1.On the Speech Acts in Genesis;论《创世纪》中的言语行为
2.A glimpse of Hebrew s attitudes towards marriage through Genesis;从《创世纪》看古希伯来人的原始婚姻观
3.Genesis is the first chapter of the Holy Bible,and it represents the achievement of narration.本文对《圣经》第一章《创世纪》中的公开型叙事者进行了分析,从而揭示了它所取得的叙事艺术成就。

1.Hayden and His“Genesis”:Dialogue between Religion and Secularity;海顿与他的《创世纪》:宗教与世俗的对话
2.Genesis says, " And the Lord God said:' It is not good that the man should be alone;《创世纪》中写道:"上帝说:'只有男人不好。
3.Anno mundi(in the year of the world).公元纪年,创世纪年
4.She's going for the world record in the high jump.她想创造跳高世界纪录.
5.bettered the world 3,000 meters record.创造了3000米的世界纪录。
6.Sorting the Change of Genesis Poem Society s Creation Style Through the Theory of Generation;以“世代”透视创世纪诗社的风格流变
7.The New Visual Field of the Current History of the World Study and the Teaching Reform and Innovation(Talks on paper);新世纪世界现代史教材的改革和创新
8.Construct Internationally Leading Universities;面向二十一世纪 创建世界一流大学
9.On comprehensive creativeness of creative talents in the new century;新世纪创新人才应具有全面的创造性
10.Cooperation·Originality──education of 21th century s original geniuses;合作·创新──培养21世纪创新人才
11.A Comparative Study of Genesis Stories in Bible and in Ancient Chinese Mythologies;《圣经》“创世纪”与中国神话“创世说”比较研究
12.World’s Scientific Development in 20~(th) Century and China’s Scientific Capabitity in the New Century;20世纪世界科技发展与新世纪中国科技创新能力
13.Only thus can we usher in a new era--the era of 21 st century.只有这样,我们才能开创21世纪的新纪元
14.Look up the term "prophet" in Genesis 20:7 and Exodus 7:1.在创世纪20:7和出埃及纪7:1中查找“先知”一词。
15.Discuss on the Creative Features of the New Century Mainstream Culture Documentary;试论新世纪我国主流文化纪录片的创作特征
16.The 21 st Century--A New Era: Replace Modernization With Scientific-ization;开创21世纪的新纪元:用科学化代替现代化
17.She set a new world record for the high jump.她创下跳高的新世界纪录.
18.also set up a world record.他也创造了一项世界纪录。

1.On the Narrative Language of Genesis;论《创世纪》的叙事语言
2.Sorting the Change of Genesis Poem Society s Creation Style Through the Theory of Generation;以“世代”透视创世纪诗社的风格流变
3)Annus Mundi创世纪元
4)Bible Genesis《圣经·创世纪》
5)a Genesis product创世纪产品
6)Genesis Poetic Group创世纪诗社
1.On Taiwan Genesis Poetic Group's Reception and Modification of the Surrealistic Writing Techniques台湾创世纪诗社对超现实主义技法的修正性接受
