综合交通可达性,integrated transportation accessibility
1)integrated transportation accessibility综合交通可达性
1.In macroscopic,regional comprehensive transportation cost is relative to regional integrated transportation accessibility and the scale of passenger and freight.在宏观尺度上,区域综合运输成本是区域综合交通可达性和客货运规模的函数。
2)Transportation accessibility交通可达性
1.Transportation accessibility is one of the most important filed in the Urban Plan research .交通可达性即交通的便捷程度,它是来源于人文地理学的一个基本概念,也是城市规划等学科重点关注问题之一。
2.Transportation accessibility is important to a city’s economics, commercial, and cultural activities distribution.城市用地布局规划可同期开展交通规划,通过分析影响交通可达性的因子及其权重,对地块交通进行优化,以可达性强弱及其服务特点,布置不同类型的用地,使土地利用的性质和开发强度与交通承载力、可达性相适应,实现土地利用与交通最优化配置。

1.Models and application of transport accessibility in urban transport planning城市交通规划中交通可达性模型及其应用
2.Research of Urban Traffic Accessibility Based on Travel Mode;基于出行方式的城市交通可达性研究
3.Location Advantage and Accessibility Evaluation on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area;京津冀都市圈城市区位与交通可达性评价
4.The Effect of Transport Accessibility on Regional Economic Performance;新疆交通可达性对区域经济的影响分析
5.Algorithm Implementation of Public Transportation Accessibility Analysis with the Spatial Information Digitizing空间信息数位化下城市公共交通可达性分析与实现
6.Analysis on traffic accessibility of urban human settlements based on high resolution remote sensing images--A case study in Xiamen city基于高分辨率遥感影像的城市小区交通可达性评价——以厦门市为例
7.Technique of City Transportation Accessibility Analysis under Multi Travel Aims Based on GIS;基于地理信息系统(GIS)的多种出行目的的城市交通可达性分析评价方法与技术
8.Land Use Plan and Layout Based on Transportation Accessibility: A Case Study of Guangzhou Asian Olympics Village Plan基于交通可达性的城市土地利用布局探讨——以《广州亚运村规划设计》为例
9.Research on Accessibility of County Transportation Network Based on GIS基于GIS的县域交通网络可达性探讨
10.Dynamic user optimum traffic assignment model based on accessibility基于可达性的用户最优动态交通配流模型研究
11.Application of Accessibility in Urban Agglomerations Traffic Planning可达性在城市群交通规划中的应用研究
12.Accessibility,Joviality,Sustainability-On the Value Orientation for De-sign of Road Traffic Environment可达性·愉悦性·可持续性——论城市道路交通环境设计的社会学价值
13.It suggests the metropolitan transportation planning and management to combine organically the mobility and accessibility.提出大城市的交通规划和管理应把机动性和可达性有机结合起来。
14.District Accessibility Influence of Transportation Network Construction in Yunnan Main Functional Areas;云南省主体功能区综合交通运输网络建设对区域可达性影响
15.We should arrive in half an hour, barring hold-ups.若无交通阻塞, 我们半小时後可到达.
16.We should arrive in half an hour , barring hold-ups .若无交通阻塞,我们半小时后可到达。
17.Bus-stop spacing optimization based on bus accessibility基于公交可达性的公交站距优化方法
18.Comparative Research on Transportation Accessibility of Six Provincial Capitals in Central China;我国中部六省省会城市交通通达性比较研究

Transportation accessibility交通可达性
1.Transportation accessibility is one of the most important filed in the Urban Plan research .交通可达性即交通的便捷程度,它是来源于人文地理学的一个基本概念,也是城市规划等学科重点关注问题之一。
2.Transportation accessibility is important to a city’s economics, commercial, and cultural activities distribution.城市用地布局规划可同期开展交通规划,通过分析影响交通可达性的因子及其权重,对地块交通进行优化,以可达性强弱及其服务特点,布置不同类型的用地,使土地利用的性质和开发强度与交通承载力、可达性相适应,实现土地利用与交通最优化配置。
3)traffic accessibility交通可达性
1.Analysis on traffic accessibility of urban human settlements based on high resolution remote sensing images——A case study in Xiamen city基于高分辨率遥感影像的城市小区交通可达性评价——以厦门市为例
2.The paper quota the location potential energy,choose the location aggregation and traffic accessibility as the key factor that impact the construction quota,analysis the influence of the distance impedance function,road service level and grade to the traffic accessibility,and establish models to describe the relationship between the internal factors and the lactation factor.引用区位势概念,选择区位集聚和交通可达性两个区位因素作为影响建筑物配建指标的关键因素,重点分析距离阻抗、道路服务水平和道路等级对交通可达性的影响,并建立内部因子和区位因素的关系模型。
3.The paper introduced the concept of location potential energy,chose the location aggregation and traffic accessibility as the key factors affecting the construction index,analyzed the effects of distance impedance function,road service level and grade on traffic accessibility,and established models to describe the relationship between the internal factors and the location conditions.区位条件主要有经济条件、交通条件和地理条件,文中引用区位势这个概念,选择区位集聚和交通可达性2个区位因素作为影响配建指标的关键因素,重点分析距离阻抗、道路服务水平和道路等级对交通可达性的影响,并建立起其中内部因子和区位条件的关系模型。
4)integrated accessibility综合通达性
5)accessibility[英][?k,sesi'biliti][美][?k,s?s?'b?l?t?](交通的) 可达性
6)attainability of traffic交通可达

先天性交通性鞘膜积液先天性交通性鞘膜积液congenital communication hydrocele 睾丸下降到阴囊后,腹膜鞘突在出生后仍未闭合,腹腔内液体与鞘膜囊内液体交通。主要症状是婴儿阴囊肿大,鞘膜囊透光试验阳性。生后6个月内尚不闭合消失,则应手术治疗。作鞘膜突近端高位结扎术、远端鞘突开窗术,效果满意。睾丸肿瘤有时误诊为鞘膜积液,但肿瘤透光试验阴性、触诊为非囊性而有沉重实质感。血清内HCG、AFP值升高有助诊断。