1.For this paper,the authors take 421specific resorts around Beijing city as samples,and explore deeply into evolution characteristics of resorts spatial structure of Beijing on the basis of a large amount of statistical data and GIS research method.选取北京市五环外421个度假地为研究样本,采用地理信息系统Arcview中的kernel密度分析方法对度假地的空间结构演变进行分析。
2)holiday resort度假胜地

1.a holiday resort, brochure度假胜地、 手册.
2.The resort was crawling with tourists.此度假胜地挤满了游客。
3.They summered at a Beach resort.他们在沙滩度假胜地度过了夏天
4.They spent their holidays at a resort beset with towering mountains.他们在一处高山环抱的度假胜地度过了假期。
5.This area is known as the `Cornish Riviera'.这地区称为‘康沃尔郡度假胜地’.
6.place that has a sunny climate(eg for holidays)多阳光的地方(如度假胜地).
7.The island have become a playground for the rich businessmen of the city那个岛已成为城里富商的度假胜地
8.The city later became a resort for the rich.这座城市后来成为富人的度假胜地
9.Weymouth is principally a holiday resort.韦茅斯主要来说是个度假胜地.
10.seaside, skiing, health, etc resorts海滨、 滑雪、 休养等度假胜地
11.Hawaii has become a mMecca for vacationing Japanese.夏威夷已成为日本人向往的度假胜地
12.The island has become a playground for the rich businessmen of the city.那个岛已成为城里富商的度假胜地.
13.Yes. This mountain resort is always crowded with vacationers,是的,这个山区度假胜地总是挤满了
14.The island have become a playground for the rich businessmen of the city.那个岛已成为城里富商的度假胜地
15.Lodges and resorts, or resort hotels, are in the mountains, on the coast, or near lakes.度假小舍、假村或度假胜地宾馆坐落在山区、滩或湖边。
16.Without their fund, we're in big trouble for the resort project.没有他们的资金 我们很难进行度假胜地工程
17.Other resorts could benefit from the spillover of tourists.其他度假胜地可以从游客带来的影响中间受益。
18.She will go to the mountain resort for a change of scene during the summer vacation.暑假期间她想换换环境,到山间胜地度假。

holiday resort度假胜地
3)Coastal resorts海滨度假地
1.The declination of coastal resorts is one of the hot academic topics of international tourism studies.海滨度假地衰退是国际旅游研究关注的热点之一,然而现有研究形成的两个理论范式———生命周期理论和转型理论都无法完满地解释中国海滨度假地衰退现象。
4)tourism resort旅游度假地
1.This paper presents a primary tourism resort development influence evaluation study from several levels of economic influence, social culture influence and environmental influence.从经济、社会文化和环境影响等层面,对旅游度假地开发影响评价进行了研究,分析了旅游度假地的影响对象及造成的环境变化,对开发的不利影响提出了相应的控制措施。
2.This paper presents a primary study on tourism resort planning features and applicability of planning and design regulations in existence, discussing the pressure and significance of the study on tourism resort planning and design regulations.本文通过对旅游度假地规划特点和现有规划设计规程适用性的研究 ,论述了旅游度假地规划设计规程研究的紧迫性和重要性 ,同时提出了旅游度假地规划设计规程的研究框
5)enclave resort度假区飞地
1.Based on the analysis of published papers on resort impact study both home and abroad,such as Tourism Management and Annals of Tourism Research,this paper intends to review and evaluate the progress in study of tourism impact on resorts,especially the tourism impacts brought by enclave resorts.本文在对国内外核心期刊上公开发表的相关文献,以及对国家自然科学基金项目结题报告进行梳理的基础上,对度假区的孤岛效应研究进行了回顾和综合分析,总结出度假区飞地带来的五大负面影响效应,即正规旅游企业对旅游摊点的排挤、经济漏损、当地社区居民与游客沟通联系受限、当地社区居民就业机会少和就业层次低、外来资本取代社区对旅游发展的控制权,得出纵向时序与比较分析法是研究旅游度假区孤岛效应的主要方法。
6)hot-spring resort温泉度假地
1.Since the hot-spring itself is the main part of the hot-spring resort product, its design is the key to the development of such resorts.温泉产品作为温泉度假地产品的主要构成部分,其设计的好坏决定了度假地发展的成败。
