1.Develop the tourism resources in Changtai , and then promote the development of tourism in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;开发长泰旅游资源,推进海西旅游业发展
2.Develop the tourism resources in Changtai,and then promote the development of tourism in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;开发长泰旅游资源 推进海西旅游业发展

1.Develop the tourism resources in Changtai,and then promote the development of tourism in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits开发长泰旅游资源 推进海西旅游业发展
2.Develop the tourism resources in Changtai , and then promote the development of tourism in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;开发长泰旅游资源,推进海西旅游业发展
3.Research & Correction of No.One Scholar Lin Zhen s Historical Files in Presiding Local Official-selecting Examinations in Guangdong in Ming Dynasty;长泰明代状元林震主广东乡试等史料辩正
4.Develop the tourism resources in Changtai,and then promote the development of tourism in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;开发长泰旅游资源 推进海西旅游业发展
5.Reason of the appearance of bidialectal island of in Jitou, Changtai County;试论长泰县石祭头双方言岛形成的原因
6.The Characteristics of the Ecological Tourist Resource in Changtai County and the Analysis of Developmental Conditions;长泰县生态旅游资源特色和开发条件分析
7.The( River) Thames is one of the longest rivers in England.泰晤士河是英国最长的河流之一。
8.The captain remained composed throughout the raging storm.船长在暴风骤雨中始终泰然自若。
9.Thai Finance Minister Tarrin in Japan to Discuss Loan Package泰财长塔林赴日,谈拯救贷款问题
10.This is the overseas operator in Bangkok, Thailand.国外接线员: 泰国曼谷长途电话接线员。
11.Measurement of Long Focal Length of Lens Utilizing Talbot Effect and Morie Technique;利用泰伯—莫尔法的透镜长焦距测量
12.Exploring the Technological Innovation about Economic Growth in Taizhou;泰州市经济增长的技术创新战略探讨
13.Jiangyin Changjiang River Highway Bridge and Taizhou Economy Agglomeration;江阴长江公路大桥和泰州经济的集聚
14.Long-team Banking and Raking out Practice of Taisan Steel's No.1 BF泰钢1~#高炉长期封炉及扒炉实践
15.Design of Middle Steel Tower on Triple-Tower Suspension Bridge of Taizhou Yangtze River Bridge泰州长江大桥三塔悬索桥钢中塔设计
16.Billy Tyne is a veteran fisherman. He is the captain of a swordfishing boat called the Anderea Gail.比利·泰恩是位老渔民,他是安德列·盖尔号的船长。
17."By the way, Mr. Young, how long have you been working with Director Tynan?"“杨先生,顺便问一下,您和泰纳恩局长工作多久了?
18.President Taylor appointed Thomas Ewing as the first Secretary of the Interior.泰勒总统任命托马斯艾维为第一任内务部长。

Changtai County长泰县
1.The paper analyzes and makes comparison among the research achievements in water and soil conservation by leaves, defoliation layer,soil structure and fertility, soil microorganism in fir woods and nanmu woods,put forward,from the strategic poinlview ,the countermeasures for forestry sustainable development in Changtai County.该文分析比较了前人在杉木林和火力楠林两种林分的林冠、枯枝落叶层、土壤结构与肥力、土壤微生物等因素保持水土方面的研究成果,从战略上提出了长泰县林业可持续发展对策。
2.Through the analysis of the characteristics of the ecological tourist resources in Changtai County and their formation reasons, this paper points out that the tourist resources in Changtai County is characteristic of ecological tourism, with waters ecology, forest ecology and agriculture ecology playing outstanding roles among them.通过分析长泰县旅游资源及其形成机制 ,指出生态旅游资源是长泰旅游资源的特色 ,特别是水域生态、森林生态、观光农业生态尤为突出 。
3)Changtai dialect长泰方言
1.The paper presents some in-depth research on the rhymes of the dialects in the dictionary,and compares its system with Xiamen,Zhangzhou(city) and Changtai dialects.对韵书的韵字进行了穷尽式研究,将它的音韵系统与厦门、漳州(市区)、长泰三地方言进行比较研究,结果表明:《渡江书十五音》以长泰方言为基础,同时也吸收了厦门的个别音类。
4)Changtai South Fujian闽南长泰
5)Changtai earthquake长泰地震
6)Taishan long hairy rabbit泰山长毛兔

长泰漂流,又被誉为"福建第一漂",是继长江、黄河探险性漂流之后,在福建省率先开发出的旅游性漂流项目。"福建第一漂"与中国第一个国际皮划艇激流回旋赛场、中国皮划艇激流回旋运动基地同一河道:先后被省体育总局、省旅游局确定为福建省全民健身活动中心、福建省漂流旅游定点单位。已先后成功举办了首次国际皮划艇激流邀请赛和首次中国·长泰全国皮划艇激流选拔赛。"福建第一漂"首期开发的"激情漂"航道全程约8公里,途经70余个跌水、60余道弯,上下游落差70米。顺水漂流,波急浪涌、惊心动魂,涤尽风尘、荣辱皆忘,既有高歌击浆的豪放,又有搏浪飞舟的激越。这是有惊无险的航程。溪流中千姿百态的奇石,两岸茂林修竹、参差错落,鸟鸣、山花又能带给您一种融入大自然的感受。专业水上安全员全程引导保护,可使全程漂流安全无虞。上流两座拦水坝的建成,使得航道冬季依然水流激荡,在中国率先实现了四季激流漂流。完整的现代服务接待设施。在您与大自然交融、对话和摔打之后,从原始的荒蛮质朴中回到当代物质文明的环境中,体味到从"远古"到现代的跨越和回归。为"福建第一漂"配套服务的"漂流酒店"拥有三星级标准的标准房、套房、大餐厅、雅室包厢、商务中心;功能齐全的卡拉ok歌舞厅、ktv、rtv等休闲娱乐设施;多功能会议厅,为您提供全方位的服务。漂流酒店还可以按您的需要举办露营、烧烤、篝火晚会等。 旅游互联免费预订长泰马洋溪漂流优惠门票( www.nettvl.com)惊险富有激情的漂流活动,完善的配套服务,再加上训练有素的专业人员的导、护漂,"福建第一漂"以"宾客至上、服务第一"为宗旨,尽可能让每一位游客有漂流一回,回味三秋的依恋感。☆☆☆长泰漂流交通指南☆☆☆1.自驾车的朋友可以从海沧大桥出来往漳州方向行驶,到的角美—上房路口往长泰方向,直行过一个收费站,往前500米就可看到长泰漂流酒店。2.从厦门松柏车站乘快运至长泰的班车15元,每小时一班,车程时间约45分钟,到车上时记得跟司机提醒到"长泰漂流"下车.3.从泉州出发可以上高速到厦门方向,高速上有"长泰"出口,直接出来后往漳州长泰方向开,到达角美上房时有长泰漂流路标,向右转十分钟即可到达.长泰马洋溪漂流门票价格168元/会员预订价150元)