1.Its taste comes from trace substances such as ethanol, ester, acids, aldehyde.黄酒之色泽来源于原料、麦曲和添加的焦糖色,经陈化及化学反应而成色;香气来源于原料麦曲,生产工艺酿造中生化作用及贮存中化学反应而产生;味道来源于酒体中醇、酯、酸、醛等微量物质,也是酒体中七味成分(甜、酸、辣、苦、涩、鲜、咸)相应协调的结果,三者共同形成了黄酒独特典型的风味。
2.There are various tastes both in life and art, taste art means tasting life.生活中艺术中都有种种味道,品味艺术,也是人生品味的结晶。
3.With the enlightening of nose and taste,and analyzing the primary elements of ship\'s scent field,a new method named taste detecting for detecting warships is brought forward in this paper.从嗅觉和味觉的感官功能得到启发,分析舰艇气味场的主要因素,提出一种根据舰艇的气味和水体味道探测舰艇的新方法——品味探测方法,建立了依据舰艇气味对其实施探测的基本信道模型,并简要分析了这种探测方法的优缺点,初步讨论了实现该方法的主要关键技术,为品味探测方法在水下舰艇对抗中的实际应用打下一定的理论基础。

1.a beery taste, smell啤酒的味道、 气味
2.lacking taste or flavor or tang.缺少味道、滋味或特殊的味道
3.a meaty smell, taste, etc似肉的气味、 味道等.
4.a sickly smell, taste, etc令人作呕的气味、 味道
5.a vile smell, taste, etc令人厌恶的气味、 味道
6.very offensive in smell or taste.气味或味道极为刺激的。
7.Condiments impart flavour to food.调味品使食品有味道
8.Delicacies pleasing to the most refined palate.美味使好的味道兴奋
9.with a pungent taste or smell.有刺激性的味道或气味。
10.Typical Chinese local dishes taste wonderful.中国风味莱,味道好极了。
11.Stale or moldy in odor or taste.发霉的气味或味道陈腐的或有霉味的
12.A flavoring simulating the flavor of many fruits.什锦果味含有多种水果味的味道
13.The dish has a taste of ginger.这道菜有姜的味道
14.Packing Taste--Analysis of the Connection between Taste and Package;包装味道——解析味道与包装的联系
15.A taste persisting in the mouth after the substance that caused it is no longer present.余味,回味在造成某种味道的物质不再存于口中之后仍残留的味道
16.Nose: The smell of a wine; also called aroma and bouquet.酒味:鼻子闻酒的感受。葡萄酒的味道,也指香味。
17.Very pleasing to the taste or smell; delicious.美味的,可口的口感或味道非常宜人的;美味的
18.A sweet cordial flavored with fruit kernels or almonds.果味甜酒一种有果仁味道或杏仁味的甜酒

flavour (taste)味道(味觉)
3)code smell代码味道
1.Design and Implementation of Code Smell Detection Tool for Auto-refactoring;面向自动化重构的代码味道识别器的设计与实现
2.This paper analysed the use of object-oriented software metrics methods to detect code smell,and brought forward design code smell detection tool based on Abstract Syntax Tree.介绍了如何利用面向对象软件度量方法来识别代码味道,同时提出了以抽象语法树为中间表示形式来设计面向自动化重构的代码味道识别工具,并介绍了该识别工具各个模块的功能与特点。
3.Based on its this feature,in this paper is proposed a method using slicing metrics code smell which detect code smell and accelerate the development of fully automated refactoring technology.基于程序切片技术这一特点,本文提出了一种切片度量代码味道的方法,用其识别代码味道,促进全自动化重构技术发展。
4)Bad smell坏味道
5)flavor conservation味道守恒
6)Taste of Rain《雨的味道》
1.The poetic collection of Taste of Rain sediments poetic quality with wide human space,sedate temperament and faint breath.叶维廉诗集《雨的味道》人文空间宽阔性情沉稳,以幽微的呼息沉淀诗意。

味道【味道】 (杂语)玩味于道也。三论玄义曰:“味道之流。”