报酬递增,Increasing Returns
1)Increasing Returns报酬递增
1.Increasing Returns and Market Structure in New Trade Theory;新贸易理论中的报酬递增与市场结构
2.The instructional function of increasing returns in marketing;报酬递增律在市场营销中的指导作用
3.Increasing Returns, Dynamics Comparative Advantage and Intra-industry Trade;报酬递增、动态比较优势与产业内贸易

1.Increasing Returns, Dynamics Comparative Advantage and Intra-industry Trade报酬递增、动态比较优势与产业内贸易
2.Increasing Returns and Puzzle of Agricultural Growth Surplus in China;中国农业:报酬递增与“剩余之谜”
3.Increasing Returns:Analysis on the Conversion from the Particularity to the Universality;报酬递增:特殊性向普遍性转化的分析
4.Increasing Returns and Market Structure in New Trade Theory;新贸易理论中的报酬递增与市场结构
5.The instructional function of increasing returns in marketing;报酬递增律在市场营销中的指导作用
6.Revelation from "Increasing Returns" of Complexity Science来自复杂性科学“报酬递增率”的启示
7.Increasing Returns to Scale, the Framework of Endogenous Growth and the "New" Development of the Trade Theory;规模报酬递增,内生增长框架和贸易理论新发展
8.A Research of Progressive Reward Increase,Path Dependence and Endogenous Regional Growth Diffevence;报酬递增、路径依赖和内生区域增长差异研究
9.The Growth Model with Increasing Return to Scale;规模报酬递增的增长模型——李约瑟之谜解释
10.The Question of Progressive Increase of Payment and Its Essence Viewed from the Development of Economic Growth Theory;从经济增长理论的演变看报酬递增问题
11.Analysis of the structure,the characteristics and the domino effect of reward progressive increase in the knowledge-intensive enterprise;知识型企业结构、特征及报酬递增效应分析
12.The Increasing Returns Characteristic of Knowledge Economy and Its Impact on Economic and Management Theories and Practices;论知识经济的报酬递增特点及其经济管理意义
13.Increasing Return of Factors and Their Effects on System Evolving in Economic Growth;经济增长中的要素报酬递增及其对系统演化的作用
14.Now consider the internal IRS using the monopolistic competition setup for firms.现在考虑内部规模报酬递增,市场结构为垄断竞争。
15.Market Expanding,Financial Externalities,and Regional Division;市场拓展、报酬递增与区域分工——以“义乌商圈”为例的分析
16.The Status of Increasing Return to Scale in International Trade Theory and Policy Selection in China;规模报酬递增在国际贸易理论中的地位与我国的政策选择
17.The Nature and Causes of the Technological Progress:A Research Based on the Labor Division and Increasing Returns;技术进步的原因和性质——基于分工和报酬递增的研究
18.Attribute of Increasing Returns in Network-Infrastructure Industry;网络型基础产业的边际报酬递增特性与互联互通——以电信业为例

increasing return报酬递增
1.The industrial clusters which have the characteristics of spatial increasing returns should be brought into the analytic frame of complexity.将具有空间报酬递增属性的产业集群现象纳入复杂性分析框架之内,发现包含集群的产业经济系统的空间网络拓扑结构具有动态无标度特性,产业族群通过具有增长性与择优连接性的空间行为形成分工性产业集群,而产业生态系统的进化是有效资源丰富性逐渐得到提高以及由此引致的分工逐渐深化的功能有序结构的形成过程。
3)reward increasing rate报酬递增率
4)increasing and decreasing return报酬递增和递减
5)increasing return to scale规模报酬递增
1.The Growth Model with Increasing Return to Scale;规模报酬递增的增长模型——李约瑟之谜解释
2.The theory of increasing return to scale can explain lots of new phenomena which can not be interpreted by conventional trade theory.规模报酬递增说解释了许多传统贸易理论所不能解释的新贸易现象,从五个方面对传统理论进行了修正和完善,在国际贸易理论中占有重要的地位。
6)increasing returns to scale规模报酬递增
1.Increasing Returns to Scale, the Framework of Endogenous Growth and the "New" Development of the Trade Theory;规模报酬递增,内生增长框架和贸易理论新发展

规模报酬递增规模经济是指企业的产量提高时,企业生产的平均成本下降,即规模经济或规模报酬递增是存在于企业内部的,因而又称为内部经济(Internal Economy)或内部规模经济(Internal Economy of Scale)。