1.In the professionalized football market,all of the main entities such as football clubs,football association,investors,football players,and football fans have their functions respectively and also certain relationships with each other.在职业化的足球市场上,作为市场主体俱乐部、足协、投资商、球员和球迷有其各自的作用,它们之间也有特定的关系。
2.To publicize some projects to attract some credible, powerful investor.二是要全力推介项目,吸引一批信誉好、实力强的投资商
2)foreign investment外商投资
1.On the foreign investment legislation model and reconstruction;我国外商投资立法模式及重构
2.The present conditions,existing problems and measures of the legal environment for foreign investment in Nanning;南宁市外商投资法制环境的现状、存在问题和对策
3.Analysis on Strategies of Attracting Foreign Investment to Wuhan s Manufacturing Industry;武汉市制造业吸引外商投资对策研究

1.5) deposits by enterprises with foreign investment;外商投资企业存款;
2.Jiangnan Foreign Investment Zone of Linhai City临海市江南外商投资
3.Taizhou Municipal Administration of Foreign Investment台州市外商投资管理局
4.foreign-funded enterprise income tax外商投资企业所得税
5.Energetic efforts should also be made to improve investment environment and actively absorb foreign capital.大力改善投资环境,积极吸收外商投资
6.Research on the Legal System of Foreign Venture Capital Investing Institution;外商投资创业投资企业法律制度研究
7.Tax Planning on The Foreign Investment Enterprise Investing Again the Tax Reimbursement;外商投资企业再投资退税的税收筹划
8.The Changes in the Investment of Foreign Businessmen and the Adjustment in the Countermeasures of Shangqiu in Attracting Foreign Capital外商投资变化与商丘引资对策调整
9.We will continue to utilize foreign funds and optimize the mix of foreign investment.继续积极利用外资,优化外商投资结构。
10.Amount of Signed Agreements & Contracts of Foreign Funded Enterprises外商投资企业合同外资金额
11.Amount of Foreign Capital Actually Utilized of Foreign Funded Enterprises外商投资企业实际利用外资
12.On Institutional Effects of FDI and Readjustmnet of FDI Strategy;外商投资的制度效应与外资战略调整
13.If the foreign investment party to a foreign investment enterprise contributes industrial property rights or proprietary technology as its investment若外商投资企业的外国投资者以工业产权或者专有技术作为投资
14.income tax of enterprises with foreign investment and foreign enterprises外商投资企业和外国企业所得税
15.Foreign direct investment by regio分地区外商直接投资
16.Foreign direct investment declines.外商直接投资下降。
17.Foreign direct investment increased steadily.外商直接投资稳步扩大。
18.Foreign businesses in Shanghai compete for additional investment上海外商争相追加投资

foreign investment外商投资
1.On the foreign investment legislation model and reconstruction;我国外商投资立法模式及重构
2.The present conditions,existing problems and measures of the legal environment for foreign investment in Nanning;南宁市外商投资法制环境的现状、存在问题和对策
3.Analysis on Strategies of Attracting Foreign Investment to Wuhan s Manufacturing Industry;武汉市制造业吸引外商投资对策研究
2.Comparison between FDI and Regional Capital Formation in Eastern and Western China;外商投资与地区资本形成的东西部比较
3.A Research on The Relationship Between FDI and Export in China;我国外商投资与出口贸易关联度分析
4)foreign direct investment外商投资
1.The impact of foreign direct investment and international trade on natural resource s and environment development in the coastal regions of China;外商投资与国际贸易对中国沿海地区资源环境的影响
2.A new trend of the foreign direct investment is that many relevant companies will come to invest here followed with the multinational company.外商投资的一个新趋势是大企业带动相关配套企业共同投资。
3.Impact of foreign direct investment and international trade on the environment of China;本文从定性描述和定量描述的角度,就外商投资和国际贸易对我国工业污染的影响进行分析。
5)investment from Taiwan台商投资
1.The impact of the investment from Taiwan on the motherland s economy;台商投资祖国大陆的经济效应分析
6)store investment商铺投资

个人投资者投资准备个人投资者投资准备 【个人投资者投资准备】首先收集信息 投资者若要投资于基金,必须在投资前了解一些有关基金的知识,搜集一些有关基金的资料,以了解基金的基本情况。 信息的收集来源主要有以下几个渠道。 1.基金章程。它是基金经理公司为设立基金而制定的纲领性文件。基金章程的内容视基金品种不同各有侧重,一般应包括以下条款: (1)总纲。①基金名称;②基金经理人;③基金信托人;④基金的目标、结构、性质。(2)基金的设立。①批复文件;②发行总额与规模。 (3)基金的受益凭证 (4)基金的发行、赎回与交易 (5)基金的投资范围与比例 (6)基金经理人的职责权限 (7)基金信托人的职责权限 (8)持有人大会 (9)基金的收费与开支 (10)基金的估值 (11)基金的收益分配 (12)报告与帐目 (13)基金的期限、变更与终止 除基金章程外,基金管理公司往往还准备一些协议书作为基金章程的附件,供投资者查阅。这些附件包括:代理协议、保管协议、分销商协议、投资管理协议、服务协议、付款代理人协议、清盘协议等。 2.信托契约。它是经理人与信托人之间共同设立基金,为明确双方责任与权利而订立的核心性文件。投资者可以不看基金章程,但却不能不了解基金的信托契约。因为信托契约不仅规定了经理人与信托人之间的行为准则,还规定了包括单位持有人、投资顾问、律师、核数师等的地位与责任,以及在某些特定条件下,他们可获豁免,所承担的责任,以及各方保证赔偿的条款。单位信托基金的所有文件(基金说明书、上市申请书、基金募集及发行计划、受益证书、基金报告书等)都必须以信.506.中国金融大百科全书·下编托契约为依据。可娜说,信托契约是契约型投资基金的根本大法。 3.公开说明书。它也称募股章程,类似于股份公司的芬股说明书,是基金章程和信托契约的延伸。在内容上它比基金章程和信托契约更为详实和全面。它是基金自我介绍的文件、也是基金经营的行动纲领。投资者借此文件便可了解到基金经理公司概况、该基金发行的背景、经理人、信托人、法律顾问、核数师等的背景、经验、相关关系及通讯地址、该基金的详细经营规定及风险性。 一4.每日行情表。基金上市交易后,投资者必须关注基金股份的交易状况。从国内外主要的报刊杂志经济版都可找到上市基金的行情表。