密度经济,economies of density
1)economies of density密度经济
2)economic density经济密度

1.Spatial Difference Analysis of the Economic Density of Construction Land at County Level in China;中国区县单元城乡建设用地经济密度的空间分异研究
2.Choosing Cross-Section of Cable According to Economic Current Density and Economic Cross-Section基于经济电流密度和经济截面的电缆截面设计
3.The Density of Population and the Formation of Chinese Feudal Small-scale Peasant Economy;人口密度与中国封建小农经济的生成
4.Principles and Methods for Calculation of Economic Current Density in Favor of Aluminum Bar Design确定铝母线经济电流密度的原则及方法
5.A study on the correlation of scientific and technological human resources with the development of regional economy;科技人力资源密度与区域经济发展的关系研究
6.Culture, Economy, and Society: A Multidimensional Perspective of the Underworld in China;文化、经济与社会:多维度下的中国秘密社会
7.A Rational Approach to Urban Density Zoning: the Case of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone;城市密度分区研究——以深圳经济特区为例
8.Effect of Cultivation Density on Main Traits and Economic Benefit of Super-sweet Corn Mintian 208“闽甜208”栽培密度对主要性状及经济效益的影响
9.Update and analysis of economic current density for medium and low voltage copper cables中低压铜芯电缆经济电流密度的更新与分析
10.The Myth of Unlimited Economic Growth经济无限增长的秘密
11.ANZCERTA: Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement澳新紧密经济关系协定
12.economic system经济体制,经济制度
13.Studies on Growth Analysis and Economic Benefits Evaluation of South-type Poplar Stands in Different Densities in Hubei Province;湖北省不同密度南方型杨树林分的生长分析与经济效益评价
14.Research on spatial structure of urban economic development based on urban density zoning--taking the new town in Lijiang east of Guilin for example;基于密度分区的城市经济发展空间布局研究——以桂林漓东新城为例
15.The Judging Standard of Chinese Small-scale Peasant Economy--Comment on Philip Huang s “Involutionary Theory;中国小农经济的评判尺度——评黄宗智的“过密化”理论
16.On Research of the Influence of Cathode Current Density to Technical Economy of Molten-electrolysis;阴极电流密度对熔盐电解技术经济指标影响的研究
17.Effect of Planting Density and Nitrogen Application Rate on Economic Characters and Yield of Corn in Hilly Area栽培密度和施氮量对丘陵区杂交玉米经济性状与产量的影响
18.Effects of Application Amounts of Nitrogen,Phosphate and Potassium and Planting Density on the Yield and Economic Benefits of Rape氮磷钾配比及密度对油菜产量和经济效益的影响

economic density经济密度
3)economy density经济密集度
1.location factors)on the impact of location values,we selected two sets of quantitative indicators which are population and economy density to reflect the location value.运用区位论、级差地租论等一系列的相关理论,在分析区位价值的影响因素(即区位因素)对区位价值影响程度的基础上,选取人口密度和经济密集度2个数量指标来反映区位价值的大小,并进一步提出了区位价值系数的计算思路和方法,通过相关数据的统计计算,确定了北京地区各区县的区位价值系数。
4)high-density economy and society高密度经济
5)economic current density经济电流密度
1.Update and analysis of economic current density for medium and low voltage copper cables中低压铜芯电缆经济电流密度的更新与分析
2.This paper expounds the composition and calculation of life cycle cost of cable project construction and operation,analyzes the economic operation of cables,and researches into the influence of cable cross-sectional area on annual cost and the effect of the maximum load utilizing time and power rate on economic current density.阐述了电缆线路工程建设、运行的全寿命周期总费用的构成及其计算方法,并对电缆的经济运行进行了比较和分析,讨论了电缆横截面积对年均总费用的影响,以及最大负荷利用时间和电价对经济电流密度的影响。
6)land economic density土地经济密度
1.Based on the province-panel data about land economic density from 1998 to 2005 in china,this thesis investigated the relationship between land economic density and other factors such as the population,traffic location,the structure of secondary and tertiary industry,level of urbanization,index of marketization and progress of technology.基于1998-2005年间27个省区和4个直辖市的土地经济密度数据,从宏观的角度探讨了与人口、交通区位、二三产业结构比例、城市化水平、市场化程度和科技进步等因素之间的潜在关系,并选择了天津市、辽宁省、江苏省、上海市、浙江省、福建省6个典型地区,试探性地应用库兹涅茨曲线模拟了土地经济密度的变化率与经济增长之间的内在规律。
2.This essay investigated the regional disparity and dynamic evolution patterns of land economic density of the Yangtze River Delta from 1995 to 2007,by using methods including Theil index and spatial autocorrelation.基于长江三角洲地区25个城市的土地经济密度数据,利用泰尔指数、空间自相关等方法对1995—2007年长江三角洲地区土地经济密度的区域差异特征及动态演化格局进行了初步探索。

导线经济电流密度导线经济电流密度economical current density of line conductor  doox旧nJ}ngJ一d一onl!um一du导线经济电流密度density of line eonduetor)面选择。(eeonomical eurrent 见抢电线路导线截