1.Study on Commerce Development and Land Supply of Migration County Seat in Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡库区移民县城商贸业发展及土地供应研究
2.Commerce Development and the Establishment of World Trade Center in Shanghai上海商贸业发展与国际贸易中心建设
3.Moreover, domestic commerce market will continue to expand.首先,对商贸物流的涵义作了介绍,包括商贸物流的内涵、作用、基本要素以及形式;其次,对国内外商贸物流的现状进行分析,证实商贸物流对商贸业的推动作用,并且研究了零售连锁行业、钢铁行业、烟草行业、建材行业和航空货运业商贸物流的发展现状,从现状的分析中发现商贸物流发展中存在的问题;再次,针对各个行业商贸物流发展中存在的问题,从行业、国家、物流企业三个角度提出发展商贸物流应采取的策略;最后,针对赤峰市的情况,指出发展商贸物流的必要性,并提出针对物流业比较落后的城市发展商贸物流应采取的策略。

1.Commerce Development and the Establishment of World Trade Center in Shanghai上海商贸业发展与国际贸易中心建设
2.DITC (Department of Industry,Trade and Commerce)工业、贸易和商业部
3.relating to or used in or intended for trade or commerce.与贸易或商业相关的,用于贸易或商业的,打算供贸易或商业使用的。
4.Commercial presence商业存在(服务贸易)
5.Centre for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy贸易和商业外交中心
6.a centre of industry, commerce, the steel trade, etc工业、 商业、 钢铁贸易等的中心
7.direct sales forces工业企业、商号的贸易代表, 推销员
8.engages in industrial commercial enterprise.从事工业商品贸易的企业家。
9.A Reserach on Countermeasures of Commercial CirculationIndustry Facing China s Entry into WTO--Taking Commercial Circulation Industry in Nanjing as an Example;商贸流通业应对入世发展对策研究——以南京市商贸流通业为例
10.Not engaged in or involving trade or commerce.非商业性的不从事或牵涉到贸易或商业的
11.The TDC promotes Hong Kong's merchandise trade by industry.贸易发展局按不同行业推广香港的商品贸易。
12.Trade and logistics: Huangmei is active in trade economy, the logistics is developing rapidly.(六)贸物流:黄梅商贸经济活跃,物流产业发展迅速。
13.The Influence of E-business to the International Trade & Small and Medium-sizes Foreign Trade Enterprise;电子商务与国际贸易及对中小外贸企业的影响
14.Form of document for export trade--Commercial invoiceGB/T15310.1-1994外贸出口单证格式商业发票
15.Wholesale Trade & Business Services Statistics批发贸易及商业服务统计组
16.Suzhou Industrial Park Aland Trade Co., Ltd.苏州工业园区艾兰得商贸有限公司
17.Commerce:The turnover of commerce and trade of Beijing was expanded.商业:贸易流通量继续扩大。
18.a temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade.暂时垄断某种商业贸易的行为。

commercial trade商业贸易
1.The great colonial movement of Greece during BC 8 to 6 resolved the problem of populations overspill,simultaneously exploited overseas markets,and incited the commercial trade of Greece.公元前8至前6世纪希腊的大殖民运动不仅解决了人口过剩问题,同时也开拓了海外市场,刺激了希腊商业贸易的发展。
2.The characteristics of the commercial trade in the period of the Five Dynasties and Ten States were followed: The trade among the domestic various regions was quite prosperous, but the trade between national minorities had decreased a lot; the trade on land reduced, while the marine trade had some development; the trade by the national management made great progress, and so on.五代十国时期商业贸易的特点主要表现在国内各区域间的贸易比较兴盛,与周边少数民族的贸易有所萎缩;陆上对外贸易萎缩,海上贸易有所发展;官营商业有所发展等方面。
3.The political, economic and cultural exchanges between Mongolia areas and central plains areas became closer and closer, which gave impetus to the rising of the local commercial cities and developing of the commercial trade.蒙古地区与中原内地的政治、经济和文化交流日益密切,推动了当地商业城镇的兴起和商业贸易的发展。
1.The Soviet Party and government took a series of effective measures in agriculture,industry and commerce to strengthen the Soviet Area s economic construction completely.中央苏区苏维埃红色政权建立后,为了粉碎国民党反动派的经济封锁和军事“围剿”,保障苏区人民的基本生活、保障革命战争的物资供给,保卫和巩固苏维埃政权,中央苏区党组织和苏维埃政府在农业、工业和商业贸易等方面采取了一系列有效的措施,加强苏区经济的全面建设。
2.However, commerce between Russia and Kashgar achieved no headway because of Yakub-beg s countermeasures, low purchasing power of local people and import of great quantities of British commodities.但是由于阿古柏对俄国的防范心理、饱经战乱的当地人民很有限的购买力以及英国商品的大量输入等因素的制约 ,使得俄国对喀什噶尔的商业贸易处于萎靡难振的状态。
4)business and trade enterprise商贸企业
5)specialized subject of trade商贸专业
1.In the paper, the author raises the suitable tactics according to the situation of Chinese teaching in the specialized subject of trade.本文就中等职业学校商贸专业的语文教学现状提出相应的改进策略。
