1.They have more different with Ornithurae,and was flourished in the Early Cretaceous,and extinguished at the end of the Late Cretaceous.它们繁盛于早白垩世,灭绝于晚白垩世。
2.The first reason for the flourish of Gucheng is that it has potential to create beauty and has space for development.古筝繁盛的原因首先在于其具有创造美的潜质和不断发展的空间;其次是具备了优美的音色和丰富的表现力,使之成为太平盛世朝野人士喜爱的乐器;再次是音乐的教育作用显示了古筝的社会价值;第四是人类爱美的普同性与筝的教育功能,使之在民族乐器中成为全面提高青少儿素质教育的首选之器。

1.The city is becoming more and more prosperous.这个城市越来越繁盛了。
2.a riotous growth of ferns.蕨类植物的繁盛生长
3.Honour sink, where commerce long prevail.商业繁盛地,道德沦丧处。
4.To be fortunate or successful, especially in terms of one's finances; thrive.繁盛,成功幸运或成功的,尤对某人财富而言;繁盛
5.This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。
6.Rains that made the yard bloom.雨水使庭院中的植物长得繁盛
7.You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.不提倡勤俭节约就不会有繁盛
8.in an abundant and luxuriant manner.以盛产的、繁茂的方式。
9.For a nation to be strong and prosperous,一个国家若想强盛繁荣,
10.Our country is thriving and prospering day by day.祖国日益繁荣昌盛。
11.I invite you to join me in wishing China thriving prosperity;祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛!
12.The period of greatest popularity, success, or power;prime.极盛时期繁荣、成功或力量的最高潮;全盛时期
13.May our country prosper and thrive forever!希望我们的国家繁荣兴旺, 长盛不衰。
14.Our country is moving towards prosperity.我们的国家正在走向繁荣昌盛。
15.Thandk you for contribution to China's flourishing and prosperity!感谢您为祖国繁荣昌盛做出的贡献!
16.Wish prosperity your new company祝贵公司开业大吉,繁荣昌盛。
17.We take pride in the prosperity of our country.我们为我国的繁荣昌盛而感到自豪。
18.And if China is prosperous, Hong Kong will benefit even more.若中国繁荣昌盛,香港受惠会更大。

1.For the present paper, I have offered my insights into understanding pragmatics in dating back to its birth and prosperity.作者明确了自己对语用学的理解 ;并回顾了语用学的源起和繁盛 ,在相关问题上表明了自己的观点 ;展望其发展 ,作者提出了加强多学科协同研究以及应用型研究的建议、理据和途
3)thriving period繁盛期
1.From March to April in 2005,Author expanded culture rapidly after getting new water from Xin Lake,Researched the relativity of paramecium's thriving period and water polluting.2005年3-4月,对德州新湖不同水体采用活体采样并迅速扩大培养的方法,研究草履虫的繁盛期与水质污染的相关性。
2.Author expanded culture rapidly after getting new water from Dongchang Lake and old canal water,researched the relativity of pramecium's thriving period and water polluting.作者对聊城东昌湖和老运河不同水体采用活体采样并迅速扩大培养的方法 ,研究草履虫的繁盛期与水质污染的相关性。
4)spawning high tide period繁殖盛期
5)the prosper reason繁盛原因
6)thriving and prospering繁荣昌盛
