1.Study on Development Strategy of COSCON Center Port;中远集运枢纽港选择的战略研究

1.The Research of Marketing & Sales for Coscon in South-China Area;中远集运华南地区市场营销策略研究
2.The Research of Improving Competitive Advantages Through Information System for Coscon;以信息系统提升中远集运竞争力的研究
3.China ocean shipping container lines-vessel global monitoring system中远集运船舶全球动态监控系统的技术特点
4.Study on the Cooperation Strategy for Coscon North American Line;中远集运北美洲地区班轮航线合作经营战略研究
5.China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company中国远洋运输(集团)总公司
6.Research of China Shipping Group s Container Transportation Strategy on the Far East/North America Line;中海远东/北美航线集装箱运输发展策略研究
7.The Analysis of the Container Transportation Market in Southeast Asia and the Developing Research of the Container Transportation which Should be Taken by COSCO in this Area;东南亚集装箱运输市场分析及中远发展研究
8.A Study on COSCON Information System Construction and Planning;中远全球集装箱运输信息系统建设规划研究
9.tending away from centralization, as of authority.倾向于远离集中,例如远离权力集中。
10.Application of RFID in Container Transportation Management--On the Feasibility of Wireless Remote Label Collection System of ContainerRFID在集装箱运输管理中的应用——集装箱无线远程标签采集系统的可行性
11."The Group is also involved in the investment, development and operations of a number of deep-sea and coastal/river ports in Mainland China."集团并参与投资、发展与营运中国内地多个远洋和沿海/内河港口。
12.Optimism on Technical Management of COSCON Fleet;中远集装箱运输有限公司船队机务管理模式再优化
13.COSCO Container Lines Co.,Ltd.--On the Strengthening of Marketing to Face Global Competition;《案例》:中远集装箱运输有限公司——强化市场营销,应对国际竞争
14.Application in the Cost Accounting of Activity-based Costing for Ocean Container Transportation Enterprises;作业成本法在远洋集装箱运输企业成本核算中的应用
15.Central dispatching of cascade hydropower stations to realize safe and economical operation of hydropower stations group梯级水库远程集中调度与水电站群安全经济运行
16.Study on Remote Monitor of Ocean Going Reefer Containers Based on RFID基于RFID的冷藏集装箱远洋运输远程监控研究
17.China Ocean Shipping Co (COSCO)中国远洋运输有限公司(中远)
18.Cost of operation law in open sea collection box transportation enterprise s utilization;作业成本法在远洋集箱运输企业的运用

COSCO container lines Co.,Ltd. (abbreviated as COSCON)中远集装箱运输有限公司(简称"中远集运")
3)Container Shipping Development of COSCO中远集运集装箱运输发展
4)remote and centralized远程集中
1.The remote and centralized monitoring system of dynamic condition for looms based on CAN bus;基于CAN总线的织机状态远程集中监控系统
1.The paper puts forward the issue on the choice of development strategy of COSCO logistic system based on AHP,which provides a more reasonable and operable method to this kind of choice.着重讨论了中远集团发展现代物流的战略选择问题,通过引入层次分析法对可能的战略选择进行了评价,使企业在进行战略选择决策的过程中有一个更加合理科学的方法。
6)Centralized and long-distance集中式远程
