别样人生,special life
1)special life别样人生
1.Meanwhile,it illustrates the special life of Louis Kahn behind the poetic design,which shows his architectural style actually and shows that he is not a master superior,arrogant or cold as he seems to be.寻父之旅》的探析,指出路易斯·I·康是诗意空间的缔造者,同时阐述了康诗意背后的别样人生,由此真正体现出路易斯·I·康的建筑风格,而并非一个看起来高高在上、冷峻孤傲的大师。

1.A Changed Life in View of Power--View of Water of Wave from Michel Foucault s Viewpoints of Power;权力视野下的别样人生——从福柯的权力论看《沧浪之水》
2.No matter what we eat or use, it is produced by the working people.别管哪一样,都是劳动人民生产的。
3.(saying)(live and)die as other people do;suffer the same changes,dangers,etc as other people(谚)像别人一样(生与)死;和他人一样经受变革、危险等.
4.Let others be as butterflies that preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life.让别人像蝴蝶一样,舞动翅膀,靠花朵的施舍生活;
5.Mr. Bulstrade, like other men, believes scores of things that are not true.布尔斯特罗德先生跟别人一样,把许多无中生有的事信以为真。
6.For divinity, maketh the love of ourselves the pattern; The love of our neighbors, but the portraiture.神告诉我们:要像别人爱你那样爱别人。
7.Don't be so thoughtless of other people.不要封别人这样不亲切。
8.He doesn't speak as other people.他说的话和别人不一样。
9.But he'll take out on someone else.他会照样对付别人的。
10.There are no conditions to which a man cannot become accustomed,especially if he sees that all those around him live in the same way.没有人不能适应的环境,特别是当他看到他周围的人也这样生活。
11.We should prefer to be like a large stone or brick that causes significant waves of good in somebody's life.我们应当像大石入水那样成为给别人生活带来重要影响的人。
12.Oh, you stranger, don't be sore.啊,陌生人,别难过。
13.Then you came along and made him think that he can live like other people.后来,你出现了,你使他相信他可以象别人那样生活。
14.You just work day in and day out so the world can roll on and other people can live.你一天到晚操劳,这样世界就能继续存在下去,别的人就能生活。
15.He can be as sharp as any man when it's a question of business; but duty's another pair of shoes.他做起生意来跟别人一样精明,但是承担责任就是另外一码事了。
16.People, like other objects, have a definite nature which sets them off from the rest of creation.人与其他物体一样,具有区别于其他生物的不同特性。
17.small threadlike worm infesting human intestines and rectum esp. in children.象线一样的小蠕虫,大批滋生在人类特别是孩子的肠子和直肠中。
18.Like the others, they lived up to the resolute sentiment of Longfellow's "Psalm of Life".他们和别人一样,当得起朗费罗在《生命颂》中所描绘的崇高情操。

face recognition one sample problem单样本人脸识别
3)follow one's example; take heed of someone学习别人的榜样
4)Don' t be so horrid.别这样叫人厌恶!
5)How can I give back to others?我怎样回报别人?
6)How They See Others他们怎样看别人

别样1.不同寻常,特别。 2.另一种。