1.The molding of sensibility——on the imagery and structure in ZHENG Min s poems;知性的塑形——论郑敏诗歌的意象化与结构形态
2.The objective narrative of imagery of Chang is the heritage of the Chinese and foreign literature tradition,and also the habitual reading habit to meet the needs of modern readers.张爱玲的"意象化"客观叙事是一种既能继承中外文学传统,又能满足现代读者阅读习惯的叙事方式。
1.Looking from the angle of the system function, “voice and emotion” of the Xinyue school, like “image” of the modernist, “dramatizing” of Jiuye school the same, it also is important functional self-adjustment which new poem further promotes the expression of Chinese vernacular, overcomes one s own early shortcoming.从系统的功能化角度来看,新月派的“声情化”与现代派的“意象化”、九叶派的“戏剧化”一样,也是新诗为进一步提升汉语白话的表现力、克服自身早期“直白化”缺点所做的重要的功能性的自我调整。
2.In his poems,Tao Yuanming represented his metaphysical thoughts by images,emotions and daily life experiences.陶渊明在他的诗歌中对玄理进行了意象化、情感化、生活化的表现。
3)modern eastern Confucianism写意化意象
4)cultural image文化意象
1.Differences of cultural images of English-Chinese animal words and translation;英汉动物词文化意象的差异与翻译
2.On the cultural image translation of the Chinese into English from information perspective;从信息论角度看汉语习语英译时的文化意象处理
3.Semiotics and cultural image;符号学在文化意象传输中的介入

1.Cultural and Textual Image of Peach in Tao Hua Shan;《桃花扇》中桃的文化意象与本文意象
2.Man·Culture·Envitonment--The way to study of Cultural image by Humanity人·文化·环境——文化意象研究的入学途径
3.On the Interpretation of Cultural Image in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中文化意象的解读与翻译
4.Usual Methods for the Transfer of Cultural Imagery in Literary Translation;文学翻译中文化意象传递的常用方法
5.Cause for the Transmission of Cultural Image in Literary Translation;文学翻译中文化意象走失及原因探究
6.Aesthetic Consiousness and the Transferrence of Cultural Images in Translation;审美意识与文学翻译中文化意象的传递
7.The textual image and cultural image of peach in Tao Hua Shan overlaps occasionally.《桃花扇》中,桃的本文意象与文化意象有重合,但总体上冲突大于调谐。
8.An Analysis of the Cultural Loss in Cultural Image Renderings Through the Register of Relevance;从关联域视角分析文化意象翻译中的文化亏损
9.On English Mistranslations of Cultural Images in Chinese Poems from the Perspective of Schema Theory;图式理论观照下的汉语诗歌文化意象误译现象
10.On the Cultural Implications of the Hermit Images in the Pre-Qin Literature;试论先秦文学中隐士意象的文化意蕴
11.Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Dog;跨文化视角:狗的文化符号象征意义
12.The Comparison of the Symbolic Meaning of Animal Images in Sino-Russian Culture;汉俄文化中动物形象象征意义的比较
13.Image of Jade and Cultural Implication in Huajian-Ci Collection;《花间集》中的玉意象及其文化意蕴
14.The Cultural Implication and Symbolic Meaning in the Folk Custom of "Umbrella;“伞”民俗的文化意蕴及其象征意义
15.And the part of image refers to the use of images in Afro-American folk culture and in western literature field.意象方面主要指对文化喻指意象的使用。
16.From"Image"to"Imago"-A Poetic Expression of Poster Design of Tourist Culture从“形象”到“意象”——旅游文化招贴设计的诗意表达
17.Trace and Interpret the Image of "Possession" from the Cultural and Literary Aspect;“附体”意象的文化溯源和文学解读
18.The Culture Prototype and Evolution of "Wolf" Image in Chinese Iiterature;中国文学中“狼”意象的文化原型与流变

1.Looking from the angle of the system function, “voice and emotion” of the Xinyue school, like “image” of the modernist, “dramatizing” of Jiuye school the same, it also is important functional self-adjustment which new poem further promotes the expression of Chinese vernacular, overcomes one s own early shortcoming.从系统的功能化角度来看,新月派的“声情化”与现代派的“意象化”、九叶派的“戏剧化”一样,也是新诗为进一步提升汉语白话的表现力、克服自身早期“直白化”缺点所做的重要的功能性的自我调整。
2.In his poems,Tao Yuanming represented his metaphysical thoughts by images,emotions and daily life experiences.陶渊明在他的诗歌中对玄理进行了意象化、情感化、生活化的表现。
3)modern eastern Confucianism写意化意象
4)cultural image文化意象
1.Differences of cultural images of English-Chinese animal words and translation;英汉动物词文化意象的差异与翻译
2.On the cultural image translation of the Chinese into English from information perspective;从信息论角度看汉语习语英译时的文化意象处理
3.Semiotics and cultural image;符号学在文化意象传输中的介入
5)cultural imagery文化意象
1.By analyzing the structural patterns of speech, the loss and distortion of cultural intention in the translation of literary works, this paper expounds to the hardship and difficulty in the translation of literary works from the aspects of cultural imagery, linguistic style, etc, and elaborates the limitation of the translatability of literary works.通过分析话语信息的结构模式、文学翻译中文化意向的失落和歪曲等,从文化意象、语言风格等角度阐述了文学翻译的艰辛,说明文学作品的可译性不是无限的。
2.In this article,some Chinese-English examples are employed to demonstrate the important role cultural imagery plays in representing the spirit of the original and depicting the character;some methods are suggested in translating cultural imagery-related sentences and finally,the author calls for more attention to the transfer of cultural imagery.文化意象是中华民族文化中的一朵语言奇葩,包含着丰富的文化底蕴,在翻译中,尤其在文学翻译中,是应着力转换的。
3.Words are the most active part in a linguistic system,and the cultural imagery implied in language is expressed in concrete word which contains abundant national cultural connotation.文化意象寓于语言当中,并在具体的词汇上得以体现,它承载着丰富的民族文化内涵。
6)cultural images文化意象
1.The transference of cultural images in literary translation from the perspective of culture fusion;从文化融合的角度看文学翻译中文化意象的传递
2.On the Loss and Skewing of the Cultural Images in Translation——A Discussion about the translation of “Milky Way”;从“牛奶路”看文化意象翻译中的失落与歪曲
3.The probing into the space form and cultural images of liancun traditional settlement廉村传统聚落的空间形态与文化意象初探
