统计调查方法,statistical investigation method
1)statistical investigation method统计调查方法

1.The Role and Function of Modified Strata Sampling in the Working Statistical Investigation System;划类选点抽样调查方法在现阶段统计调查方法中的地位和作用
2.Statistical survey for economic and financial index of road transportation industry;道路运输业经济财务指标统计调查方法
3.On my Reflections On The Problems and Solutions of The Current Statistics And Research Methods;试论现行统计调查方法存在的问题与改革路径
4.Investigation and Statistical Method for Regional Freight Transport in Middle Cities;中小城市属地道路货物运输统计调查方法
5.The Review and Prospect of the Systematical Reform of Statistical Survey Methodology of China;对我国统计调查方法体系改革的回顾与展望
6.The Method of Survey and Satistics of Transportation Burden by Highway Traffic;区域公路运输量调查与统计方法研究
7.The Practice and Exploration into the Investigation and Statistical Methods concerning Special-Purpose Land专项用地调查统计方法的实践与探索
8.Study of Sampling Method on Labor Statistics and Service Industry Statistics;劳动统计与服务业统计抽样调查方法的研究
9.③ "Extensive Investigation" is to adopt irregular check and spotcheck methods of statistics;三是统计非定期调查和统计抽样调查方法越来越重要,应树立“大调查”观念;
10.Development of Statistical Concepts and Methods on Disability for Household Surveys为户口调查发展有关残疾人的统计概念和方法
11.The Research of the Non-state Economy Statistics Target System and the Investigation Method;非国有经济统计指标体系与调查方法研究
12.Statistical analysis method in the survey of physical social science;体育社会科学调查问卷中的统计分析方法
13.On Methods of Educational Survey and Statistic under the IT Environment;信息技术环境下教育调查和统计方法探讨
14.Appropriate Application of Statistic Methods on Symptom Checklist-90 in Investigation and Study;症状自评量表调查研究中统计方法的正确应用
15.A Survey of the Use of Statistical Methods in TCSL Research;对外汉语教学研究中统计方法运用状况调查
16.The Application of Sampling Method in the Statistics of Various Economic Compositions;抽样调查方法在多种经济成分统计中的应用
17.Ethic Problems and their Treatment Arising from Survey Statistic Process;调查统计中发生的伦理问题及处理方法
18.Research Methodology of Online Shopping Market Survey and Analysis网络购物市场统计调查与分析的方法研究

traditional statistical investigation method传统统计调查方法
3)method of statistical investigation统计调查法
4)traditional investigation传统调查方法
1.Synthetic application of network and traditional investigations;论网络调查与传统调查方法的综合应用
5)statistical survey统计调查
1.The discuss about the reform of statistical surveys method;关于统计调查方法改革的探讨
2.According to the statistical survey data,using the test of goodness of fit to analysis if there is different between realistic observe numbers and theoretical numbers,so as to know the distribution of Statistical survey data.拟合度检验是检验的一种方法,主要用于实际观察数与某理论次数之间是否存在差别的分析研究,以便了解和掌握统计调查资料的分布状况。
3.The statistical survey of specialized land is an important part of the Second Investigation of Land-use Change.专项用地统计调查是第二次土地调查的重要组成部分,然而,专项用地和《土地利用现状分类》中的地类并不是一一对应的,也不是简单的包含关系,各专项用地内容之间也有重复和交叉。
6)investigation and statistics调查统计
1.On the basis of analyzing the surface features and reasons of the inner consumption of enterprises human resourses, by paper investigation and statistics, this paper concludes that the key influential facts of it are enterprise s managerial level, clear responsibility and interior atmosphere.本文在分析企业人力资源内耗的表征、原因基础上,通过问卷调查统计分析,得出人力资源内耗的关键影响因素是企业管理水平、明确的职责、内部风气等。

保险统计调查保险统计调查  [保险统计调查】根据保险统计设计确定的目的、任务和要求,运用科学的调查方法,有计划、有组织地搜集保险统计资料的工作过程,它是整个统计工作的基础,直接影响着统计工作质量的优劣。统计调查的步骤主要有:确定调查对象和调查单位;明确保险统计资料来源;确定保险统计调查方式,大致包括:专门调查、普查、重点调查、典型调查;确定搜集资料的方法;直接观察法、采访法和通讯法。