追崇主义,Pursue Careers
1)Pursue Careers追崇主义
1.The Contradictory Relationship between the Local Style and Pursue Careers in Architecture Design建筑设计中地方风格与追崇主义之间的矛盾关系

1.The Contradictory Relationship between the Local Style and Pursue Careers in Architecture Design建筑设计中地方风格与追崇主义之间的矛盾关系
2.One whose pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as excessive or affected.唯美主义者被认为是过于或装假追求和崇拜美的人
3.The social root for this was to seek after fitness,worship forces,pursue hegemony and with the nation as the supreme target.追求健美 ,崇尚武力 ,谋求霸权 ,奉行国家至上主义 ,是其重视优生的重要社会根源
4.A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance.长途追寻长途跋涉和追寻,尤指具有崇高目的或重要道德意义的
5.following the ideas of Marx expanded to include those of Lenin.追随马克思和列宁主义。
6.Allegiance to the United States and its customs and institutions.崇美主义对美国及其传统习惯的忠诚
7.To realize communism is our lofty ideal.实现共产主义是我们的崇高理想。
8.John Fowles s Adoration for Existentialist Freedom;约翰·福尔斯存在主义式的自由崇尚
9.On Tan Siteng s Utiliarian Ethics of "Advocating Consumption & Opposing Thrift";谭嗣同“崇奢黜俭”功利主义伦理观
10.From Loftiness, Tragic Beauty to Patriotism;从崇高、悲剧美、爱国主义到德育教学
11.a religious mystic who follows quietism.追随寂静主义的宗教神秘主义者。
12.When we reached Chungyi, battalion commander Yuan Chung-chuan defected with an infantry company and an artillery company, and though the two companies were brought back, our regimental commander Wang Erh-cho lost his life in this action.当到崇义时,营长袁崇全率一步兵连一炮兵连叛变,虽然追回了这两个连,但牺牲了团长王尔琢。
13.You had to pretend conformity while privately pursuing high and dangerous nonconformism当你私下里追求崇高而又危险的新教教义时,你仍得假装信奉国教
14.In its foreign relations, the Chinese nation has advocated cordiality, benevolence, good-neighborliness and universal harmony.中华民族在对外交往中,崇尚亲仁善邻,主张和而不同,追求普遍和谐。
15.The beauty of nature and human feelings were important ideas in romanticism.崇尚自然美和人的感受是浪漫主义的主要思想。
16.Their main manifestations are: the prevalence of commercial profits pursuit and money worship;其主要表现是:追商逐利,拜金主义盛行;
17.Its exponents worship the ``democracy'' and ``freedom'' of the Western capitalist countries and reject socialism.崇拜西方资本主义国家的“民主”、“自由”,否定社会主义。
18.pursue lofty political goals.追求崇高的政治目标

the Old Deferentialism旧尊崇主义
3)pursuit of aestheticism唯美主义追求
1.Witness the Tthirty-year Forest Reform in Chongyi我见证江西崇义林业改革30年
5)dogmatism of personality cult个人崇拜的教条主义
1.For a long time, dogmatism of personality cult has distorted the basic law of Marxism by always saying that the ruling status of the communist party is inherent and is got once and forever.要避免自相矛盾,就要用马克思主义基本理论来证明新观点,就要认真清理个人崇拜的教条主义对马克思主义基本原理的曲解,恢复马克思主义的本来面貌。
6)Marxism worship view马克思主义崇拜观

尊崇【尊崇】 (术语)贵德敬圣也。杂阿含经五十曰:“尊崇佛法僧。”