1.Environmental Institutions and Environmental Infrastructure in Singapore;新加坡的环境机构与环境基础设施
2.The development of infrastructure projects-the model of PFI discussion;基础设施项目开发的PFI模式的探讨
3.The New Thoughts on Earthquake Prevention and Protection on Infrastructure in America and Japan and Their Inspiration for Us;美日基础设施防震抗震新思路对我国的启示

1.-- Remarkable achievements were made in infrastructure development.——基础设施建设成就显著。
2.Marked success was achieved in infrastructure development.基础设施建设成绩显著。
3.First, we strengthened infrastructure.一是加强基础设施建设。
4.We should continue to strengthen infrastructure.继续加强基础设施建设。
5.We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。
6.Continually strengthening basic industries and construction of infrastructural facilities./ infrastructure construction.继续加强基础工业,基础设施建设。
7.Division for Infrastructure and Land Development基础设施和土地开发司
8.infrastructure within battery limits厂区范围内的基础设施
9.Strategic & Infrastructure Planning策略及基础设施规划处
10.the industrial base of Japan.日本的工业基础设施
11.The first phase (stage) of the infrastructure project基础设施工程第一期
12.Global Spatial Data Infrastructure全球空间数据基础设施
13.Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (RSDI)区域空间数据基础设施
14.National Spatial Data Infrastructure国家空间数据基础设施
15.Anticipating the "Infostructure"展望“信息基础设施
16.privately financed infrastructure project私人融资基础设施项目
17.Principles for Restoration of Infrastructure恢复基础设施的原则
18.Infrastructure and Applications Support Section基础设施和应用支助科

basic facilities基础设施
1.From traffic basic facilities,traffic realizations,traffic structure,road structure and citilized process,etc,it analyzes some factors in city traffic jam,and brings forward countermeasures to reduce traffic jam,so as to raise the traffic efficiency.从交通基础设施、交通意识、交通结构、道路结构、城市化进程几方面对城市交通拥挤的几个影响因素进行了分析,并提出了缓解交通拥挤的对策,以提高交通效率。
2.It analyzes the problems in building ecological city in Taiyuan, and proposes relevant proposals and suggestions from the management and protection of geologic environment, development of circulated economy, reconstruction of urban basic facilities, and building of urban greening system, which to offer a reference for the building of other ecological cities.分析了太原在建设生态城市中所面临的问题,从地质环境的管理和保护、循环经济的发展、城市基础设施的改造、城市绿化系统的建设等方面提出了相应的建议和措施,为其他生态城市的建设提供依据和借鉴。
3.In accordance with the backwardness of the basic facilities of water supply and drainage in the towns,according to the principle of protecting the circumstance and reducing the cost,the plan which is suitable for the water supply and drainage in the towns is expounded.针对小城镇供水、排水基础设施落后的具体情况,按照保护环境,节约资金的原则,阐述了适用于小城镇的供水和排水的规划方案。
3)Infrastructure Construction基础设施
1.As for cooperation of infrastructure construction between state-owned and private companies which adopt PPP model, the ownership issue of projects has always been a key concern for the execution of PPP model, and this ownership problem has affected the promotion of PPP model for infrastructure construction.基础设施公私合作(PPP)模式中项目的所有权归属问题一直是PPP模式实施的难点。
2.In this paper the situations of lagged development in infrastructure construction of county city are introduced, at the same time the problem of fund input in city construction is elaborated.为解决县级城市基础设施建设滞后的局面 ,阐述了城市建设资金投入问题 ,提出了转变思路 ,探索多渠道融资 ,实施多元化投入 ,确定以政府为主导 ,社会、团体、个人群雄逐鹿的投资格
3.Because Infrastructure Construction and Basic Industries are the base of the national economy,have the characteristics of mixed product and natural monopoly and have the specialty in demand and supply,government should support Infrastructure Construction and Basic Industries in mode of consumption、mode of production and financing.基础设施、基础产业是国民经济的基础 ;具有混合产品的性质和自然垄断的特点 :投资规模大、建设周期长 ;再加上其在供给需求上的特性及收入分配的要求 ,政府应从消费方式、生产方式和资金筹集三方面进行干预。
1.The Construction of Development Zones Infrastructures under the "Public Private Partnership" Model;“公私部门伙伴关系”模式下的开发区基础设施建设
2.Management and administration of urban infrastructures;城市基础设施的经营与管理
3.The Research of Public Infrastructures BOO Project Risk Management;公共基础设施BOO项目风险管理研究
5)Basic establishment基础设施
1.Statement of fund control and management in basic establishment construction;谈基础设施建设中资金控制与管理
2.From the aspects of the disadvantage of the planned economy system,the innovation outmoded of investing system,the forecast cost highly for the consumer s demand,the article analyzed the reason that cause the basic establishment insufficient supplied in terms of institution economics.文章从计划经济体制的弊端、投资体制改革落后、对消费者的需求偏好界定成本过高等制度经济学的角度入手,分析了基础设施供给不足的原因。
3.Development of small town basic establishment(STBE)plays an important role on the respect of the improvement of urbanization.小城镇基础设施建设对城镇化水平提高具有非常重要影响,但长期以来的单一政府投资已经成为小城镇基础设施建设的重要约束。
6)Infrastructure facilities基础设施
1.The property of town s infrastructure facilities and the multiple methods of raising money;小城镇基础设施性质与多元化筹资思路
2.This paper highlights the requirements and characteristics of various infrastructure facilities in rural areas,and examines the characteristics of existing finance models for implementing the infrastructure facilities.概括分析了中国农村各类基础设施的需求及其特点,通过对目前基础设施建设中经常采用的几种典型融资模式的讨论,揭示了这些融资模式在实际应用中的局限性和困难,从而提出针对不同类型的农村进行基础设施建设的新型融资模式和方法。
3.The weak infrastructure facilities become the "bottleneck" of the exploitation in mid-western regions, which is severely hindering the economic development there.落后的基础设施是中西部地区开发的“瓶颈”,严重地阻碍了中西部地区经济的发展,加强基础设施建设已刻不容缓。
