
1.The earth pulls things to it just as a magnet pulls needles .地球吸引物体就像磁铁吸引针一样。
2.The earth pulls thing to it just as a magnet pulls needle.地球吸引物体就好像磁铁石吸引针一样
3.The earth pull thing to it just as a magnet pull needle.地球吸引物体就好像磁铁石吸引针一样。
4.The earth attracts all matters;and all matters attracts the earth.地球吸引一切物体,物体也吸引地球。
5.One that attracts strongly.有强吸引力的人(或物)
6.neonate secretion suction apparatus新生儿分泌物吸引器
7.abnormal attraction to filth.反常的对污秽物的吸引。
8.The attraction of the earth for other bodies is called the force of gravity.地球对其它物体的吸引称为地心引力。
9.Attraction to or affinity for animals.酷爱动物被动物所吸引或喜好动物
10.thing that is exceptionally good or attractive of its kind(同类事物中)极好的或极吸引人的事物
11.The Zoo's new buildings were exciting, too.动物园的新建筑物也是十分吸引人的。
12.To add embellishing details to in order to make much more attractive.添饰物为使其更具有吸引力而添饰物
13.The natural phenomenon of attraction between massive bodies.万有引力巨大物体间相互吸引的自然现象
14.the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts.能让人产生兴趣的属性;具有吸引力或具有吸引力的事物。
15.An increase in the mass of a celestial object by the collection of surrounding interstellar gases and objects by gravity.吸积,天体增大因重力吸引星际间的物质而引起天体的增大
16.Upon the whole the novelty attracted him.总的说来,这个新奇的事物吸引着他。
17.Person or thing that attracts a large audience吸引大批观众(或听众)的人或事物
18.Food that looks good doesn't necessarily taste good.看上去吸引人的食物未必味道都好。

basin of attraction[物]吸引域
4)tourist attraction旅游吸引物
1.Then, the paper differentiates the definition of tourism resource and tourist attraction from a new angle of view and tells the readers which is the ultimately significative thing about the differentiation.文章在简要回顾关于旅游资源研究进展的基础上,对现行的旅游资源定义进行了批判,从一个新的视角提出了旅游资源与旅游吸引物之间的区别以及这种区别的根本所在。
2.Based on the survey of the demand motivation and preference from tourists both at home and abroad and applying the method of empirical analysis, the paper makes an analysis of the characteristics of Beijing 798 Artistic Zone that has become a famous cultural tourist attraction in Beijing.本文从中外游客的需求动机和偏好的调查入手,利用实证分析的方法,分析了北京798艺术区成为北京著名的文化旅游吸引物的特征,指出文化旅游吸引物的形成关键在于它自身的特质,而这种特质是当地社会生活自发形成的产物,不是人为规划的结果。
3.We must bring to light the essential features of tourist product through tourist attraction in order to illustrate the traits of tourist product differing from not only general goods but also general services, thus laying a theoretic cornersto.抓住旅游吸引物 ,揭示旅游产品的本质特征 ,才能说明旅游产品既不同于一般实物产品又异于一般服务产品的特点 ,从而为旅游学成为真正独立的学科和旅游业成为独立的产业奠定可靠的理论基
5)tourism attractions旅游吸引物
1.Research on Tourism Attractions and Tourism Activities in Dongjing in Northern Song Dynasty;北宋东京寺院旅游吸引物及旅游活动研究
2.When tourism resources are developed and enter the market,they then turn to tourism attractions,which directly and particularly meet the demands of tourists.旅游资源被开发而进入市场后,旅游资源就转为旅游吸引物
3.This paper adjusts the relations among tourism attractions,tourism resources and tourism products through introducing tourism objects,and clears the mistakes among them,thus to promote the development of tourism research.旅游吸引物、旅游资源、旅游产品是旅游研究中经常使用的一组概念。
6)tourism attraction旅游吸引物
1.The study of tourism attraction has become matured in western countries,but is still weakness in our country.旅游吸引物在国外的研究已经相对成熟,而国内的研究却相对薄弱,本文对旅游吸引物的概念及内涵、旅游吸引物的开发、组织管理、游客和居民对旅游吸引物的感知评价进行了分析,探讨研究中存在的问题,并指出可以从旅游吸引物基础研究、旅游吸引物方法研究、旅游吸引物内容研究及旅游吸引物实践研究等4个方面来推动旅游吸引物未来的深入研究。
2.Upon this analysis,an influence mechanism of Olympic tourism is then proposed,which, with the improvement of host city s tourism attraction as its starting point,aims at improving the host city s image,increasing the number of tourists from home and abroad,and eventually promoting the coordinate development of society,economy and culture,as its final goals.依据旅游学的相关理论,结合奥运会自身的特点,在分析奥运旅游吸引物系统的基础上,构建出一个以提高举办地旅游吸引力为出发点,以改善举办地旅游形象,增加国际和国内旅游者数量,促进举办地社会、经济、文化协调发展为归宿的奥运旅游影响机制。

吡啶烷基衍生物蒸馏残余物氯化苄季铵化物CAS:97375-31-0中文名称:吡啶烷基衍生物蒸馏残余物氯化苄季铵化物英文名称:Pyridine, alkyl derivs., distn. residues, benzyl chloride-quaternized