1.Critical part which affects the fitness of female upper garment prototype in crosswise specifications;影响合体女上装原型横向规格的重要部位

1.A model or an original used as an archetype.原型,典型被公认为原型的模型或原物
2.a clay model(雕塑的)粘土原型
3.The model and the prototype are geometrically similar.模型与原型为几何相似。
4.2,the ablution archetype and the hero archetype.2,调用了宗教洗礼原型和英雄原型
5.The Contributions and Limitations of Archetypal Criticism;原型批评的得与失——弗莱“原型理论”评析
6.Comparison between Old and New Culture Pattern--Upper outer garment of women s pattern;新旧文化原型之比较——女装原型上装篇
7.On Theme and Image Prototypes in Chinese and English Poetry;中英诗歌的主题原型与意象原型解读
8.Reinterpretation of Prototype Theory -A Supplement to the Concept of Present Prototype Theory;原型重释——对当下原型定义的一点补充
9.A comparative study on cultural pattern prototype and German pattern prototype;文化式原型和德国式原型的比较研究
10.The Analysis on the Prototypes and the Non-prototypes in the If-conditional CategoryIf条件句范畴的原型与非原型分析
11.A New Date Format for Rapid Prototyping and Manufacture;快速原型制造中新型数据模型的研究
12.waste solidification engineering prototype废物固化工程原型装置
13.stereolithography technology [SLA technology]激光立体原型制造技术
14.An Analysis on Model Principle of BitTorrentBitTorrent模型原理分析
15.both @A@ and @B@ antigens make you type AB;既有A型也有b型抗原则为Ab型血;
16.primary open-angle glaucoma原发性开角型青光眼
17.primary angle-closure glaucoma原发性闭角型青光眼
18.hydrogen maser frequency standard氢激射型原子频率标准

1.Compound as Archetype and its Applications in the Present Age;作为原型的“院落”及其在当代居住环境设计中的应用探求
2.The Entertainment value of Clown-archetype in Media s Eyesight;媒介视野中“丑角”原型的娱乐价值——以“芙蓉姐姐”现象为例
3.Myth—Archetype ofJourney to the West;《西游记》中的神话原型解读
1.The Inspiration from Rereading the Scarlet Letter——Hawthorne s Puritan view as seen in the different archetypes in the Scarlet Letter;再读《红字》的启示——从霍桑对不同原型的运用看他的清教观
2.This paper points out that Charles Dickens applied some biblical myth archetypes to describe settings and create images and therefore reasonably arranged the fate of the heroes in"Great Expectations".狄更斯在小说《远大前程》中,运用了许多圣经神话原型意象进行环境描写,烘托塑造人物形象,将主人公的命运在起伏跌宕的故事中给予合理的安排与归宿,使小说达到了艺术性与教育性的完美结合。
3.Through analyzing Melibeus s Story in Canterbury Tales,the present paper attempts to show the religious influence in his works and his absorption of Christianity by interpreting the biblical allusions,archetypes and ideas of the story.文章通过分析《坎特伯雷故事》中“梅利比的故事”,阐述该故事中的《圣经》典故、原型及思想,以说明乔叟作品中的宗教色彩及其对基督教因素的吸收。
1.Embodiment and Analysis of Prototypes of "Anger" Metaphors in English and Chinese;体验与英汉“愤怒”隐喻的原型分析
2.Virtual prototypes,based on CAD/CAM data,are taking the place of physical prototypes in most areas and will be used more widely.虚拟原型技术是当前设计、制造领域中的一个新技术。
3.This essay gives a prototypical reading of the drama and points out that the play s forceful tragic sprit lies in its various prototypes — nemesis prototype,incestuous prototype,per.本文从原型批评的角度解读《悲悼》,指出该剧之所以有经久不衰的生命力,主要是因为它蕴涵了各种原型意象:悲剧主题的复仇原型,悲剧情节的乱伦原型,悲剧人物的人格原型和悲剧社会的道德原型
1.Cold moon and flower spirit ——The model meaning of Lindaiyu s death;冷月花魂——黛玉之死的原型意义
1.Original explore the antetype of Harry Potter and the philosopher s stone;《哈利·波特与魔法石》原型初探
2."antetype" has authority and standard influence on the discipline,including study of anthropology and how to write,through reflection,I think fieldwork is everywhere,anthropology should concern itself with theory and reality.首先从时间与空间上来看,人类学田野存在着政治的不平等性以及学科本身对田野的判断与建构出现的诸多问题,"原型"的权威与标准及其背后的政治语境束缚了人类学的研究和民族志写作,在反思与对话中,笔者认为田野是无处不在的,学科所具有的品质是对理论与现实的关怀。
3.Snatch type is close to the antetype of moon shadow myth.这三个类型中,“攫取型”比较接近于月亮阴影神话的原型,因为其中出现母亲诅咒女儿———原始人的语言信仰,男性的月亮攫取人间少女———原始社会抢婚习俗的反映,少女及其水桶等成为月亮阴影———原始人对月亮阴影的猜想等与人类社会早期思想观念相关的神话母题。
