1.Excavated Stone Artifacts in Chungdong Prehistoric Site in Puding County,Guizhou Province贵州普定穿洞史前遗址试掘中的石制品

1.Body piercing refers to the piercing of the human body for the purpose of wearing jewellery.身体穿洞是指为了佩戴珠饰而在人体上穿洞
2.the act of puncturing or perforating.一种穿洞或者打孔的行为。
3.He gave me some sheets of paper to prick holes.他给我几张纸在上面穿洞
4.and knocked a hole in the eaves ...把屋檐打穿了一个洞……
5.Mice gnawed a hole through the panel.老鼠把镶板咬穿一个洞。
6.The chickens often found holes in it and went through.小鸡们常找着洞,穿过去。
7.The socks were worn through in places.袜子有好些地方穿了洞。
8.poke-through construction公用事业穿墙洞结构
9.Fermions tunneling of the Vaidya-Bonner black holeVaidya-Bonner黑洞的费米子隧穿
10.To dig a hole or tunnel in or through.挖洞,挖隧道在…中或穿过…挖洞或挖隧道
11.To make a hole in or through something with or as if with a drill.钻孔,打洞用或似用钻打洞或穿孔
12.Discussions on Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) passing through the Xiganchi Tunnel西甘池隧洞洞穿PCCP管设计思路探讨
13.pierced ears; a perforated eardrum; a punctured balloon.穿了洞的耳朵;被刺穿了的耳膜;被刺穿了的气球。
14.a hole through which an animal may bolt when pursued into its burrow or den.动物被追赶时穿过并进入它的洞穴或兽穴的洞。
15.Clinical Application of Perforator Flaps for the Reconstruction of Perforating Defects in the Head and Neck穿支皮瓣移植修复头颈肿瘤术后洞穿性缺损
16.He put his hand through the hole in the wall他将手从墙上的一个洞中穿过去。
17.fire rated penetration防火洞孔防火构件上用来穿过管子
18.Next, you make a hole for your finger.接着,在卡片上为手指穿个洞。

Perforated cheek颊部洞穿
3)Yellow River crossing tunnel穿黄隧洞
1.Starting up Construction Technology with Shield Machine in the Yellow River Crossing Tunnel of the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Diversion;南水北调中线穿黄隧洞盾构始发技术
2.Yellow River Crossing Tunnel is one of the key restraints toSouth to North Water Diversion Project East route , which is located in Dongpingand Dong’e counties, Shandong province,about 70m beneath the Yellow Riverbed and crossing 12 faults.为此提出南水北调的设想,其中穿黄隧洞一直是制约南水北调东线的关键因素之一。
4)Chuandong in Puding county普定穿洞
5)NAT through holeNAT穿洞
1.For this reason,the construction unit adopted the tunnel construction techniques of shallow-buried undermining method and tunnel-through-pipe construction.南水北调中线北京段PCCP管道工程第三标段穿过顾八路和大件路的浅埋暗挖隧洞施工条件十分复杂,地质条件上围岩极不稳定,针对此情况,施工单位采取了浅埋暗挖隧洞施工技术,洞穿管施工技术,严格安全管理及质量控制,最终工程圆满完工,为其他类似工程提供了经验。
