1.Analysis of the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Tourism Resources of Mt.Yangxianling;风水历史文化名山杨仙岭旅游资源的审美特征分析
2.Yangxianling,well-lcuown as China\'s First Geomanti omen mountain,has rich culture storage,natural culture,ecological surroundings and harmonions traditional living villages,which is good for developing tourism.杨仙岭是名扬世界的"中国风水第一山",有着深厚的风水文化积淀,其风水景观文化与其良好的自然生态环境组构和谐的传统人居风水村落,具有优越的旅游发展条件。

1.Analysis of the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Tourism Resources of Mt.Yangxianling;风水历史文化名山杨仙岭旅游资源的审美特征分析
2.Pat Sin Range Special Area [within the Pat Sin Leng Country Park]八仙岭特别地区〔位于八仙岭郊野公园内〕
3.Note: Mountain Giant and Faery Dragon don't speak.山岭巨人和仙女龙没有具体的语言。
4.GIS-Based Potential Analysis for Myrica rubra Cultivation In Xianju County,Zhejiang Province基于GIS的浙江仙居杨梅种植潜力分析
5.On construction technique of 96-meter high-pier turnover forms of Yangjialing over large bridge杨家岭特大桥96m高墩翻模施工技术
6.SWOT Analysis on Rural Ecotourism Development of Xianyu Ridge of Zhuzhou City;株洲市仙庾岭农业生态旅游开发SWOT分析
7.On resource protection and excavation of the Suxianling scenic spot苏仙岭风景区的资源保护与开发的探讨
8.Effects of Salicylicacid on the Ideotype and Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes of Narcissus Ttazetta L.Var. Chinensis Roem水杨酸处理对水仙株型及抗氧化酶活性的影响
9.Review of S. C. Young s Architecture Life, a Famous Modern Architect of Lingnan;岭南近代著名建筑师杨锡宗设计生平述略
10.Distribution: Endemic to Hong Kong; restricted to Ma On Shan, Pat Sin Leng, Nam Chung, Luk Keng.地理分布:香港特有种,分布于马鞍山、八仙岭、南涌、鹿颈。
11.The Interaction between Folklores,Ancestral Temples and Religion;传说、祠庙与信仰的互动——黄大仙信仰的岭南阶段及其发展
12.The transformation of a non-sports population to a sports population induced by the mode of an annual card system--Taking Suxianling scenery zone for example;年卡制模式诱发非体育人口向体育人口转变——以苏仙岭风景区为例
13.Zhuxianzhen, Yangliuqing & Mianzhu Three Place New Year s Painting Color Characteristic Comparison Studies;朱仙镇、杨柳青、绵竹三地木版年画色彩特征比较研究
14.Eco-physiological Effect of Populus Davidiana-Quercus Liaotungensis Mixed Forests in Ziwuling Forest Area;子午岭林区山杨—辽东栎混交林生理生态效应研究
15.A Study on the Sino Foreign Sea Transportation in Song Dynasty and the History of the South China Sea --A Comment on the “Notes to the Answers from beyond the Mountains” by Yang Wuquan;研究宋代中外海上交通及南海的史籍——评杨武泉的《岭外代答校注》
16.Geochemistry Trace of Subsurface Geology and Mineralization for Yangjiaba Polymetal Field of South Qinling南秦岭杨家坝多金属矿田深部地质与成矿地球化学示踪
17.Revision of the Carboniferous Strata in the Lixian-Yanghe(Wushan) Area,West Qinling西秦岭礼县—武山杨河一带石炭纪地层的重新厘定
18.Distribution characters of fine root of poplar plantation and its relation to properties of soil in the northern slope of Qinling Mountain秦岭北坡杨树人工林细根分布与土壤特性的关系

1.Geochemical characteristics of Wangxianling granitic pluton and its constraints on Late Indosinian tectonic setting of Southeast Hunan;王仙岭岩体地质地球化学特征及其对湘东南印支晚期构造环境的制约
3)Xianyu Ridge仙庾岭
1.SWOT Analysis on Rural Ecotourism Development of Xianyu Ridge of Zhuzhou City;株洲市仙庾岭农业生态旅游开发SWOT分析
4)Wangxianling pluton王仙岭岩体
1.Important significance of regional tectonic regime to metallogenic capacity of Indosinian and Early Yanshanian granites in southeastern Hunan:A case study of Qianlishan and Wangxianling plutons;区域构造体制对湘东南印支期与燕山早期花岗岩成矿能力的重要意义——以千里山岩体和王仙岭岩体为例
5)Wangxianling mine王仙岭地区
6)Yang Jialing park杨家岭公园
1.Yang Jialing park is a new integrative landscape garden on the basis of the overall planning of Yan an city.杨家岭公园是根据延安市绿地系统规划的要求新开辟的一处城市综合性质的绿地。

杨仙逸 (1891~1923)  中国军事航空先驱。生于广东省中山县。自幼侨居美国,在茄米斯大学航空系毕业后,取得万国飞行协会水陆飞行执照。1918年在当地华侨创建的图强飞机公司任董事,同年应孙中山招聘回国筹建飞行队。为了购买飞机,他曾赴海外向华侨募捐筹款,其父杨著昆除出资购买飞机 4架外,并资助中国年轻飞行员的培训事业。1919年,援闽粤军飞机队正式成立,杨仙逸任总队长。1920年秋在广州率机参加讨伐军阀莫荣新的战役。1922年12月,孙中山任命杨仙逸为广东航空局局长兼修理厂厂长。1923年春,杨仙逸主持在广州制造一架双翼机,由孙中山命名为"乐士文"号。1923年 7月举行命名试飞典礼,孙中山和夫人亲自参加。后来这架飞机曾参加讨伐陈炯明的战役。孙中山曾为他亲笔题"志在冲天"四字。同年9月20日,杨仙逸在惠州博罗前线进行水雷改装,因爆炸事故殉难,被追授陆军中将军衔。