科技进步,scientific and technological progress
1)scientific and technological progress科技进步
1.Analytic demonstration of the contribution of scientific and technological progress to employment;科技进步对就业增长贡献的实证分析
2.Analysis of the relationship between scientific and technological progress and insurance development;科技进步与保险发展关系探析
3.Cotton Scientific and Technological Progress in Cotton and Cottonseed Industrialization;棉花科技进步与种子产业化若干问题研究

1.2. Advancing the Development of New Technologies(二)加快推进科技进步,以科技助奥运
2.Learning of Modern Science and Technological Knowledge Promoting Science and Technology Progress of Enterprise;学习现代科技知识 促进企业科技进步
3.-- There is scope for scientific and technological improvement.--依靠科技进步有潜力。
4.Expediting scientific and technological progress and innovation.推动科技进步和创新。
5.The Principle of Scientific and Technological Progress and Contribution Rate of Agricultural Science and Technology Progress科技进步的原理与农业科技进步贡献率
6.Persist in the Scientific Development View,Pushing Forward the Science and Technology Development of Electric Design;落实科学发展观,促进电力科技进步
7.Accelerating the Progress of Agricultural Science and Technology Through Harmonizing Its Supply and Demand;协调农业科技供求 加速农业科技进步
8.Traditional Chinese scientific thinking and technology development in the 21st century;中国传统科技思维与21世纪科技进步
10.Constructing the Key Aeronautic Scientific & Technologic Laboratories To Promote the Progress of Aeronautic Science & Technology建设航空科技重点实验室 促进航空科技进步
11.Strengthen Statistical Analyses of the Achievements in Scientific Researches and Promote Scientific and Technological Progress in Land and Resources;加强科技成果统计分析 促进国土资源科技进步
12.Promoting scientific and technological progress and intensifying the training of talented people;九、推进科技进步和加强人才培养;
13.4. Promoting Scientific and Technological Progress and Socioeconomic Development4、促进科技进步、经济和社会发展。
14.Accelerating R and D to Promote Development of Motorcycle Industry加速科技进步,促进摩托车工业发展
15.Enhancing Protection of Intellectual Property and Promoting Enterprise Science and Technology;加强知识产权保护 促进企业科技进步
16.A Trial Analysis of how Science and Technology is Promoted by Modern Higher Education in India;试析印度现代高等教育促进科技进步
17.Discussion on the Countermeasures of Promoting China s Technology Advancement and Innovation;促进我国科技进步与创新的对策研究
18.Depending on the progress of science and technology, promoting the development of Chinese-style cigarettes;依靠科技进步 促进中式卷烟发展

science and technology progress科技进步
1.Comprehensive evaluation of science and technology progress of counties and districts in Liaoning Province;辽宁省县区科技进步综合评价研究
2.An amendment on the statistical monitor index system and the evaluation method forscience and technology progress of Jiangsu province;江苏省科技进步监测指标体系与评价方法的修订
3.Research on Supply Chain Management Based on Science and Technology Progress;基于科技进步的供应链管理研究
3)progress of science and technology科技进步
1.Improving the agricultural intensive operation by the progress of science and technology;依靠科技进步 促进农业集约化经营
2.The work on the progress of science and technology of Jiangxi metallurgical industry in “9th five year” term has been reviewed.对“九五”期间江西冶金科技进步工作作了简要回顾 ,并对江西冶金“十五”科技进步工作的方针和重点 ,提出了建
3.This article analyzes in detail the situation about use of energy in Jilin province,and interprets practical measures and important meaning on continuous development of Jilin province energy that rely on progress of science and technology.通过阐述我国能源的储备及能源年产量的状况,比较和分析了吉林省能源利用现状,论证了依靠科技进步,促进吉林省能源可持续发展的具体措施及重要意义。
4)technological progress科技进步
1.Important role of technological progress in reducing operational cost of mine;科技进步在降低矿山企业生产成本中的重要作用
2.Contemplation of advancing the technological progress of constructional enterprises in Fujian;提升福建省建筑业企业科技进步水平若干思考
3.Focusing on roles of governments in agricultural industrial structure adjustment through technological progress;农业科技进步推进农业产业结构调整中的政府作用探讨
5)scientific and technical progress科技进步
1.Rely on scientific and technical progress and low cost strategy to realize sustainable development of mining industry;依靠科技进步实施低成本战略 实现本钢矿山可持续发展
2.On Measurement the Scientific and Technical Progress in Communication;科技进步在交通运输中作用的定量测度方法研究
3.In this paper,Auther have briefly reviewed the course of the scientific and technical progress of the Jiangxi iron and steel industry and the historical contributions of Jiangxi scientific technicians.简要回顾了江西钢铁工业科技进步的历程和科技工作者的历史贡献,指出了当前江西省钢铁领域科技进步工作中值得重视的几个制约因素,在分析科技发展现状与趋势的基础上,提出了江西省钢铁领域中长期科技进步工作的战略目标、重点任务及其保障措施。
6)the development of science and technology科技进步
1.The contribution of the development of science and technology to the economic growth of Jiangxi hydraulic project科技进步对江西水利工程经济效益增长的贡献
2.The main trend of the historical development is that market economy guides the development of science and technology as well as depends on them.市场经济牵引科技进步,又依靠科技进步,是历史发展的主流。
