运输业增加值,transportation added value
1)transportation added value运输业增加值
1.The result shows that the transportation added value rises from 306 million yuan to 424 million yuan,the proportion of transportation economy to GDP increases from 3.计算结果表明:该省运输业增加值由3。

1.The Study on an Accounting Approach of Road Transportation Valu-added and the Benefit of Economic and Socity;公路运输业增加值核算方法及社会经济效益研究
2.In 2001, the added value of the transportation sector was 7.88 billion yuan, up by 9.2 percent over the previous year.全年交通运输业实现增加值78.8亿元,比上年增长9.2%。
3.The value-added of these sectors in 1998 was 502.9 billion Yuan, an increase of 8 percent over the previous year.全年交通运输和邮电通信业增加值为5029亿元,比上年增长8%。
4.Studying the Value Preservation & Increment of State Owned Property in Railway Transport Enterprises;铁路运输企业国有资产的保值增值探讨
5.Use of Economic Value Added Value Management System to Evaluate Forest Enterprise Economy;经济增加值价值管理体系在林业企业的运用
6.On Economic Value Added Operation in Commercial Bank;商业银行运用经济增加值的难点分析
7.How to Define EVA P/E Rate and Apply It to the ListedCompany of Storage and Transportation;“经济增加值”市盈率界定及其在仓储运输上市公司中的应用
8.Transportation: The comprehensive capacity of transportation was further reinforced.交通运输业:综合运输能力进一步增强。
9.Economic Value Added and Its Enterprise Encouragement Mechanism;经济增加值及其在企业激励机制中的运用
10.Optimization of flight timetable is necessary to suit the large increasein air transportation and air traffic flow in China.航空运输业的发展和飞机流量的增加,迫切需要优化航班时刻表。
11.The number of air transportation companies with foreign capital will be further increased;进一步增加航空运输业吸收外商投资的公司数量;
12.Total industrial output value increased by8.7per cent.工业总产值增加了8。7%。
13.the agricultural added value increased by 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3 percent;农业增加值增长3.5倍,年平均增长3.3%。
14.their industrial added value grew by 99.3 percent, with an average annual growth rate of 12.2 percent;工业增加值增长99.3%,年均增长12.2%;
15.The value-added of the secondary industry was 3,915.0 billion Yuan, up by 9.2 percent, and that of the tertiary industry was 2,610.4 billion Yuan, up by 7.6 percent.第二产业增加值39150亿元,增长9.2%;第三产业增加值26104亿元,增长7.6%。
16.The value-added of the tertiary industry was 3,453.3 billion yuan, up by 7.3 percent.第三产业增加值34533亿元,增长7.3%。
17.The value-added of the secondary industry was 5,298.2 billion yuan, up by 9.9 percent.第二产业增加值52982亿元,增长9.9%;
18.The value-added of the primary industry was 1,488.3 billion yuan, up by 2.9 percent.其中,第一产业增加值14883亿元,增长2.9%;

increasing value of transportation industry交通运输业增加值
3)agricultural GDP农业增加值
1.Through the measurement analysis between the relatedness of agricultural capital construction investment fluctuation and the agricultural GDP undulation of Anhui Province, it indicates that the agricultural capital construction investment fluctuation has negative effect on agricultural production.通过对安徽省农业基本建设投资的波动及其与农业增加值波动的关联性进行计量分析,结果表明农业基本建设投资的波动对农业生产具有不利影响。
4)Industrial Added Value工业增加值
1.Influence of Value Chain Specialization on Industrial Added Value of China——Based on the Panel Data Analysis of 1998-2005;价值链分工对我国制造业工业增加值的影响——基于1998~2005年Panel Data的分析
2.Question and countermeasure existing in the calculation of industrial added value of small and medium-sized enterprises;中小企业工业增加值计算中存在的问题与对策
3.The carriage of goods by road price and highway freight traffic are choosen to be the indicators of carriage of goods by road industry,the food retail prices, retail prices of daily necessities, fuel retail prices, total retail sales of social consumption and industrial added value are choosen to be the indicators of national economy.其中,公路货物运输指标主要选取了公路货物运输价格和公路货运量,国民经济指标主要选取了食品零售价格,日用品零售价格,燃料零售价格,社会消费零售总额,工业增加值。
5)Forestry Value-added林业增加值
1.A Study on the Statistical Methods of Forestry Value-added;林业增加值核算方法研究
6)industrial value added工业增加值
1.Applying relevant state statistical reaulations, the article dwells upon the business accounting methods of industrial value added and the issues which should be emphasized.该文运用国家统计有关规定,详细地论述了工业增加值核算方法及运算中应注意的问题;并探讨了工业企业如何遵循统计核算制度,提出了进一步改革和完善计算企业工业增加值的计算方法。
