1.Study on the Development of Village Traveling that Depending on Danxia Landform Scenic Areas in Zixin资新盆地丹霞地貌景区依托型乡村旅游开发探索

1.Who will fund the new welfare program?谁将投资新福利事业。
2.Trust Fund for Jointly-financed Information Projects合资新闻项目信托基金
3.investment in new capital equipment对新资本设备的投资
4.press library [Information Services Department]新闻资料室〔政府新闻处〕
5.expenditure on new plant and equipment新厂房和新设备投资额
6.Industry Investment Fund - New Channel for investing and Financing;产业投资基金—投资与融资的新渠道
7.HR s New ROI:Return on Intangibles Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood;人力资源新投资回报点——无形资产的投资回报
8.seeding grant [Council for the Performing Arts]新苗资助〔演艺发展局〕
9.revalued resource base重新估价的资源基数
10.revaluated resource base从新估价的资源基数
11.redeploy the company's resources.重新调配公司的资源
12.redeployment of unused resources重新部署未利用的资源
13.renewal and reform of fixed asset固定资产的更新改造
14.New investor compensation scheme新的投资者赔偿机制。
15.actual increase in fixed assets by capital construction基本建设新增固定资产
16.He pumped funds into the new project.他向新工程注入资金。
17.Give me the gen on this new project.把这新项目的资料给我.
18.I want to get some new information.我需要一些新的资料。

New resource新资源
1.Of the above,59 species,3 varitas and 2 forms are new resources of the Guizhou medicinal Pteridophytes and 1 species is medicinal Pteridophytes peculiar to Guizhou.结果发现贵州现有蕨类药用植物352种11变种3变型,其中59种3变种2变型为贵州蕨类药用植物新资源,1种为贵州蕨类特有药用植物,23种分布区域狭窄、种群数量稀少,《贵州中药资源》中记载的11种蕨类药用植物为误载,贵州不产。
2.The spirit of the 16th conference of CPC gives us new task,new resource and new driving force.十六大精神给高校“两课”教学提出了新任务 ,提供了新资源和新动力 ,对增强“两课”教学的鲜活性、针对性、时效性 ,开创“两课”教学改革、发展的新局面有重要意义。
3)new data新资料
4)investment innovation投资创新
1.Sustainable development strategy needs investment innovation and new national investment tactics.可持续发展战略逼迫投资创新 ,呼唤着新的国家投资策略。
5)new type resource新型资源
6)innovation resources创新资源
1.Research on the Allocation of Innovation Resources in the Regional Innovation System;区域创新系统内创新资源配置研究
2.Research on the Allocation of Innovation Resources for Old Industrial Base in Northeast China;东北老工业基地创新资源配置研究
3.Study on Allocation of Regional Innovation Resources in Zhejiang Province;浙江省区域创新资源配置的研究

蒙新干旱地区农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)蒙新干旱地区农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)  誉蒸攀耀膝斩罗黔阳哑