1.The Rhythm and Confirmation in the Film Advertisement Animation;影视广告动画创作中的节奏把握
2.Analysis of Teaching Rhythm in Eurhythmics Class;浅析艺术体操的课堂教学节奏
3.Studies on the rhythm and accuracy of approach-running ofjunior long jumpers by mark with sponge brick;标志法提高跳远运动员助跑节奏和准确性的研究

1.They play uptempo numbers.他们演奏快节奏的曲调。
2.Secondly, we should grasp rhythm correctly with the sense of collectivity.其次,要准确把握节奏,演奏中要有集体的节奏感。
3.The use or an instance of simultaneous contrasting rhythms.复合节奏同时对照节奏的运用或例子
4.Pulse is the underlying regular beat in a piece of mensural music.节拍是有固定节奏音乐中的有规律的节奏
5.Jazz is also polyrhythmic, which means many rhythms revolve around one basic one.爵士乐也是多重节奏的,即多种节奏围绕一个基本节奏而进行。
6.Now the band is playing a slow dance.现在乐队正在演奏慢节奏的舞曲。
7.played the concerto at a brisk tempo.用轻快的节奏表演协奏曲。
8.To speak, sing, or play with liveliness or rhythm.活泼或有节奏的说、唱或演奏
9.play the same tune in/with a different rhythm用不同节奏演奏同一个曲子
10.The band played a slow dance.乐队奏了一支慢节奏的舞曲。
11.a form of vocal music in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment.在音乐伴奏下以快节奏念出歌词。
12.He is trying to play the same tune in a different rhythm.他正试图用不同节奏演奏同一个曲子。
13.The Sign That Change to Play in the Movie-Jump the Dynamic Rhythm Melody;电影中变奏的符号—跃动的节奏韵律
14.On the Rhythm Patterns of Ligeti’s the Second String Quartet里盖蒂《第二弦乐四重奏》中的节奏形态
15.A strict metronomic tempo.严格的机械呆板的节奏
16.accentual verse根据重音定节奏的诗行
17.move in a graceful and rhythmical way.优美而有节奏地移动。
18.utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically.单调、重复、有节奏地。

1.The integral information tempo is analyzed and modeled based on film grammar.提出了一种解决场景过分割问题的有效方法,通过分析过分割现象出现的环境,利用电影语法理论,分析和建模了节奏这一整体信息,并用其来合并过分割的边界。
2.Quick tempo is an important movie-level character for action scene.本文提出了一种简单有效的方法检测武打片中的动作场景:首先根据动作场景的节奏特点,从影片层次出发,使用镜头长度和MPEG-7运动活力描述符定义了镜头的步调函数来度量节奏,由此定位快节奏区域,找到动作场景的大体位置;之后根据动作场景的内容发展特点,从镜头层次出发,分析快节奏区域及周边的镜头的内容,根据视觉特征确定动作场景的边界点。
3.Generally,the hurdle jump tempo is called the soul of hurdle jump.跨栏跑节奏通常被称为跨栏跑的灵魂。
1.Three-segment in design is the special manifestation of cadence principle in formal aesthetics.指出了三段式是形式美学法则中节奏法则的特殊情况,用大量的实例说明了三段式在平面及产品等设计中已经得到了广泛应用。
1.The Common Felling of Pace and Cadence in Music and Interior Design;音乐与室内设计在节奏韵律中的通感
2.He is aware of the profound influence of the increasing pace on human mental life such as literature,wisdom,emotion,not least morals and culture.科技对现代社会造成诸多弊端,惟罗素独能从节奏的视角提出极富启发性的见解。
3.The points depend on whether the techniques can demonstrate speed and pace and whether they are in turn beneficial to the last strength.研究表明:教学的重点难点应根据投掷步技术在投掷步过程能否体现速度和节奏以及是否有利于最后用力来确定。
2.The concept of “foot” has been used for reference in the above evolution, which helps to understand and explore the rhythem and metrical pattern of modern poems.在现代,“顿”概念通过“节”和“音尺”两个概念而扩大成为既包含顿歇又包含音组(节奏单位)两方面意思的概念。
6)rhythm and metre节奏节拍
