1.Cultural Context and Construction of Tourism Image for Zengcheng;增城旅游区文脉和旅游品牌营造

1.Small Towns: The Biggest Absorber of New Chinese Urban Population;小城镇是目前我国新增城镇人口的最大吸纳者
2.Planning and Building Design of Yanjiang Primary School on Licheng Street in Zengcheng City增城市荔城街沿江小学规划及单体设计
3.The Strategies Of The Sustainable Development Of The Medium And Small Cities On The Fringe Of Guangzhou;大城市边缘区中小城市可持续发展战略探讨——以广州增城市为例
4.In terms of urban and rural areas, the growth in cities is 6.6%, which in rural area is 6.2%.分城乡看,城市增长6.6%,农村增长6.2%。
5.The population of this town has increased.这个城镇的人口增加了。
6.-- The income of urban and rural residents grew continuously.——城乡居民收入持续增加。
7.The incomes of urban and rural residents continued to go up.城乡居民收入继续增长。
8.The income of urban and rural residents has increased rapidly.城乡居民收入增长加快。
9.The income of urban and rural residents has gone up steadily.城乡居民收入稳步增长。
10.This dynamic adds momentum to the geographical expansion of cities.这种增长趋势增加了城市扩张的动力。
11.Rational Growth--A New Concept of Urban Growth in America;理性增长——美国城市增长的新理念
12.The density of urban streets will be increased in the course of the old city renovation.结合旧城改建,增大城区路网密度。
13.To Develop City Logistics and Strengthen Radiation Force of the Central City;发展城市物流,增强中心城市的辐射力
14.Study on Immunize-promoting Effects of "MYZXS" for Newcastle Diseases in Chicks;“免疫增效散”增强新城疫免疫效果的研究
15.Application of GeoCA-Urban Model to the Study of Urban Growth and Land Increment;GeoCA-Urban模型在城市增长与土地增值研究中的应用
16.Since 1978, the number of employees in urban and rural areas has increased by 328.73 million, of which 144.26 million are urban employees.1978年以来,城乡从业人员共增加了32873万人,其中城镇增加了14426万人。
17.The Effect of Urbanization on Air Temperature Increase in Nanjing City;南京市城市化进程对城市增温的影响分析
18.Initial Experiments in Urban Water Resources,Environment and Urban Economic Development;试论城市水资源环境与城市经济增长关系

urban growth城市增长
1.On the relationship between urban growth and ecosphere;城市增长与地球环境的关系
2.Review & Inspiration of Urban Growth Theory;城市增长理论述评与启示
1.The Ecological Environment Problems and the Corresponding Solutions in Zengcheng, Guangdong;增城市生态环境问题及其对策
2.Change of Land-use by Remote Sensing Monitoring and Relations with Economic Development——Taking Land-use of Zengcheng from 1998 to 2003 as an Example;土地利用变化的遥感监测及其与经济发展关系的研究——以增城市1998-2003土地利用为例
3.The spatial variety of soil available of paddy soil was analyzed by using soils sampled,geostatistics and altitude derived from DEM at the scale of 1:100,000 in Zengcheng city.在1:10万尺度下,利用土壤采样分析数据与DEM提取的海拔高度以及地统计学分析增城市水稻土土壤碱解氮的空间变异。
4)Zengcheng City增城市
1.Study on Optimizing Strategies of City Spaces Basing on Niche Theory——A Case in Zengcheng City;基于生态位理论的城市空间优化策略研究——以增城市为例
2.SWOT Analysis and Strategy Choice for Tourism Industry Development in Zengcheng City;增城市旅游业发展的SWOT分析及战略选择
3.Under the guidance of the related theories about landscape ecology and landuse,some indexes reflecting the landscape feature are selected to study the landuse characteristic and the law of the regional difference in each town of Zengcheng City.在景观生态学和土地利用的相关理论指导下 ,选取反映景观特征的一些结构、功能指标 ,通过定性和定量相结合的方法对广州郊市增城市的土地利用特征进行了分析 ,指出存在浪费土地、城镇景观格局较差等问题 ,提出了农村景观和城镇景观的生态规划 ,力图达到土地合理利用和各景观类型间协调发展的目标。
5)Zengchen City增城市
1.The article sets forth the present situation and background of the central village construction in Zengchen City, and discusses the objective of the planning construction and the detail implementation planning of this central village.该文阐述了增城市中心村建设的现状及背景,论述了该城中心村规划建设的目标及详细实施规划。
2.The paper approaches to the existing problem and cause of the drainage system in Zengchen City.探讨了增城市排水系统存在的问题及原因。
6)urban warming城市增温
1.Therefore it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the influence of urban warming on the power demand.全球变暖将会进一步加剧城市气温的上升趋势,近些年我国的城市热岛效应也日益显著,因而研究城市增温对城市电力需求的影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。
2.In order to find the contributing factors of urban warming,the paper uses econometric methods to testify the distinct effects of urbanization on urban warming and urban heat island.城市增温现象和城市热岛效应对人居环境的影响日益显著,而城市化是否是城市增温现象的一个主要影响因素,为此,利用协整分析等经济计量方法研究城市化对城市增温现象的影响。
3.Geographical location not only affected the magnitude of urban warming,but also affected the mode of urban warming and the strength of heat island effect.地理位置不但影响城市增温的幅度,而且也深刻影响着城市增温的形式与热岛效应强度。

增城1.亦作"增成"。 2.汉宫名。