1.Study on the Characters Produced during Transfer of Thought and Consciousness about Miaowu(妙悟);简论妙悟在思维和意识转移中产生的特性——《沧浪诗话》新释

1.From“suddenenlightenment” to “subtle enlightenment”;从“顿悟”到“妙悟”——禅思维向艺术思维的转化
2.Poetic Experience and Poetic Expression --On the characteristic of Intuitive Comprehension;诗性体悟与诗性言说——试论“妙悟”的创作论特性
3.Aesthetic Enlightenment and experiencing the Dao-- on the philosophical perspective of ancient Aesthetic Enlightenment;妙悟与体道——中国古代“妙悟”鉴赏说的哲学基础与历史演变
4.On the Achievement and Defect of Yanyu s Poetics about "Wonderful Realization";从钱钟书先生对严羽“妙悟”说的评价看“妙悟”说的得与失
5.The Theroy of "Miaowu" in Modern Aesthetics;现代美学“妙悟说”——朱光潜和宗白华美学“妙悟”学说的考察
6.Realism,Vividness and Sudden-Three Stages in Zong Baihua s Aesthetic Study;写实 传神 妙悟——宗白华先生治学三境界
7.On the Theory of "Artistic Conception" from the Evolution of "Realization to Truth" in Zen Buddhism;从禅宗“妙悟”发展轨迹看“意境”说
8.The Receptionist Theory About the Poetry "Intuitive Apprehension" and "Elastic Deliberation" in Song Dynasty;宋人“妙悟”与“活参”的诗歌接受理论
9.Mental enlightenment and emotional perceptiveness - On artistic perceptive transfer;灵心妙悟 感而遂通──论艺术通感
10.The Theory Background Analysis of "Direct Description" and "Subtle Enlightenment"从“直寻”到“妙悟”的理论背景分析
11.Comparison Between Croce’s "Intuition" Theory and Yanyu’s "Sudden Understanding" Theory克罗齐直觉理论与严羽“妙悟”说之比较
12.A Look on Miaowu Theory from Dialogue--Also on the Inspiration for Innovation;“对话”视域下的“妙悟说”——兼论对创新的启示
13.Subtle Enlightenment: a Kind of Thinking Mode in the Ancient Chinese Literary Theory;妙悟:中国古代文学理论的思维方式之一
14.Native Tradition and Buddhist Elements in the Poetic Categories of Artistic Conception and Enlightenment;试论意境、妙悟理论的本土传统与佛学因子
15.Witticism and Poetry Rhyme --Development of classical poetry theory since Tang and Song dynasties;“妙悟”与“诗法”——试论唐宋以来古典诗歌理论的发展
16.Chan s Theoretical Contribution to Canglang Peotry Talks;“以禅喻诗”说“妙悟”——浅议禅对《沧浪诗话》的理论贡献
17.Perception and Instantaneous Comprehension--Basic Methods for the Perceiver to Join in the Artistic Conception Creation;涵泳与妙悟——接受主体参与意境创造的基本方法
18.Mental Conception and Witty Words -Appreciative psychology in the literary comments of Ancient China;神会与妙悟──中国古代文论中的鉴赏心理学范畴

1.Interest,the target of understanding in modern context,has changed at great level.在当代语境下妙悟的对象———兴趣发生重要变化。
2.Chinese artistic thought includes the following basic forms: observation,modeling,emotion,imagination,embodiment,integration and understanding.中国艺术思维的基本形态包括:观察、摹形、情感、想象、象征、整体、妙悟
3)Subtle Enlightenment妙悟
1.Subtle Enlightenment: a Kind of Thinking Mode in the Ancient Chinese Literary Theory;妙悟:中国古代文学理论的思维方式之一
2.As Chinese phraseologies,"subtle enlightenment"and "intuition" are similar to each other both on the aspect of meaning and construction.作为中文语词,“妙悟”与“直觉”不论从意义上还是从构成上都具有相似性。
3.Yan Yu\'s "subtle enlightenment" calls the attention of the descendants.钟嵘《诗品》中提出"直寻"说,影响深远;严羽的《沧浪诗话》则以"妙悟"说为后人关注。
4)Miao Wu妙悟
1.The main part of thesis takes the three concepts of expression of emotion, Miao Wu and Xing Qu as the focus of discussion.论文主体部分以“吟咏情性”、“妙悟”、“兴趣”三个概念作为论述的核心。
5)intuitive apprehension妙悟
1.The Receptionist Theory About the Poetry "Intuitive Apprehension" and "Elastic Deliberation" in Song Dynasty;宋人“妙悟”与“活参”的诗歌接受理论

妙悟【妙悟】 (术语)殊妙之觉悟。唐华严经十二曰:“妙悟皆满,二行永断。”涅槃无名论曰:“玄道在于妙悟,妙悟在于即真。”