1.Headway Distribution Models and Their Application on Two-lane Highway in Mountainous Areas;车头时距分布模型及其在山区双车道公路的应用
2.Revised Weibull revision model of headway distribution for motor-vehicle机动车车头时距分布的韦布尔修正模型
3.The start-up time and headway of queuing motor vehicles in the intersection,start-up lost time of through vehicles with disturbance under mixed traffic condition,and estimate of green time for discharging motor vehicles in the queue based on above results were analyzed.研究的主要内容包括:信号灯控制道路交叉口红灯周期形成的排队车辆,在放行后不同车型的启动时间和不同车型组成的混合机动车流车头时距的分布研究;混合交通状态下机动车启动通过交叉口时受到干扰后的延误时间研究;利用上述研究成果对混合交通状态下交叉口排队车辆的放行绿灯时间进行估算。

1.Revised Weibull revision model of headway distribution for motor-vehicle机动车车头时距分布的韦布尔修正模型
2.Application of Neural Network in Analysis of Headway Characteristics神经网络方法在车头时距特性分析中的应用
3.In traffic theory, a real renewal process can be gained by observing a traffic flow at a section of a road. Headway, arrival are its interval and count respectly.在道路断面观测交通流可得到一更新过程,车头时距和车辆到达分别是其间隔和计数。
4.The French car was beginning to draw away那辆法国车开始在前头拉开了距离。
5.About two hour's drive from Beijing.距离北京有两小时的车程
6.wearing protective headgear on a motor cycle骑摩托车时戴保护头盔
7.Capacity Analysis of Signalized Intersections under Mixed Traffic Conditions Based on the First Discharge Headway基于头车疏解车距的混合交通信号交叉口通行能力研究
8.The distance in time or space that separates two vehicles traveling the same route.间隔距离在同一路线上行驶的车辆之间在时间或空间上的距离
9.The front part of my car was damaged when it hit the tree.我的车子撞到树时车头部分受了损害。
10.He turned the car just in time to avoid a collision他及时调转车头,避免了撞车。
11.Memories are like stones, time and distance erode them like acid.记忆犹如石头,时间和距离像酸一样腐蚀着它们。
12.Discussion on the Reasonableness of the Calculation of Time and Distance Together in the Taxi Industry;出租车行业“时距并计”计价方式的非合理性
13.stopping distance停车距离(制动距离)
14.The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet.这时飞机能上升了,并在距山头400英尺的高度飞越了山头。
15.It can be adjusted according to size of different patient's head, such as the distane between malor holder, distance between superciliary ridge and lower jaw, and fix both tempora to prevent head from swaying.使用时根据病人头颅大小,适当调节颧骨支架间距,眉弓—下颌间距,双颞部固定防止头颅晃动。
16.Research on Welding Seam Spacing and Rod Wall Thickness Matching Characteristic of Coach Skeleton Joint客车骨架接头的焊缝间距与杆件壁厚匹配特性研究
17.long focus lens长焦距(望远)镜头
18.The train ground to a halt only inches from the damaged bus.火车缓慢地停下来时离损坏了的公共汽车只有几英寸的距离。

time headway车头时距
1.By means of probability analysis,different car-following sequences and combinatorial probabilities of mixed traffic flow,which was made up of r categories of vehicles,was studied,and a capacity model of this traffic flow on sections was established using car-following time headway.利用概率论方法,通过对由多种车型构成的混合车流不同跟驰序列,不同组合概率的研究,得到了跟驰车头时距路段多车型混合车流通行能力模型。
2.The periodic interferences by straight-moving bicycles will change the dynamics feature of right-turning vehicles time headway from random into chaos,which is detected by measuring the large.运用概率统计、混沌时间序列中小样本数据方法,分析了干扰对混合交通流速度的影响,结果表明干扰不影响混合交通速度的随机性,但是会降低混合交通的速度,而自行车群的干扰对机动车运行速度的影响大于单辆自行车,并且机动车车头时距在自行车周期性干扰下,其运行特性将由随机性变为混沌特性;接着从微观角度提出了干扰的计算方法。
3.Aimed to solve the deficiency of determining car following state,based on He s method which uses the varying rule between the absolute value of relative speed difference and time headway,this paper presents a new method.针对现行交通仿真研究中跟驰状态判定的不足之处,本文基于何民等人利用相对速度绝对差随车头时距变化的规律来判定跟驰状态的基础上,通过实测数据深入分析前后车速度的相关系数与车头时距的关系,提出了利用前后车速度的相关系数随车头时距变化的规律来确定车辆跟驰状态的临界值,与以前的方法相比,这一方法考虑的信息更为全面,与现实结合更为紧密,本研究期望能对提高交通微观仿真的精确度、可信度取到一些有益的作用。
1.Taking account of vehicle safety and passenger comfort,the calculation method of minimum vehicle time-headway based on the analyse of vehicle brake process is given.从分析车辆的制动过程出发,推导出在保证公交车辆安全和满足乘客基本舒适条件下公交车辆最小车头时距的计算方法,在此基础上对理想道路交通条件下(即不考虑停靠站等因素的影响)快速公交系统专用道的理论客运能力进行了研究。
4)headway distribution车头时距分布
1.Based on the traffic sample data of several intersections in Beijing,this paper analyzes the headway distribution of vehicles which cross the stop in the queue with congestion and its changing characteristic.车头时距分布是研究交通流特性的重要方法。
2.Based on real data,this paper focused on headway distribution about up-stream of two lanes urban expressway on- ramp.车头时距分布在交通工程理论和实践中应用广泛。
5)saturated headway饱和车头时距
1.Result shows that it reaches saturated headway since 6th vehicle.本文基于北京市若干交叉口的实测样本数据,研究分析了拥堵状态下信号交叉口的排队车辆越过停车线的车头时距分布及其变化特点,结果表明在第6个车辆之后达到饱和车头时距
6)relative time headway相对车头时距
1.Based on the process of merging on expressways and characteristics of running vehicles involved in the merging,this paper defines relative time headway to describe the velocity of vehicles involved in merging process and the volume of the main lane.在分析合流过程中匝道车辆运行特点以及合流影响因素的基础上,提出用相对车头时距的概念刻画主线车流与合流车辆运行速度以及主线流量对合流的影响,得到了新的加速车道长度计算模型。

车头1.火车的机车。 2.管理制造车辆工匠的头目。