1.Dongming is Zhuangzi s hometown.“庄子故里在东明”疏证
2.The identity of his hometown is clearly manifested by the statement that Zhuangzi is"born in Meng of the State of Song during the period of Warring States",frequently recorded in the literature concerned from the Han Dynasties through Tang Dynasty.把东明定为庄子故里,为考索庄子生平提出了新说,值得重视。

1.Having succeeded in his career, he returned in glory to his old home.他事业成功后荣归故里
2.Laozi s Hometown in Luyi Is an Undeniable Fact --Comment on Mr. LIAN Cheng rong s Woyang Theory;老子故里在鹿邑岂能否定——评廉成荣先生的老子故里涡阳说
3.Here the narrative breaks off.故事讲到这里戛然而止。
4.Chu Yin-chiu turned to Chen Chun-yi, deliberately raising his voice:这里,朱吟秋故意高声说:
5.I fell at the Palace Museum!我在故宫里摔倒了!
6.Third Fairy abominated "The rice is overdone". Both had their reasons.这里边有两个小故事:
7.The action took place in a mountain village.故事发生在一个山村里。
8.Here the machines were liable to jam up.这里的机器容易出故障。
9.kilometre interval of running responsible accident行车责任事故间隔里
10.where there is knowledge, it will pass away.哪里有世故狡诈,她们就会在哪里死亡。
11.Wherever we find love, that is where we find home.所恋在那里,那里就是我们的故乡了。
12.There's no word on where this sits in the overall story yet.没有说该作的故事会在整个故事中的哪里发生.
13.When I, who had never loved my native place that much, think of all this, I feel that it is truly lovable after all.向来不恋故乡的我,想到这里,觉得故乡可爱极了。
14.In some stories, genies are always found inside a lamp or bottle.在一些故事里, 灯里或瓶子中总是装有妖怪。
15.There was a horrible accident here yesterday.昨天在这里发生了一起可怕的事故。
16.It was really a close thing that he survived the accident.他在事故中幸存下来,真是死里逃生。
17.It is really a close thing that he survived in the accident .他在事故中幸存下来,真是死里逃生
18.She keep a store of amusing story in her head.她头脑里有许多有趣的故事。

native place故里
1.According to the historical documents in Records of the Historian and The Book of the Han Dynasty,together with my own on-the-spot investigation findings,I have come to a conclusion that the native place of Chen Sheng,the first leader of peasant uprising in Chinese history,is within the boundaries of Fangcheng County.依据《史记》、《汉书》等文献资料记载,结合笔者实地考察结果,证实中国历史上第一位农民起义领袖陈胜的故里在今河南省方城县境内。
2.Therefore,new exposition and discussion about Sun Tzu s birth year,native place,secluded place,life story and works can push forward the study of Sun Tzu science.就孙子的生年、故里、隐居地、生平活动及著作情况这样五个问题进行新的评述和探讨,可以推动孙子学研究的深入发展。
3.Chengdu of Shu Jun is constantly taken as Sima Xiangru’s native place.我们在大量查阅古代文献的基础上,结合有关专家学者的研究成果,认为司马相如的故里当在今四川省南充市蓬安县,成都为相如最后落籍之地。
4)one's native land, city, etc故土、 故里
5)peach flower hometown桃花故里
1.Taking the peach flower hometown in Longquanyi for an example,it presents that rural tourism will promote the development of rural economy,improve the living standard and their life quality,re.以龙泉驿桃花故里乡村旅游开发为例,通过发展乡村旅游以促进农村经济的发展,提高农民的生活水平和质量,缩小城市与农村的差距,最终实现城乡和谐社会。
6)Confucius hometown孔子故里
1.In Qing Dynasties,under the double influence of Confucian Li Yue and the general society mood of liking tradional opera,many scholars in Confucius hometown were engaged in writing it.清代孔子故里曲阜在重视礼乐的儒家文化传统和喜好戏曲的整体社会风气的双重影响下,出现了许多文人士大夫涉足戏曲创作的现象。
