1.Research on torpedo anti-ship active fuze based on phase-coded signal;基于相位编码信号的鱼雷主动反舰声引信研究
2.The Application of Li/SF_6 Heat Source in the Torpedo and the UUV Propulsion Systems;Li/SF_6热源在鱼雷和UUV推进系统中的应用
3.The research on modeling and simulation of torpedo reverberation;鱼雷混响建模与仿真研究

1.The technology of ATT (Anti-Torpedo Torpedo) is an important aspect in anti-torpedo technology.反鱼雷鱼雷是硬杀伤来袭鱼雷的一个重要武器。
2.tube interlock mechanism鱼雷发射管联锁机构
3.torpedo effective range indicator鱼雷有效距离指示仪
4.torpedo countermeasures and deception鱼雷对抗措施与诱骗
5.nuclear-powered attack submarine核动力鱼雷攻击潜艇
6.The torpedo boat sheared through the waves.鱼雷快艇破浪前进。
7.The warship was struck by torpedo and sank.那艘战舰队被鱼雷击沉。
8.a hole in the bow of the ship made by a torpedo.鱼雷在船头击出一个洞。
9.a carrier sunk by a torpedo被鱼雷击沉的航空母舰
10.torpedo warhead extension鱼雷战斗部的延伸部分
11.To attack, strike, or sink with a torpedo.用鱼雷进行进攻,打击或由于鱼雷攻击而沉没
12.Mother came over of course----mines or no mines.当然,妈妈也不管有鱼雷鱼雷,赶来看我。
13.Research on Surface Vessel ATT Combat Employment Method水面舰艇反鱼雷鱼雷作战使用方法研究
14.bottom-dwelling ray-like sharks.生活于海底的鱼雷状鲨鱼。
15.body for shells, grenades, mines, bombs or torpedoes炮弹、榴弹、地雷、炸弹或鱼雷的弹体
16.Torpedo launcher- Controls how many torpedoes/ mines you can deploy and carry.鱼雷发射器—控制你可以配置和装载的鱼雷/雷数量。
17.Torpedo launcher - Controls how many torpedoes/mines you can deploy and carry.鱼雷发射器—控制你可以配置和装载的鱼雷/水雷数量。
18.Fixed the Torpedo drag model. Now high speed torpedoes will hit fine.修正了鱼雷拖曳模型,高速鱼雷将体现出应有的效果。

anti-torpedo torpedo(ATT)反鱼雷鱼雷
1.Based on the analysis of two intercept trajectories of anti-torpedo torpedo(ATT),mathematical models of converse trajectory and direct trajectory were established.通过分析反鱼雷鱼雷的2种不同拦截弹道,建立了迎面逆弹道拦截和直接直线拦截方案的数学模型,讨论了来袭鱼雷方位角和反鱼雷鱼雷发射角之间的关系,采用蒙特卡罗法,仿真计算了本舰对来袭鱼雷的测距和测向误差对反鱼雷鱼雷拦截目标概率的影响,同时讨论了拦截弹道与反鱼雷鱼雷性能的关系。
2.It is very important to research the structural dynamic response of torpedo under the shock of underwater explosion and the damage radius of anti-torpedo torpedo(ATT) for the development of ATT.水下爆炸冲击下的鱼雷结构动力学响应特性研究和对来袭鱼雷毁伤效果的评定对反鱼雷鱼雷研究具有重要的应用价值。
3.It is important for anti-torpedo torpedo(ATT) to estimate the course angle and distance of high speed underwater vehicles so as to enhance the probability of successful interception.为了提高反鱼雷鱼雷拦截成功率,实现其对水下高速航行体的航向角和距离估计尤显重要。
1.A Preliminary Study of Operational Mode and Intercept Trajectory of ATT;反鱼雷鱼雷作战模式及拦截弹道初步研究
2.Electric Propulsion System of Small Diameter ATT;小口径反鱼雷鱼雷电动力系统探讨
3.Research on ATT Guidance Simulation;反鱼雷鱼雷制导仿真方法研究
4)counter-torpedo torpedo(ATT)反鱼雷鱼雷(ATT)
1.Overseas although is developing counter-torpedo torpedo(ATT),but regarding its combat employment method question,actually very little public report.国外海军在研究发展反鱼雷鱼雷(ATT),但对于其作战使用方法问题,却很少公开报道。
5)exercise head torpedo section鱼雷操雷段
6)torpedo mine鱼雷或水雷
