1.Tourists revisit plays an important role for the sustainable development of mature tourist destinations.游客的重游对成熟旅游目的地的可持续发展有着重要的作用。
2.The problems of tourists\' revisit and revisit ratio have great influence on the development of tourist places.旅游者的重游率对旅游地发展具有重大影响。

1.visitors have very high satisfaction degree in spite of the low revisit willingness.游客的满意度相当高,但重游意愿和重游率较低。
2.revisit the haunts of one's youth重游年轻时的旧地.
3.A Comparative Analysis of First-time and Repeat Visitors' Behavior初游者与重游者行为差异的比较研究
4.A Study on Tourists Traveling Experience in Tourist Destinations and Revisit Intention--A Case Study of Yixing;旅游地游客游憩体验与重游意愿作用机制研究——以宜兴为例
5.Swimming, jogging, weight lifting...游泳,慢跑,举重……
6.beam counterbalance抽油机游梁平衡重量
7.pulse repetition frequency [laser game]脉冲重复频率〔激光游戏〕
8.stainless steel heavy duty vernier calipers不锈钢重型游标卡尺
9.some important downriver markets一些下游的重要市场
10.Tourism Ethics: Significant Hiatus in the Tourism Higher Education;旅游伦理:旅游高等教育中重大缺失
11.To establish a tourist site modeled on the story "The Pilgrimage to the West" at the Chongyang Temple in Xi an;关于在西安重阳宫建立“西游记”旅游点
12.To Esteem Children and Value Games --On the Importance of Games in the Course of Childrens Growing;尊重儿童 重视游戏——论游戏在幼儿成长中的作用
13.Surrounded heavily by our troops, the enemy were like a fish in the pot.敌军被我军重重包围,已成为釜底游鱼。
14.If your joystick no longer works correctly with a game, click Reset如果游戏杆在游戏中工作不正常,请单击“重置”
15.⑥attaching importance to developing of the elderly and hobbledehoy tourism products.⑥重视老年旅游和青少年学生旅游产品的开发。
16.For sight-seeing crowds in Beijing, the opportunity of acquainting themselves with the history and anecdotes of the Altar of the Earth and Harvests might indeed add to the pleasure of their trip.漫游古都北京,重温社稷坛掌故,游兴更浓。
17.Tourist resources is of vital importance to the development of tourism.旅游资源是旅游业发展的重要物质基础 .
18.The convention, exhibition and incentive travel sector is a key component of the tourism industry.会议、展览及奖励旅游是旅游业的重要一环。

tourists revisiting旅游者重游
3)loading swimming负重游泳
1.In order to investigate the recovery of rat function of cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle after loading swimming, the rat blood sugar and plasma serum lactic acid concentration were determined after loading swimming by filling rats with D-ribose of different doses.灌服不同剂量的D-核糖,测定大鼠在负重游泳后血糖和血乳酸的变化,旨在研究不同剂量D-核糖对因运动导致的大鼠心肌及骨骼肌功能降低的恢复作用。
4)Weight loading swimming负重游泳
1.Result: Moxibustion had the function of reinforcing Weight loading swimming ability and activity of lactic dehydrogenase and lengthening the time of bearing hypoxia at normal pressure.方法:90只雄性昆明种小鼠分为3组,观察艾灸后小鼠的负重游泳试验、常压耐缺氧时间、乳酸脱氢酶活力等指标。
5)Load swimming负重游泳
1.In order to investigate the effects of D-ribose on the recovery of rat cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle function after load swimming and to discuss its anti-fatigue and anti-hypoxia capabilities,the concentrations of plasma insulin,norepinephrine and epinephrine,and the swimming time of rats subjected to fatigue and the survival time of rats subjected to hypoxia,were determined.通过灌服D-核糖,测定大鼠在负重游泳后血浆胰岛素、去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素水平,研究D-核糖对运动后大鼠心脏及骨骼肌功能的恢复作用。
6)Chongqing tourism重庆旅游
1.With China s entry into WTO, Chongqing tourism faces great challenge.加入WTO ,重庆旅游业面对巨大的挑战 ,重庆旅游业只有拿出世界级的经济素质 ,在重庆创造出世界级旅游产品 ,才能立于不败之地。
