality, which investigated the status and function of Cao Zhi in the history of development in Fu.文章的研究对象是曹植赋作,研究对象的范围是曹植的58篇赋,研究的立足点是对曹植赋作文本的详细解读,研究的切入点是对曹植赋作的抒情性考察,并以这一考察研究为基点观照曹植赋作在赋体文学发展史上的作用和地位。
